The Mineral Resources of Texas

Book Description

The Mineral Resources of Texas

Book Description

Texas Rocks and Minerals

Book Description

Earth's outer crust Geologists Time and rock units Geologic map What are rocks and minerals? Chemical elements Minerals Rocks Igneous rocks Extrusive or volcanic igneous rocks Intrusive igneous rocks Sedimentary rocks Soils Sedimentary rock materials in broken fragments Sedimentary rock materials in solution Cementing materials and chemical sediments Sedimentary rocks formed by plants and animals Metamorphic rocks Static metamorphism Contact metamorphism Dynamic metamorphism Occurrence and properties of minerals How minerals occur Crystalline minerals Crystals Imperfect crystals Amorphous minerals Some distinguishing properties of minerals Color Luster Transmission of light Hardness Streak or powder Cleavage Parting Fracture Specific gravity Effervescence in acid Some special occurrences of minerals Cave deposits Concretions Geodes Petrified wood Collecting rocks and minerals Rock and mineral identification charts How to use the mineral identification charts Key to mineral identification charts Mineral identification charts How to use the rock identification charts Rock identification charts Descriptions of some Texas rocks and minerals Anhydrite Asbestos Barite Basalt Calcite Cassiterite Celestite Cinnabar Clay Copper minerals (chalcocite, chalcopyrite, malachite, azurite) Dolomite Feldspar Fluorite Galena Garnet Gneiss Gold Granite Graphite Gypsum Halite Hematite Limestone Limonite Llanite Magnetite Manganese minerals (braunite, hollandite, pyrolusite) Marble Mica Obsidian and vitrophyre Opal Pegmatite Pyrite Quartz Quartzite Rhyolite Sand and sandstone Schist Serpentine Shale Silver minerals (argentite, cerargyrite, native silver) Sulfur Talc and soapstone Topaz Tourmaline Uranium minerals (carnotite, uranophane, pitchblende) Volcanic ash (pumicite) Composition, hardness, and specific gravity of some Texas minerals Books about rocks and minerals Nontechnical books for beginners Textbooks and other reference books Selected references on Texas rocks and minerals

Texas Through Time

Book Description

Mineral Resources, Economics and the Environment

Book Description

Written for students and professionals, this revised textbook surveys the mineral industry from geological, environmental and economic perspectives. Thoroughly updated, the text includes a new chapter on technology industry metals as well as separate chapters on mineral economics and environmental geochemistry. Carefully designed figures simplify difficult concepts and show the location of important deposits and trade patterns, emphasising the true global nature of mineral resources. Featuring boxes highlighting special interest topics, the text equips students with the skills they need to contribute to the energy and mineral questions currently facing society, including issues regarding oil pipelines, nuclear power plants, water availability and new mining locations. Technical terms are highlighted when first used, and references are included to allow students to delve more deeply into areas of interest. Multiple choice and short answer questions are provided for instructors online at to complete the teaching package.

Natural Resources Code

Book Description