101 Powerful Decrees and Prayers for Breakthrough

Book Description

This is a spectacular prayer book written to silence the wicked activities of dark powers assigned to lock doors of breakthrough against children of God. Enemies are reckless and wicked. They don’t back out or back down until they achieve their evil mission. They are so treacherous that one need to rise to the situation and fight back in prayer and praises. Prayers in this book are vomited by the Holy Spirit to choke and destroy wicked activities of Satan. You must not give enemies an inch or else they take a mile and create confusion and sorrow in your life. The agenda of the enemy is bad. They hate seeing you smile or happy. They want you to be in sorrow all the time. It is time you rise up, to reverse and nullify there wickedness. For this reason you must rise up in prayer and fight the battle. Spiritual breakthroughs aren’t achieved without prayer. Prayer is necessary to weaken our oppositions. Where the enemy fortifies his forces is where we must focus our assault. There will be a fierce fight if we are going to achieve a breakthrough. At the battle ground, expect spies in the camp, expect jeering and intimidations. With prayers and praises to the Lord Almighty and the heavenly decrees you pronounce, you shall win in the name of Jesus! This book focuses on Holy determination to breakthrough, whether you achieve it relatively quickly or otherwise. This book gives you spiritual clinical power to achieve the followings:- Doors of opportunities and breakthroughs shall open to accomplish your goal Weapons of warfare are readily available to rout out power of darkness Calamity and groans are gone forever The ways to tackle situations are given to accelerate breakthroughs of great value. Your business and career shall resurrect and experience boosts of breakthroughs. Every strongman and woman in charge of your case shall be silenced. Every witchcraft cage of failure and frustration assigned to bury your breakthrough shall break to pieces. The Lord shall take over the battle and silence the enemy. Every anti-breakthrough agenda shall expire. Every visible and invisible forces shall surrender. Above all no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper! Praise the Lord. You shall triumph. Amen.

Warfare In The Office

Book Description

Are you facing daily battles in your office? Are you tired of the challenges and ups and downs at work? "Warfare in the Office" is here to equip you with the tools you need to thrive in your professional life. In the corporate world, where laughter doesn't always signify love, you must know who you're dealing with, for, as the Bible says, the heart of men is desperately wicked. This book delves into the common workplace struggles, no matter how seemingly insignificant, that many professionals face on a daily basis. It acknowledges that the office isn't just a place of work; it's a corridor of power and the source of your livelihood. Career stability is paramount, and job restoration is a possibility even after setbacks. Key Features: *Career Stability: Learn how to achieve job security and stability in your career. *Job Restoration: Discover strategies for getting back on track after professional setbacks. *Creating Peace: Find peace amidst the chaos and competition in your office environment. *Immunity from Dark Powers: Arm yourself against negative forces and challenges that can arise at work. *Strategies for Success: Gain valuable insights and strategies for achieving your professional goals. *Dealing with Challenges: Explore solutions to address recurrent problems, threats, intimidation, and harassment in the office. *Hope and Prayer Points: Unlock the power of hope and find strength in the included explosive prayer points to conquer workplace difficulties. Don't let your office become a battlefield; make it your arena for success. You are not meant to be a casualty in the battle of life but a champion. With this book, your victory is sure. Let it teach your fingers to war and your hands to battle. The hope and prayer points contained in this book are invaluable weapons for breaking the backbone of tough times. Don't wait; obtain your copy now and equip yourself to excel in your career and find peace amidst the corporate chaos!

21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer

Book Description

Do you long to see God move in your life in miraculous, stunning ways? If so, pray through these 21 days of guided prayer points and see what He does! This book contains 21 days' worth of tools for targeted, Spirit-filled prayer. Each day, you will claim one of God's Bible promises in prayer, reminding Him of what He said in His Word that He will do for you! God is not a man, that He should lie. So, as you remind Him that He has promised to do ANYTHING for you when you ask in Jesus' name, you will see Him work on your behalf!

