Book Description
'102 WORKOUTS' contains a mixture of all types of workouts varying in intensity and duration for all types of fitness levels. Workouts you can expect in this book includes: Boxing - Bodyweight - Plyometric - gym weights - WODS and Strength Training to These workouts are designed to assist you reach your fitness goals. specially designed for: Weight Management - Muscle Gain - Tone - Increase Sporting Performance - Enhance Cardio - Healthy Lifestyle - Flexibility - Mobility Whether you are a personal trainer or group fitness instructor looking for something different, short on time or if you are new to exercise you will find a workout to assist you on your fitness journey. ‘102 WORKOUTS’ will assist you in achieving your fitness goals. The key to achieving your goals is persistence, intensity, and lifestyle. I have always been passionate about assisting others maintain a healthy lifestyle and achieve their fitness goals. I find helping others that rewarding that I am offering this book at a affordable price. I have assisted many clients over the past 8 years achieve their health and lifestyle goals. Now it is your turn! Please share this book so together we can help others achieve their fitness goals and a healthier lifestyle just like you will.