Integrated Circuit Design. Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation

Book Description

The International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization, and Simulation PATMOS 2002, was the 12th in a series of international workshops 1 previously held in several places in Europe. PATMOS has over the years evolved into a well-established and outstanding series of open European events on power and timing aspects of integrated circuit design. The increased interest, espe- ally in low-power design, has added further momentum to the interest in this workshop. Despite its growth, the workshop can still be considered as a very - cused conference, featuring high-level scienti?c presentations together with open discussions in a free and easy environment. This year, the workshop has been opened to both regular papers and poster presentations. The increasing number of worldwide high-quality submissions is a measure of the global interest of the international scienti?c community in the topics covered by PATMOS. The objective of this workshop is to provide a forum to discuss and inves- gate the emerging problems in the design methodologies and CAD-tools for the new generation of IC technologies. A major emphasis of the technical program is on speed and low-power aspects with particular regard to modeling, char- terization, design, and architectures. The technical program of PATMOS 2002 included nine sessions dedicated to most important and current topics on power and timing modeling, optimization, and simulation. The three invited talks try to give a global overview of the issues in low-power and/or high-performance circuit design.

High-speed Integrated Circuit Technology

Book Description

This book reviews the state of the art of very high speed digital integrated circuits. Commercial applications are in fiber optic transmission systems operating at 10, 40, and 100 Gb/s, while the military application is ADCs and DACs for microwave radar. The book contains detailed descriptions of the design, fabrication, and performance of wideband Si/SiGe-, GaAs-, and InP-based bipolar transistors. The analysis, design, and performance of high speed CMOS, silicon bipolar, and III-V digital ICs are presented in detail, with emphasis on application in optical fiber transmission and mixed signal ICs. The underlying physics and circuit design of rapid single flux quantum (RSFQ) superconducting logic circuits are reviewed, and there is extensive coverage of recent integrated circuit results in this technology. Contents: Preface (M J W Rodwell); High-Speed and High-Data-Bandwidth Transmitter and Receiver for Multi-Channel Serial Data Communication with CMOS Technology (M Fukaishi et al.); High-Performance Si and SiGe Bipolar Technologies and Circuits (M Wurzer et al.); Self-Aligned Si BJT/SiGe HBT Technology and Its Application to High-Speed Circuits (K Washio); Small-Scale InGaP/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors for High-Speed and Low-Power Integrated-Circuit Applications (T Oka et al.); Prospects of InP-Based IC Technologies for 100-Gbit/S-Class Lightwave Communications Systems (T Enoki et al.); Scaling of InGaAs/InAlAs HBTs for High Speed Mixed-Signal and mm-Wave ICs (M J W Rodwell); Progress Toward 100 GHz Logic in InP HBT IC Technology (C H Fields et al.); Cantilevered Base InP DHBT for High Speed Digital Applications (A L Gutierrez-Aitken et al.); RSFQ Technology: Physics and Devices (P Bunyk et al.); RSFQ Technology: Circuits and Systems (D K Brock). Readership: Researchers, industrialists and academics in electrical and electronic engineering.

High-Frequency Oscillator Design for Integrated Transceivers

Book Description

This text covers the analysis and design of all high-frequency oscillators required to realize integrated transceivers for wireless and wired applications. Starting with an in-depth review of basic oscillator theory, the authors provide a detailed analysis of many oscillator types and circuit topologies.