Pray Your Way to Breakthroughs

Book Description

Pray Your Way to Breakthroughs enhances the prayer life with sharper focus. It is designed to expose and cut at the root of spiritual problems in order to bring victory. Matthew 3:10 says, "And now also the axe is laid to the root of the trees: therefore every tree which brings not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire." Stubborn and recurring problems may be the result of not attacking them at their roots – this book provides help to identify and attack those roots.

10 Prayer Secrets

Book Description

Prayer changes everything. Yet so many things get in the way of communicating with our powerful and loving Creator: distraction, hardship, doubt, anger, busyness, unforgiveness, and more. In 10 Prayer Secrets, Hakeem Collins reveals ten keys to life-changing results that come through the art of prayer. See your prayers unlock a plan of action as Collins delivers biblically based solutions to help you · pray powerfully, passionately, and effectively · engage with God's heart and learn God's timing · perceive and receive angelic assistance · customize Jesus's prayer model for yourself · pursue a deeper prayer life for 30 days using Scripture, prayer activations and declarations, reflections, and life applications Prayer works when we work our faith in prayer. Position yourself every day to partner with God and activate mountain-moving faith that produces supernatural outcomes.

Breaking The Chains Of Darkness

Book Description

Life is a series of peaks and valleys. Sometimes you are up, sometimes you are down. Situations are not permanent! It is in the difficult times we face reality of life, either to sink or flow. Battle of life is not fun fare, it is warfare. You don’t wait for your destiny to be delivered to you. You must wrestle your destiny out of the hands of the enemy. Chain of darkness gradually kills destiny and reduces you to a pauper. You must, therefore, come to the point of desperation where a change must occur. Your destiny is not just glorious, it is precious. This is what enemies know that make them attack you and put you in chain. Today the chain is broken! Chains of darkness must be broken. Sometimes life seems like too hot to handle, jobs are lost, relationships break, people die, financial troubles loom, famines are experienced, poverty and stagnancy are recorded, bad health take over homes, bareness affects homes, while spirit of backwardness take tolls of lives. Witchcraft chains that scatter hope bind souls to one spot. The evil chain behind it is what this book is all about. No one is free from satanic opposition. God created us for glory, but Satan marks us for destruction. You must be violent in prayer, before you can achieve great things of life. There is no free lunch anywhere. You must wrestle for freedom. Something has to be done to turn your captivity around. Every oppression has an end. This is the reason this book is written. To break every manner of chain, enemy used to captivate destiny. It is fatal to be in chain. Enemies are cruel. They want you to be in chain till eternity. It is you that must be violent against their decision to keep you stagnant and be a failure. There is no man that is free from this battle. There is no one that is not being attacked by the enemy. You are not free neither from evil chain. Every chain of darkness designed for you shall break to pieces by fire! This book teaches you how to pray. Nobody can pray for you like yourself. Every man shall bear his burden. This book is loaded with violent prayers to achieve the following: 1. Every chain of darkness against your success shall break. 2. Powers of darkness shall bow and back out. 3. You shall be a prayer War Lord that destroys works of darkness. 4. Your foundation shall be healed and experience breakthrough. 5. Blood of Jesus shall cancel every mark of darkness in your life. 6. Deep problems are solved, yokes are broken. 7. The light of God shall shine upon you. 8. Every closed door against your success shall break open. 9. Mountains are levelled, barriers broken. 10. You shall experience sudden deliverance from the hands of darkness. 11. Every manner of frustration and confusion shall expire. 12. At last, you shall dance your dance and sing songs of praises to the Lord.

Decrees that Unlock Heaven's Power

Book Description

Shape your world with God's spoken word! God created us to carry hope and transformation to the world! God’s supernatural ability is manifested through His words, and when His people confidently decree His words, we will see supernatural breakthrough take place! In Decrees That Unlock Heaven’s Power, Tommy and...

