Investigating the oceans

Book Description

Investigating the Oceans : Tenth report of session 2006-07, Vol. 2: Oral and written Evidence

The Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean

Book Description

Until the 1980s, a tacit agreement among many physical oceanographers was that nothing deserving attention could be found in the upper few meters of the ocean. The lack of adequete knowledge about the near-surface layer of the ocean was mainly due to the fact that the widely used oceanographic instruments (such as bathythermographs, CTDs, current meters, etc.) were practically useless in the upper few meters of the ocean. Interest in the ne- surface layer of the ocean rapidly increased along with the development of remote sensing techniques. The interpretation of ocean surface signals sensed from satellites demanded thorough knowledge of upper ocean processes and their connection to the ocean interior. Despite its accessibility to the investigator, the near-surface layer of the ocean is not a simple subject of experimental study. Random, sometimes huge, vertical motions of the ocean surface due to surface waves are a serious complication for collecting quality data close to the ocean surface. The supposedly minor problem of avoiding disturbances from ships’ wakes has frustrated several generations of oceanographers attempting to take reliable data from the upper few meters of the ocean. Important practical applications nevertheless demanded action, and as a result several pioneering works in the 1970s and 1980s laid the foundation for the new subject of oceanography – the near-surface layer of the ocean.

Remote Sensing of Coastal Aquatic Environments

Book Description

This book provides extensive insight on remote sensing of coastal waters from aircraft and space-based platforms. The primary focus of the book is optical remote sensing using passive instruments, to measure and analyze the coastal aquatic environment. The authors have gathered information from a variety of sources, to help non-specialists grasp new techniques and technology, to quickly produce useful data

Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and Hydrologic Applications

Book Description

Data assimilation (DA) has been recognized as one of the core techniques for modern forecasting in various earth science disciplines including meteorology, oceanography, and hydrology. Since early 1990s DA has been an important s- sion topic in many academic meetings organized by leading societies such as the American Meteorological Society, American Geophysical Union, European G- physical Union, World Meteorological Organization, etc. nd Recently, the 2 Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), held in Singapore in June 2005, conducted a session on DA under the - tle of “Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and Hydrologic Applications.” nd This rst DA session in the 2 AOGS was a great success with more than 30 papers presented and many great ideas exchanged among scientists from the three different disciplines. The scientists who participated in the meeting suggested making the DA session a biennial event. th Two years later, at the 4 AOGS Annual Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, the DA session was of cially named “Sasaki Symposium on Data Assimilation for At- spheric, Oceanic and Hydrologic Applications,” to honor Prof. Yoshi K. Sasaki of the University of Oklahoma for his life-long contributions to DA in geosciences.