2011 Politics, Organisations, Psychoanalysis, Poetry

Book Description

2011 POLITICS, ORGANISATIONS, PSYCHOANALYSIS, POETRY. - This book brings together a condensed explanation of how the year 2011 will bring a struggle for pre-eminence in many societies, and how public laws will be necessary to regulate it. The people of any country must not hope too much of any government. The best society will be that in which tyranny and caprice of power are prevented and in which men are free to create diverse and spontaneous institutions within the framework of law. Included is Sigmund Freud's formulated method of psychoanalysis and for comparative reasons the thoughts and concepts of some other great philosophers. Also, how organisations and fiscal businesses will serve the people. Inserted are some of the author's own poems which may be of significant symbolism.


Book Description

The UN was designed to ensure international peace and security and its founders realized that these could not be achieved without attention to issues of rights: political, legal, economic, social, environmental, and individual. Its structure reflects the power relationships of the post-1945 world, despite the fact that the world has changed dramatically with respect to the post-Cold War relationship and the dramatic increase in the number of independent states. The UN is a reflection of the realities of international politics. Its economic divisions are revealed in the voting arrangements of the Security Council, the General Assembly and the viewpoints within the Secretariat. The norm of national sovereignty runs into persistent conflict with the constant demand by many in the international community; that the UN take a more active role in combating aggression and alleviating international problems. Thus, it is likely that the UN will continue to be seen by its critics as either too timid or too omnipotent.


Book Description

Philosophy and Politics have many different areas, classified according to the subject-matter of the problems being addressed. Thus, this volume includes eight books on: Epistemology, British Philosophers (Hobbes, Locke, Hume, Burke, Bentham, and Mill), about Machiavelli, Hegel, Rousseau, Marxism, Plato, and Aristotle. This tome of the eight books attempts to describe the use of reason and argument in the search for truth and the nature of reality, especially of the causes and nature of things and of the principles governing existence, perception, human behaviour, political systems, and the material universe. The contents of this title explain the philosophical activities, directed at understanding and clarifying the concepts, methods, and doctrines of other disciplines, or at reasoning itself and the concepts, methods, and doctrines of such general notions as truth, possibility, knowledge (epistemology), necessity, existence (ontology and metaphysics), and proof.

Religions, Cultures and Politics

Book Description

Religion is a crucial source of legitimacy and Political mobilisation in Cultures. Conflict between groups is often within one state, based upon different religion, race, language, culture, history and ethnicity. Chaos may be caused due to scarce resources or in forms of oppression and prejudice, racism, segregation, and discrimination; culminating in civil war. Language differences reinforced by religious beliefs have often been a focus of political tension. Ethnic conflict is widespread in former colonies, where borders were drawn with no regard for the cultural differences. Secularisation and decline of religious belief are regarded as hallmarks of modernisation.

Mine own Ideology Idealism Politics

Book Description

Concepts and writings are not timeless and should instead be understood in terms of the historical context in which they developed. Ideology is a political belief-system which explains the world as it currently is and suggests how it should be changed. The term describes social classes, especially that of capitalism or bourgeoisie. Ideology is recognised as the means by which people perceive the social world and consciously subscribe to a political creed. Idealism is a set of views according to which the physical world is dependent upon the mind; we somehow create the world. Idealists are not saying that our experience of the world is other than what it is; simply a collection of 'ideas' that are coherent. Politics is the study and practice of how people are governed. Efforts are made to influence, gain, or wield power at various levels of government, internally and internationally, including dispute resolution, formal elections to the threat or use of outright coercion or force.

Logic: Individual, Group, Cultural, Political

Book Description

Logic as a subject includes the study of correct reasoning, especially as it involves the drawing of inferences. This book is concerned with the basic elements and problems of contemporary logic and provides the history of Logic and an overview of its different fields. Theorists have applied the rational choice approach to politics. In these fields it competes especially with explanations in terms of cultural, socialization and adherence to social norms. The theory of Logic and its various references explores possible ways of escaping from such dilemmas.

Political Systems Norms and Laws

Book Description

The political activities of the various nations involve the study and practice of government and the exercise of authority. Efforts are made to influence, gain, or wield power at various levels of government, internally and internationally, rather than in private settings and associations. Modes of political activity are highly diverse, varying from dispute resolution and formal elections to the threat or use of outright coercion or force. The degree to which people can engage in political activity also varies in different countries: in open societies, individuals have more freedom to participate in the exercise of political power than in closed societies, where such power is restricted to small groups. There has also been pressure for more democracy at a lower level, particularly in the way that work is organized. The social conditions for stable democratic government have been extensively discussed, with level of economic development apparently the most important single factor.


Book Description

This book includes simple definitions of philosophical concepts of great thinkers from around the world. Currently, the latest views of politics and the philosophical aspects of these are not helping any peaceful solutions; with the world powers striving for attention to their megalomaniac ambitions. The remarks that walls must be built to keep immigrants out, trade embargos and leaders of being weak are all negative. 'Fools build walls, wise men build bridges' makes sense and ought to encourage people to read more about political philosophy. This isolationistic attitude can be clearly defined by the psychotherapeutic branch of philosophy. In old age people regress to the earliest stages of their development. Thus Presidents, Prime Ministers and Leaders of Governments bear the same syndromes of regressive behaviour. In feeling omni-powerful the bigger nations take advantage of disagreements and conflicts; when they consider it appropriate to invade and cause havoc among the minorities.

Machiavelli's Politics & Relevant Philosophical Concepts

Book Description

Machiavelli's first post was that of Clerk in the Second Chancery of the Commune and in I498 he was promoted as a Second Chancellor and Secretary. He continued in this office till the year 15I2. While thus employed he undertook a large number of diplomatic missions both to the petty courts of Italy and to other countries, and it was the experience of these missions which was largely responsible for forming the views which he subsequently expounded in his political writings. He was specially influenced by his mission to the camp of Cesare Borgia, Duke of Valentinois, in 1502. Although Machiavelli had undertaken this mission unwillingly, he soon conceived an intense admiration for Cesare's resourcefulness in resorting alternatively to diplomacy and force as instruments of government and for his firm administration of conquered provinces. Machiavelli idealised Cesare's achievements and thought that Cesare had attained, more than any other public figure of the time; the embodiment of a perfect ruler.