The Wisdom to Breakthrough

Book Description

INTRODUCTION STEP NOW INTO YOUR FUTURE WITH THE POWER OF CHANGE. THE WISDOM TO BREAKTHROUGH Each time I read this book I am always overwhelmed in my spirit and I say thanks be to God Almighty for his inspirational grace given to bring this book into reality. My personal application of all written words in this book have made my life and ministry a prosperous and powerful one. This motivated the writing that all men might be blessed, healed through it. The wisdom to breakthrough is a book with the word of power of change because of Gods being in it .The evidence of God's presence in one's life is life changes. The wisdom with the power of change is not with the reasoning faculty of senses, but a {PRODUCT} of creative power. .Gods wisdom is with power that causes changes, just only one word for that situation turns into{BREAKTHROUGH}. The word for that situation you are expecting breakthrough is right now before you in the book in your hands. When God saw darkness on the surface of the earth, he stepped in with the power of wisdom and declares; let there be light, and there was light. Immediately there was a change from darkness to light. This book is with the principle that will cause a great immediate change in your life through all the words of revelation, prophetic prayers concerning your situation and also the testimonies of others who later got their breakthrough. This is a book I the author call the road map to the lost. It gives you the right key to every locked door's in your life, it reveals the right approach to every situation. Wisdom is the source and hope of life, the greatest gift ever given to mankind is not the gift of riches but the gift of wisdom, for it is written: wisdom is the principal thing, Ask Solomon the king of isreal he will tell you wisdom gives birth to vision for let there be light and there was light. Wisdom is the function of understanding of the heart, ear that hears are common but the heart that understandeth are rare. 1st king 3vrs9. Nothing noble on earth was ever done without wisdom, no invention, development or great things was ever accomplished without the inspiring power of this mysterious source called wisdom. Civilization was born and development through the driving power of wisdom. Wisdom is the key of unlocking the gate of what was and what is to propelling us into the land of what could be and has not yet seen. Wisdom sets you free from the limitation of what the outward and the unpleasant suituation's can show, and allows you to enter into the liberty of what darkness is expressing, and the lord says: let there be light and it was so. It is this wisdom that makes the unseen visible, and the unknown possible. This wisdom also makes suffering and disappointment bearable, wisdom generates hope in the midst of despair and provides endurance in tribulation. Wisdom inspires the depressed and motivate the discourage, without wisdom life would be a dark place and the word of God says: darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God was moved upon the waters and the lord said let there be light and it was so. Wisdom is the foundation of courage and the energy of discouragement. Many achievement today which we are all enjoying from many great achievers known and unknown to mention but a few was through the wisdom of God. It is the wisdom of God that inspires prophet to know the past of men and also point one into his/her future. It was this wisdom of flight that inspires the wright brothers to invent the airplane. It was this wisdom of light that possessed Thomas Edison to invent the light bulb, it is this wisdom that made all things in existence to be in existence. Wisdom is the energy of success and breakthrough. Our world today needs this wisdom..............Open for more details.

31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Life

Book Description

The words we speak have power and can potentially create life or death. But when we make a legal proclamation that comes from God Himself, we are then operating in a power that trumps all other power. When you proclaim God’s Word in faith, it is activated to bring about His will and purpose for your life. According to Isaiah 55:11, it does not return empty but accomplishes everything it is sent to do. God’s Word is the final authority. If He said it, He will make it good! 31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Life will inspire you with a daily devotion for every day of the month that will turn your attention to the heart of God and His wonderful intentions for your life. Each devotion is followed by ten powerful decrees—faith-filled words of biblical truth for you to be blessed with love, fruitfulness, friends, wisdom, hope, victory, family, glory, endurance, God’s presence, gladness, and more. Finally, there is a daily activation for you in response to each devotion and decree to seal God’s Word in your heart and life. Experience multiplication of blessings for your life and watch transformation take place as you daily give Jesus your focus and decree His Word.

Decrees for Your Financial Breakthrough

Book Description

YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO LIVE IN LACK. Jesus came so that the thief and the devourer would be destroyed and you could know and enjoy abundance in life - that includes an abundance of provision. Not only is God well able to prosper His people, (look at Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - that was under the old covenant), but He has given us the tools to lay hold of abundance right now. In this book, Patricia King opens your eyes to God's prosperity plan for you and gives you powerful scripture-based decrees to open heaven's windows of blessing over your life. The Word of God never returns void. Grab hold of these decrees and get your financial breakthrough!