Book Description
King Henry VIII had a pet polar bear. Herodotus wrote the first history book. It stated that Europe was full of cyclops. Steve Jobs never wrote a single line of programming code in his life. Joseph Stalin wasn't Russian. Michael Jackson used to be a Jehovah's Witness. Gandhi spoke English with an Irish accent. Leonardo Da Vinci was the first person who could explain why the sky is blue. Beethoven could only drink coffee if it was made of exactly 60 beans. It was only discovered in 2012 that Vincent Van Gogh was color-blind. Saint Patrick's real name was Maewyn Succat. Isaac Newton believed Hercules was a real person. Adolf Hitler never visited a single concentration camp. Charles Darwin ate every animal that he discovered. Christopher Columbus believed the Earth was pear-shaped. Napoleon was attacked by a herd of rabbits so badly, he had to hide in his carriage. The first person online to publically declare Osama Bin Laden's death was Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.