H.R. 1757--High Performance Computing and High Speed Networking Applications Act of 1993

Book Description

This document contains the transcript of three hearings on the High Speed Performance Computing and High Speed Networking Applications Act of 1993 (H.R. 1757). The hearings were designed to obtain specific suggestions for improvements to the legislation and alternative or additional application areas that should be pursued. Testimony and prepared statements were received from: (1) John H. Gibbons, Office of Science and Technology Policy; (2) Thomas J. Tauke, NYNEX; (3) Robert H. Ewald, Cray Research; (4) W. B. Barker, BBN Communications; (5) Richard F. Rashid, Microsoft; (6) Major R. Owens, House Subcommittee on Select Education and Civil Rights; (7) Don E. Detmer, University of Virginia; (8) Connie Stout, Texas Educational Network; (9) John Masten, New York Public Library; (10) Martin A. Massengale, University of Nebraska; (11) Cynthia H. Braddon, Information Industry Association; (12) Donald A. B. Lindberg, National Coordination Office for HPCC Program; (13) Malvin H. Kalos, Cornell Theory Center; (14) Jeffrey C. Kalb, Maspar Computer Corp.; (15) Edward Masi, Intel; (16) Fred Weingarten, Computing Research Association; (17) David K. Herron, Lilly Research Laboratories; and (18) John B. Gage, Sun Microsystems Laboratories. Subcommittee and committee markups of H.R. 1757, as well as prepared statements from the Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network, International Society for Technology in Education, Coalition for Patent Information Dissemination, and Microcomputer Industry Association, are appended. (KRN)

The Battle of Plassey, 1757

Book Description

Britain was rapidly emerging as the most powerful European nation, a position France long believed to be her own. Yet with France still commanding the largest continental army, Britain saw its best opportunities for expansion lay in the East. Yet, as Britains influence increased through its official trading arm, the East India Company, the ruler of Bengal, Nawab Siraj-ud-daulah, sought to drive the British out of the subcontinent and turned to France for help.The ensuing conflict saw intimate campaigns fought by captains and occasionally colonels and by small companies rather than big battalions. They were campaigns fought by individuals rather than anonymous masses; some were heroes, some were cowards and most of them were rogues on the make. The story is not only about Robert Clive, a clerk from Shropshire who became to all intents and purposes an emperor, but also about Eyre Coote an Irishman who fought with everyone he met, about Alexander Grant a Jacobite who first escaped from Culloden and then, Flashman-like was literally the last man into the last boat to escape Calcutta and the infamous Black Hole. The fighting culminated in Robert Clives astonishing victory at Plassey where just 3,000 British and sepoy troops defeated Siraj-ud-Daulahs Franco-Bengali army of 18,000 in the space of only forty minutes. The victory at Plassey in 1757 established Britain as the dominant force in India, the whole of which gradually come under British control and became the most prized possession in its empire. Few battles in history have ever had such profound consequences.

Hastenbeck 1757

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The outbreak of the Seven Years War saw the formation of new alliances and led to the conduct of military operations in several theaters simultaneously. The campaign of 1757 saw large-scale maneuvers, with their necessary operational corollaries of supply and logistics, as France put an army of 100,000 men into the field. The conduct of the campaign also testifies to the difficulty of exercising command in the face of a court and a government for which short-term results took precedence over means. Notwithstanding such difficulties, the campaign of the French armies in Westphalia saw its climax play out around the village of Hastenbeck on 26 July 1757, where the forces of Maréchal d'Estrées gained a victory that came close to knocking Hanover out of the war. The story of the campaign can be told from the human perspective thanks to the large body of memoirs and letters from officers, both general and subordinate, of cavalry and infantry regiments. Having left their garrisons four months earlier, they had come to battle at the gates of Hanover after having traveled more than 600 kilometers through the Low Countries and into Germany.

The Cambridge Economic History of India: Volume 2, C.1757-c.1970

Book Description

Volume 2 of The Cambridge Economic History of India covers the period 1757-1970, from the establishment of British rule to its termination, with epilogues on the post-Independence period.

The Battle of Rossbach 1757

Book Description

On 5 November 1757, in the vicinity of the small Saxon village of Rossbach, Frederick the Great and his army achieved a spectacular victory over an enemy composed of French and Imperial troops. 22,000 Prussian soldiers drove an army twice their size from the field of battle. Neither before nor after would the Prussian king achieve such a decisive victory at so little cost to his own forces. Following the battle, the French did not actively participate in any further campaigns against Prussia, whilst the Reichsarmee's reputation was permanently damaged. In contrast Frederick's generalship assumed a new luster after the difficulties he had experienced during the summer campaign in Bohemia. The present volume brings together essays by well-known authors who examine the battle from differing perspectives. These include analyses of the three armies involved, and discussion of the course of the battle, its effects on the surrounding civilian population, and forms of remembrance.

Memoirs of the Revolution in Bengal

Book Description

This work by William Watts (active 1737-58) is an account of the Battle of Plassey, which took place on June 23, 1757, near the village of Pâlāshir, some 150 kilometers north of Calcutta (present-day Kolkata). In this decisive encounter, the forces of the British East India Company, under Robert Clive, defeated Siraj Ud Daulah, the last independent Nawab of Bengal. The British victory and the treaty with the Moghul Empire that ensued brought the province of Bengal and its great wealth under the control of the company, thereby establishing the basis for the expansion of British control in the rest of India. The French East India Company (La Compagnie des Indes Orientales) supported the nawab, and his defeat hastened the elimination of French influence in India. The "Meer Jaffeir" referred to in the title is Mir Jafar, one of Siraj-ud-Daulah's military commanders, who betrayed his leader and helped to cause the defeat. The British East India Company later selected Mir Jafar as its puppet ruler in Bengal.

The East India Company at Home, 1757-1857

Book Description

The East India Company at Home, 1757–1857 explores how empire in Asia shaped British country houses, their interiors and the lives of their residents. It includes chapters from researchers based in a wide range of settings such as archives and libraries, museums, heritage organisations, the community of family historians and universities. It moves beyond conventional academic narratives and makes an important contribution to ongoing debates around how empire impacted Britain. The volume focuses on the propertied families of the East India Company at the height of Company rule. From the Battle of Plassey in 1757 to the outbreak of the Indian Uprising in 1857, objects, people and wealth flowed to Britain from Asia. As men in Company service increasingly shifted their activities from trade to military expansion and political administration, a new population of civil servants, army officers, surveyors and surgeons journeyed to India to make their fortunes. These Company men and their families acquired wealth, tastes and identities in India, which travelled home with them to Britain. Their stories, the biographies of their Indian possessions and the narratives of the stately homes in Britain that came to house them, frame our explorations of imperial culture and its British legacies.