2012 La Nueva Humanidad

Book Description

Amigos lectores en esta mi segunda publicacin 2012 La Nueva Humanidad ha sido un largo proceso de precognicin que he venido ordenando en estados de consciencia paralelo a mi realidad fsica. Este es quizs el trabajo ms importante que he debido organizar a lo largo de toda mi vida. Han llegado a mi mente muchos sueos desde que era tan solo un nio con pocos das de nacido. Recuerdo claramente, soaba que venan unos seres de otro planeta a buscarme para darme instrucciones, acerca de lo que deba yo hacer en la tierra, ellos eran unos ancianos que se reunan en una gran mesa de cristal mientras yo observaba. Sueos que se repetan, inclusive hasta cuando tuve 4 aos de edad, siempre los recordaba mientras estaba en la escuela. Jams pens que todo se convertira en una gran experiencia pre cognitiva. Ahora ha llegado el momento de transmitir toda la informacin, de hablar y expresar claramente todo aquello que he venido escuchando, percibiendo y sintiendo en mi interior o realidades fsicas alternas de mi universo mental supra consciente, solo para aquellos quienes desde la perfecta expresin de su potencialidad mental saben comprender el mensaje que trae mi libro para este era, para este tiempo. El miedo a ir ms all a expandir el saber, ms all de lo conocido lo palpable y demostrado. Es ignorancia No saber actuar ante una gran verdad que se manifiesta en nuestra existencia, el hecho de no saber desenvolvernos o enfrentarnos a una gran verdad que nos paraliza ante el aparente desconocimiento orgullo o prepotencia. Es ignorancia El impedimento de ustedes mismos de integrar asumir y experimentar la informacin que su propio yo superior les est ofreciendo. Es ignorancia Lo que se aproxima a la tierra, escapa de la comprensin del hombre pervertido y manipulador. Es decir, no podr ser percibido o detectado por ningn representante de gobierno o religioso; ni siquiera por la actual tecnologa terrestre. Un proceso de perfeccionamiento confeccionado por DIOS. Solo ser manifiesto al ser puro de alma y espritu, aquel hombre honesto de corazn en su interior y con su entorno, aquel hombre responsable de su palabra y sus acciones, aquel hombre consciente de sus movimientos en el universo mental. LO QUE SE APROXIMA A LA TIERRA ES REALMENTE UN ACONTECIMIENTO MARAVILLOSO Y ESPECTACULAR, UN GRAN ACONTECIMIENTO QUE NADIE QUERRA PERDERCE.

El llamado C—smico a la Evoluci—n del Alma Humana

Book Description

Conozca la historia de Alejandro, una persona que a través de su inquietud por descubrir los misterios de la creación, la naturaleza de Dios y la vida en el universo se introduce a una verdadera aventura espiritual de alcances insospechados que van desde el contacto físico y mental con seres extraterrestres hasta el conocimiento interno de su alma y espíritu, como fue el proceso que lo llevo esto, como venció sus prejuicios y miedos al contacto y a donde desemboco esta increíble búsqueda.

Booz o la LiberaciÓN de la Humanidad

Book Description

"Booz llegó a una colina que ascendía en el espacio. A medida que caminaba el horizonte iba descubriéndose y los valles y bosques, lagos y cascadas, ríos y desiertos, mares y peñascos, ciclos y astros; mostraron a su mirada la excelencia de la soledad del desierto, el murmullo del agua que se desborda en el abismo, la serenidad del lago, la vida frondosa del bosque, el río que como arteria alimenta a la tierra, la mar que guarda misterios y vida, los cielos que son espejismos y creación y los soles que iluminan al cosmos. Todo tenía vida, era refulgente en toda su plenitud; todo guardaba la primitividad de la bondad, el arrebato del amor y la sinceridad de la dádiva." Adalberto Garcia de Mendoza

In Search of Christ in Latin America

Book Description

Noted theologian Samuel Escobar offers a magisterial survey and study of Christology in Latin America. In Search of Christ in Latin America examines the figure of Jesus Christ in the context of Latin American culture, starting with the first Spanish influence in the sixteenth century and moving through popular religiosity and liberationist themes in Catholic and Protestant thought of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, culminating in an important description of the work of the Fraternidad Teológica Latinoamericana (FTL). Escobar provides theological, historical, and cultural analysis of Latin American understandings of Christ and places liberation theology within its social and revolutionary context. This book is an important step toward a rich understanding of the spiritual reality and powerful message of Jesus.

