Trail of Story, Traveller's Path

Book Description

This sensitive examination of the meanings of landscape draws on the author's rich experience with diverse enviornments and peoples: the Gitksan and Witsuwit'en of norwestern British Columbia, the Kaska Dena of the southern Yukon, and the Gwich'in of the Mackenzie Delta. Johnson maintains that the ways people understand and act upon land have wide implications, shaping cultures and ways of life, determining identity and polity, and creating and mainting environmental relationships and economies. Her emphassis on landscape and ways of knowing the land provides a particular take on ecological relationships of First Peoples to land.

Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation

Book Description

Extreme weather and climate events, interacting with exposed and vulnerable human and natural systems, can lead to disasters. This Special Report explores the social as well as physical dimensions of weather- and climate-related disasters, considering opportunities for managing risks at local to international scales. SREX was approved and accepted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on 18 November 2011 in Kampala, Uganda.

Developments and Applications of Geomorphology

Book Description

The last decade has seen a remarkable increase in the application of geomorphology for numerous projects and investigations. Geomor phology is now viewed as an indispensable partner of engineering and geology in the world of applied science. For a discipline with few independent theories of its own, geomorphology has become a cosmopolitan science, drawing on many topics from allied sciences. To compile a list of successful and viable applications and contribu tions would be an arduous chore, if not an impossible task. Instead we have compiled a set of invited papers that represent some of the practical developments and uses of geomorphology over the past de cade. Such a compilation of papers will reflect our own back grounds, biases, associations, and personal and professional expe riences. We make no apologies for the topics omitted, but recognize that this volume could be prohibitively large if all the subdivisions of geomorphology were equally and fully covered. Our goal in assembling the papers for this volume was to empha size the concepts, principles, and applications of geomorphology. While techniques, procedures and practical applications are stressed, the reason for each investigation is as important as the method em ployed. This book, therefore, represents the methods used and reasons for applying geomorphology. Where case studies are used, they serve as examples that can be applied in related situations, similar settings and other locations. The authors have successfully addressed this goal in a broad selection of chapter topics.

Oral History As History

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Cities as Sustainable Ecosystems

Book Description

Modern city dwellers are largely detached from the environmental effects of their daily lives. The sources of the water they drink, the food they eat, and the energy they consume are all but invisible, often coming from other continents, and their waste ends up in places beyond their city boundaries. Cities as Sustainable Ecosystems shows how cities and their residents can begin to reintegrate into their bioregional environment, and how cities themselves can be planned with nature’s organizing principles in mind. Taking cues from living systems for sustainability strategies, Newman and Jennings reassess urban design by exploring flows of energy, materials, and information, along with the interactions between human and non-human parts of the system. Drawing on examples from all corners of the world, the authors explore natural patterns and processes that cities can emulate in order to move toward sustainability. Some cities have adopted simple strategies such as harvesting rainwater, greening roofs, and producing renewable energy. Others have created biodiversity parks for endangered species, community gardens that support a connection to their foodshed, and pedestrian-friendly spaces that encourage walking and cycling. A powerful model for urban redevelopment, Cities as Sustainable Ecosystems describes aspects of urban ecosystems from the visioning process to achieving economic security to fostering a sense of place.