Guide for the Preparation of 2005-06 Part III of the Estimates:

Book Description

Estimates, which present information in support of spending authorities that will be sought through Supply Bills introduced to Parliament, consist of three parts. This document provides guidance for preparing the third part of the Estimates, which is divided into two components. The first component, the report on plans & priorities (RPP), is an individual departmental planning document covering a three-year period whose purpose is to provide an opportunity to explain & justify to Parliament the department or agency's detailed spending plans & priorities as they relate to the proposed authorities outlined in the Estimates part II. The other component is an individual departmental performance report (DPR) for the most recently completed fiscal year that reports on results & accomplishments as established in the corresponding RPP. The document reviews the principles of effective public reporting to Parliament and describes the required structure & content of a RPP & DPR, including instructions on how to complete the tables in each report. Directions for report submission and electronic reporting are also included.

2005-06 Estimates, Part III, Report on Plans and Priorities:

Book Description

The Round Table is a multi-stakeholder body that advises the federal government on environment/economy issues. This report is an individual expenditure plan that provides details on a business line basis and contains information on objectives, initiatives, and planned results, including links to related resource requirements over a three-year period. It also provides details on human resource requirements, major capital projects, grants and contributions, and net program costs. Introductory sections with a minister's message are followed by sections giving a departmental overview; plans, results, activities, resources, and initiatives, as applicable; and financial information.

2005-06 Estimates, Part III, Report on Plans and Priorities:

Book Description

The Office provides non-partisan advice on government policies & priorities, and on the government's organization & its relations with Parliament, the provinces, and other institutions. It also advises on the breakdown of responsibilities among ministers, appointments of deputy ministers, and on special matters such as national security. The office is the secretariat for the Cabinet & various committees, and has the responsibility for setting strategic directions for the public service. This report is an individual expenditure plan that provides details on a business line basis and contains information on objectives, initiatives, and planned results, including links to related resource requirements over a three-year period. It also provides details on human resource requirements, major capital projects, grants and contributions, and net program costs. Introductory sections with a minister's message are followed by sections giving a departmental or organization overview; plans, results, activities, resources, and initiatives, as applicable; and financial information.

2005-06 Estimates, Part III, Report on Plans and Priorities:

Book Description

This report is an individual expenditure plan that provides details on a business line basis and contains information on objectives, initiatives, and planned results, including links to related resource requirements over a three-year period. It also provides details on human resource requirements, major capital projects, grants and contributions, and net program costs. Introductory sections with a minister's message are followed by sections giving a departmental overview; plans, results, activities, resources, and initiatives, as applicable; and financial information. PWGSC manages its activities within 2 programs: Crown corporations & government services (real property services, supply operations service, Receiver General, public service compensation, telecommunications & informatics common services, Consulting & Audit Canada, Translation Bureau, operational support).

2005-06 Estimates, Part III, Report on Plans and Priorities:

Book Description

Statistics Canada is the federal agency with the mandate to collect, compile, analyze, and publish statistical information on the economic, social, and general conditions of Canada & its citizens. This report is an individual expenditure plan that provides details on a business line basis and contains information on objectives, initiatives, and planned results, including links to related resource requirements over a three-year period. It also provides details on human resource requirements, major capital projects, grants and contributions, and net program costs. Introductory sections with a minister's message are followed by sections giving a departmental overview; plans, results, activities, resources, and initiatives, as applicable; financial information; and information on legislated requirements, agency relevance, stakeholders, and uses.

2005-06 Estimates, Part III, a Report on Plans and Priorities:

Book Description

The Treasury Board provides advice to the federal government on how its resources should be managed, ensures that Parliament & Canadians have the information needed to hold the government accountable, and acts as the employer of the federal public service. This report is an individual expenditure plan that provides details on a business line basis and contains information on objectives, initiatives, and planned results, including links to related resource requirements over a three-year period. It also provides details on human resource requirements, major capital projects, grants and contributions, and net program costs. Introductory sections with a minister's message are followed by sections giving a departmental or organization overview; plans, results, activities, resources, and initiatives, as applicable; and financial information.

2005-06 Estimates, Part III, Report on Plans and Priorities:

Book Description

The Board's corporate purpose is to promote safety, environmental protection, and economic efficiency in the Canadian public interest while respecting individual rights and within the mandate set by Parliament in the regulation of pipelines, energy development, and energy trade. This report is an individual expenditure plan that provides details on a business line basis and contains information on objectives, initiatives, and planned results, including links to related resource requirements over a three-year period. It also provides details on human resource requirements, major capital projects, grants and contributions, and net program costs. Introductory sections with a minister's message are followed by sections giving a departmental overview; plans, results, activities, resources, and initiatives, as applicable; financial information; and information on legislation administered, clients, and stakeholders.

2005-06 Estimates, Part III, Report on Plans and Priorities:

Book Description

This document presents an expenditure plan for the Public Health Agency of Canada. It provides detailed information on financial and human resource requirements over a 3-year period for the Agency's 3 main priorities: developing and leading Canada's long-term strategic public health approach; establishing and implementing integrated and disease-specific strategies; and developing and enhancing the capacity of the new Agency to meet its mandate.

2005-06 Estimates, Part III, Report on Plans and Priorities:

Book Description

The Department's responsibilities include preparing the federal budget, developing tax & tariff policy & legislation, managing federal borrowing on financial markets, administering major transfers of federal funds to provinces & territories, developing regulatory policy for Canada's financial sector, and representing Canada within international financial institutions. This report provides an expenditure plan for the Department over a three-year period. Section I is an overview with a minister's message and a summary of departmental plans & priorities. Section II analyzes program activities by strategic outcome, and includes performance measurement indicators, time frames to completion, and links to human & financial resources. Section III contains supplementary information such as details of forecast & planned spending, expenditures by program activity, revenue sources, and major initiatives. The last section reviews other items of interest including the departmental sustainable development strategy.

2005-06 Estimates, Part III, Report on Plans and Priorities:

Book Description

Transport Canada is the federal department responsible for most of the transportation policies, programs, & goals set by the government. This report is an individual expenditure plan that provides details on a business line basis and contains information on objectives, initiatives, and planned results, including links to related resource requirements over a three-year period. It also provides details on human resource requirements, major capital projects, grants and contributions, and net program costs. Introductory sections with a minister's message are followed by sections giving a departmental or organization overview; plans, results, activities, resources, and initiatives, as applicable; financial information; and other information, such as legislation administered.