Catalogue ... 1882

Book Description

Aufsätze und kleine Schriften 1941–1945

Book Description

Aufsätze und Abhandlungen Logos, Dike, Kosmos in der Entwicklung der griechischen Philosophie · Thorild und Herder · Galileo: a New Science and a New Spirit · Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. A Study in the History of Renaissance Ideas · The Influence of Language upon the Development of Scientific Thought · Newton and Leibniz · Hermann Cohen, 1842-1918 · Some Remarks on the Question of the Originality of the Renaissance · The Place of Vesalius in the Culture of the Renaissance · Judaism and the Modern Political Myths · The Concept of Group and the Theory of Perception · Galileo's Platonism · The Myth of the State · Thomas Manns Goethe-Bild. Eine Studie über "Lotte in Weimar" · Structuralism in Modern Linguistics · Albert Schweitzer as Critic of Nineteenth-Century Ethics Zur logik der Kulturwissenschaften. Fünf Studien Der Gegenstand der Kulturwissenschaft · Dingwahrnehmung und Ausdruckswahrnehmung · Naturbegriffe und Kulturbegriffe · Formproblem und Kausalproblem · Die "Tragödie der Kultur" Rousseau, Kant, Goethe. Two essays Kant and Rousseau · Goethe and the Kantian Philosophy Rezensionen und kleine Schriften Nachträge

Recent Contributions to Dilthey's Philosophy of the Human Sciences

Book Description

Die Geisteswissenschaften zu verstehen, was sie sind und was sie erreichen konnen, ist heute, hundert Jahre nach Diltheys Tod, eine genauso wichtige Aufgabe wie zu dessen Lebzeiten. Diltheys Argumente und seine Position einer umfassenden philosophischen Grundlegung der Geisteswissenschaften sind auch heute noch von Bedeutung. Seine Verteidigung der Autonomie der geistigen Welt angesichts der positivistischen Herrschaftsanspruche liefert wichtige Gesichtspunkte fur die Evaluierung geisteswissenschaftlicher Forschung. Zum 100. Todestag Diltheys zeigen zehn renommierte Forscher anhand zweier Themengebiete - 'Dilthey and Kant' sowie 'Dilthey and Hermeneutics' - auf, wie Dilthey fur heutige Fragestellungen fruchtbar gemacht werden kann. Die deutsch- und englischsprachigen Beitrage sollen insbesondere jenen Wissenschaftlern dienen, die sich der methodischen Erneuerung der intellectual history, der Philosophie- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte sowie der Begriffsgeschichte verpflichtet haben. - Mit Beitragen von Benjamin D. Crowe, Annette Hilt, Theodore Kisiel, Rudolf A. Makkreel, Massimo Mezzanzanica, Jared A. Millson, Eric Sean Nelson, Frithjof Rodi, Maja Soboleva und Denis Thouard.


Book Description

The content of the book reconsiders the relation between visibility and transcendence. The focus is especially on the contribution to this issue from the theological tradition in protestant Europe between the 16th and the 21st Centuries. In the book a thematically broad field is covered embracing more than five centuries and a plurality of methods drawn from theology, philosophy, and the history and theory of art.The book is divided into five sub-themes: In the first and more fundamental part, 'The phenomenology of in-visibility', questions underlying the other four themes are sought defined or narrowed down. Here the modes of appearing/revealing or hiding of phenomena are reflected. In the second section of the book dealing with 'Language as a mode of revealing and hiding' the specific role of verbal expressions understood in a very broad sense is at the core: What is the fundamental understanding and use of language, when speaking of the ineffable? The third section about 'Human existence between visibility and invisibility' focuses on theological anthropology: its features and norms. The ambiguity of anthropological categories such as faith, rationality, imagination, memory and emotion play a prominent role in this context.Thefourth section concerning 'The manifestation of a 'beyond' in the arts' investigates transcendence in the arts. What are the theological discourses behind the religious uses of the different artistic media (i.e. images, music, liturgical inventory, architecture)? Finally in the fifth section concerning 'Visible community and invisible transcendence' one finds contributions working with the idea of 'vicarious representation'.

Situations and atmospheres in organizations

Book Description

Although situations and atmospheres are omnipresent in organizations and have a significant influence on the behaviour of the members of the organization, they are only seldom regarded as relevant research subjects in management and organization research and systematically investigated. This book enters unknown territory in that it elevates situations and atmospheres to the most fundamental and everyday features of being-in-the-organization and investigates their development dynamics systematically. The new phenomenology of the German philosopher Hermann Schmitz, and critical supplements from his follower, Guido Rappe, serve as the theoretical foundation of the reflections. Human corporeality and subjectivity are at the centre of the reflections.