Chips 2020

Book Description

The chips in present-day cell phones already contain billions of sub-100-nanometer transistors. By 2020, however, we will see systems-on-chips with trillions of 10-nanometer transistors. But this will be the end of the miniaturization, because yet smaller transistors, containing just a few control atoms, are subject to statistical fluctuations and thus no longer useful. We also need to worry about a potential energy crisis, because in less than five years from now, with current chip technology, the internet alone would consume the total global electrical power! This book presents a new, sustainable roadmap towards ultra-low-energy (femto-Joule), high-performance electronics. The focus is on the energy-efficiency of the various chip functions: sensing, processing, and communication, in a top-down spirit involving new architectures such as silicon brains, ultra-low-voltage circuits, energy harvesting, and 3D silicon technologies. Recognized world leaders from industry and from the research community share their views of this nanoelectronics future. They discuss, among other things, ubiquitous communication based on mobile companions, health and care supported by autonomous implants and by personal carebots, safe and efficient mobility assisted by co-pilots equipped with intelligent micro-electromechanical systems, and internet-based education for a billion people from kindergarden to retirement. This book should help and interest all those who will have to make decisions associated with future electronics: students, graduates, educators, and researchers, as well as managers, investors, and policy makers. Introduction: Towards Sustainable 2020 Nanoelectronics.- From Microelectronics to Nanoelectronics.- The Future of Eight Chip Technologies.- Analog–Digital Interfaces.- Interconnects and Transceivers.- Requirements and Markets for Nanoelectronics.- ITRS: The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors.- Nanolithography.- Power-Efficient Design Challenges.- Superprocessors and Supercomputers.- Towards Terabit Memories.- 3D Integration for Wireless Multimedia.- The Next-Generation Mobile User-Experience.- MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) for Automotive and Consumer.- Vision Sensors and Cameras.- Digital Neural Networks for New Media.- Retinal Implants for Blind Patients.- Silicon Brains.- Energy Harvesting and Chip Autonomy.- The Energy Crisis.- The Extreme-Technology Industry.- Education and Research for the Age of Nanoelectronics.- 2020 World with Chips.

Analog Circuit Design

Book Description

This book contains the extended and revised editions of all the talks of the ninth AACD Workshop held in Hotel Bachmair, April 11 - 13 2000 in Rottach-Egem, Germany. The local organization was managed by Rudolf Koch of Infineon Technologies AG, Munich, Germany. The program consisted of six tutorials per day during three days. Experts in the field presented these tutorials and state of the art information is communicated. The audience at the end of the workshop selects program topics for the following workshop. The program committee, consisting of Johan Huijsing of Delft University of Technology, Willy Sansen of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Rudy van de Plassche of Broadcom Netherlands BV Bunnik elaborates the selected topics into a three-day program and selects experts in the field for presentation. Each AACD Workshop has given rise to publication of a book by Kluwer entitled "Analog Circuit Design". A series of nine books in a row provides valuable information and good overviews of all analog circuit techniques concerning design, CAD, simulation and device modeling. These books can be seen as a reference to those people involved in analog and mixed signal design. The aim of the workshop is to brainstorm on new and valuable design ideas in the area of analog circuit design. It is the hope of the program committee that this ninth book continues the tradition of emerging contributions to the design of analog and mixed signal systems in Europe and the rest of the world.

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology

Book Description

This book features research work presented at the 2nd International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology (ICDECT) held on December 15–16, 2017 at Symbiosis International University, Pune, Maharashtra, India. It discusses advanced, multi-disciplinary research into smart computing, information systems and electronic systems, focusing on innovation paradigms in system knowledge, intelligence and sustainability that can be applied to provide feasible solutions to varied problems in society, the environment and industry. It also addresses the deployment of emerging computational and knowledge transfer approaches, optimizing solutions in a variety of disciplines of computer science and electronics engineering.

Analog Circuit Design

Book Description

This new book on Analog Circuit Design contains the revised contributions of all the tutorial speakers of the eight workshop AACD (Advances in Analog Circuit Design), which was held at Nice, France on March 23-25, 1999. The workshop was organized by Yves Leduc of TI Nice, France. The program committee consisted of Willy Sansen, K.U.Leuven, Belgium, Han Huijsing, T.U.Delft, The Netherlands and Rudy van de Plassche, T.U.Eindhoven, The Netherlands. The aim of these AACD workshops is to bring together a restricted group of about 100 people who are personally advancing the frontiers of analog circuit design to brainstorm on new possibilities and future developments in a restricted number of fields. They are concentrated around three topics. In each topic six speakers give a tutorial presentation. Eighteen papers are thus included in this book. The topics of 1999 are: (X)DSL and other communication systems RF MOST models Integrated filters and oscillators The other topics, which have been coverd before, are: 1992 Operational amplifiers A-D Converters Analog CAD 1993 Mixed-mode A+D design Sensor interfaces Communication circuits 1994 Low-power low-voltage design Integrated filters Smart power 1995 Low-noise low-power low-voltge design Mixed-mode design with CAD tools Voltage, current and time references vii viii 1996 RF CMOS circuit design Bandpass sigma-delta and other data converters Translinear circuits 1997 RF A-D Converters Sensor and actuator interfaces Low-noise oscillators, PLL's and synthesizers 1998 I-Volt electronics Design and implementation of mixed-mode systems Low-noise amplifiers and RF power amplifiers for telecommunications