Evangelization and Cultural Conflict in Colonial Mexico

Book Description

In a study published in the mid-twentieth century, French historian Robert Ricard postulated that the evangelization and conversion of the native populations of Mexico had been rapid and relatively easy. However, different forms of evidence show that the so-called “spiritual conquest” was anything but easy or rapid, and, in fact, natives continued to practice their traditional beliefs alongside Catholicism. Within several decades of initiating the so-called “spiritual conquest,” the campaign to evangelize and convert the native populations, the missionaries faced growing evidence of idolatry or the persistence of traditional religious practices and apostasy, straying from Church teachings. The evidence includes written documents such as inquisition investigations that resulted, for example, in the execution of don Carlos, the native ruler of Tezcoco, on December 1, 1539, or that uncovered evidence of systematic organized resistance to Dominican missionaries in the Sierra Mixteca of Oaxaca. Other forms of evidence include pre-Hispanic religious iconography incorporated into what ostensibly were Christian murals, and pre-Hispanic stones embedded in the churches and convents the missionaries had built. One example of this was the stone with the face of Tláloc at the rear of the Franciscan church Santiago Tlatelolco in Distrito Federal. During the course of some three centuries, missionaries from different Catholic religious orders attempted to convert the native populations of colonial Mexico, with mixed results. Native groups throughout colonial Mexico resisted the imposition of the new religion in overt and covert forms, and incorporated Catholicism into their worldview on their own terms. Native cultural and religious traditions were more flexible than the Iberian Catholic norms introduced by the missionaries. The so-called “spiritual conquest,” a term coined by Ricard, evolved as a cultural war set against the backdrop of the imposition of a foreign colonial regime. The 11 essays in this volume examine the efforts to evangelize the native populations of Mexico, the approaches taken by the missionaries, and native responses. The contributions investigate the interplay between natives and missionaries in central Mexico, and on the southern and northern frontiers of New Spain, and among sedentary and non-sedentary natives. In the end, many natives found little in the new faith to attract them, and resisted the imposition of new religious norms and way of life.

Pax Pneuma

Book Description

PCPJ MISSION STATEMENT To encourage, enable, and sustain peacemaking and justice seeking as authentic and integral aspects of Pentecostal Charismatic Christianity, witnessing to the conviction that Jesus Christ is relevant to all tensions, crises, and brokenness in the world. The PCPJ seeks to show that addressing injustice and making peace as Jesus and his followers did is theologically sound, biblically commanded, and realistically possible. Editorial Board Cheryl Bridges-Johns Pentecostal Theological Seminary Anthea Butler University of Pennsylvania Jong Hyun Jung University of Southern California Martin Mittelstadt Evangel University Dario Lopez Rodriguez Gamaliel Biblical Seminary of the Church of God, Lima, Peru Paul Alexander, Managing Editor Azusa Pacific University Assistant Editors Erica Ramirez Wheaton College Brian K. Pipkin Mennonite Disaster Services Robert G. Reid Brite Divinity School

The Cambridge Companion to Pentecostalism

Book Description

This volume reviews manifestations of Pentecostalism throughout the world and explores what it means to be Pentecostal through multidisciplinary perspectives.

Homo Universalis

Book Description

Segunda entrega de la trilogía "2956 Profecía" En el año 1999, se advirtió, que la humanidad tendría 13 años para recapacitar y cambiar... Ahora, ya es demasiado tarde. El Homo Sapiens, camina directamente hacia su propia extinción, víctima de su incorregible avaricia. El Homo Universalis, surge desde lo más profundo de la humildad, y lenta, pero inexorablemente, conduce sus pasos hacia la nueva especie. Duro es el camino, como larga es la evolución del Ser

Strategic Litigation and Corporate Complicity in Crimes Under International Law

Book Description

This book provides a comprehensive account of how non-state actors rely on international criminal law as a tool in the service of progressive political causes. The argument that international criminal law and its institutions serve as an instrument in the hands of a few powerful states, and that its practice is characterized by double standards and selectivity, has received considerable attention. This book, however, focuses on a practice that is informed by this argument. Its focus is on an alternative practice within international criminal law, where non-state actors navigate what critical scholars call a structurally biased legal system, in order to achieve long-term political objectives. Innovatively, the book combines the concerns expressed by Third World Approaches to International Law with strategic litigation that focuses on the accountability of corporations for their complicity in crimes under international law. Analysing this litigation, the book demonstrates that, while it is crucial to highlight the blind spots of the international criminal legal framework, it is also important to take into account the practice of non-state actors engaged in leveraging its emancipatory potential. This original analysis of the implementation and legitimacy of international criminal law will be of interest to a wide range of scholars and activists working in relevant areas of law, politics, criminology and international relations.

Building Bridges, Not Walls - Construyamos puentes, no muros

Book Description

Are you a leader, clergy or lay, in a Catholic parish wrestling with how to bridge the multiple ethnic, linguistic, and racial communities that increasingly comprise your parish? With these cultural backgrounds frequently come diverse perspectives on everything from how to communicate with each other to how to understand God. In addition, such cultural divisions all too often manifest differences in the access these communities have to parish decision-making structures. In Building Bridges, Not Walls - Construyamos puentes, no muros, John Francis Burke highlights the dramatic impact the growing Latino presence is having in parishes across the country, considers the theology of inculturation and intercultural ministry, and provides practical pastoral ministry suggestions on doing intercultural ministry. Includes full text in both English and Spanish. ¿Eres un líder, clérigo o laico que trabaja en una parroquia católica y que lucha todos los días por llegar a las diversas comunidades étnicas, lingüísticas y raciales cada vez más presentes en su parroquia? Estos grupos poseen como parte de su cultura diversas formas de ser y de pensar, desde cómo comunicarse con los demás hasta la misma concepción de Dios. Además, esas diferencias culturales a menudo implican una mayor o menor posibilidad de acceder a las estructuras de gobierno dentro de la parroquia. En Construyamos puentes, no muros – Building Bridges, Not Walls, John Francis Burke muestra el impacto tan grande que los latinos están teniendo en las parroquias del país; explica la teología de la inculturación y del ministerio intercultural; y ofrece sugerencias prácticas para quienes trabajan en este último. Incluye texto complete en Inglés y Español.