Book Description

2013: THE END OF DAYS OR A NEW BEGINNING examines all the popular myths, prophecies, and predictions concerning 2012, including the Mayan teachings of time acceleration and global awakening on a consciousness level. It also takes an in-depth look at lesser-known predictions and prophecies, and at the more scientific and reality-based challenges we will face.

2012 Two Paths: End of Days Or a New Beginning?: A Guide to Solving the Country's Problems and Navigating the Corridor Between Maya Da

Book Description

A Note from the Author: 2012 TWO PATHS shows that the "apocalyptic" outcome of 3-31-13 and the state of the world are fundamentally intertwined. If you are not interested in reading about the prophecies of 2012/2013 AND ideas on solving the county's problems, this book is not intended for you. It contains radical liberal ideas on solving the nation's problems and is meant to empower the common American. If you desire to gain information specifically on the prophesied events of 2012 and 2013 only, please read the new version of this book "2012/2013 TWO PATHS: End of Days or A New Beginning? A Guide to Navigating the Corridor Between Maya Dates 12-21-12: The Great Galactic Alignment and 3-31-13: Easter 2013; Judgment Day. It is the EXACT same book, but a shorter version (it does not include chapters on controversial issues and radical ideas meant to solve issues plaguing the nation). The new version is available from Amazon, Kindle, and soon through other sources. Its listing on Amazon is in close proximity to this listing. Book Description: On December 21, 2012, Earth will complete a rare procession cycle that occurs only once every 25,800 years! TWO PATHS shows that the Maya intentionally ended their Long Count calendar on this date, signifying a pivotal point for all of humanity and warn of a reoccurring 5,125 year cycle of worldwide destruction. Burtenshaw closely analyzes prophecies from many sources and proposes intriguing interpretations presented in no other book regarding predictions that foretold of apocalyptic events which are now occurring or set to transpire in 2012 and 2013, including predictions of dates singled out by the Maya: 12-21-12 and 3-31-13. He provides recent statements from the Maya Council of 440 Elders, who state that Judgment Day will not occur on 12-21-12, but 3-31-13, when three-quarters of the human race will be exterminated, unless we drastically alter our current course of action. He links recent declarations given by the Maya Council, who state that "three days of darkness" will occur on 3-31-13, with end of days predictions of "The Three Days of Darkness" recorded by many prophets throughout history. Scientists state that we have now reached a tipping point-a point of no return-where the damage that we are inflicting upon Earth may soon become irreversible. This declaration is echoed by ultimatums from the Maya Council of Elders, who inform us that we must once again live in harmony with the planet, or face devastating consequences. The economy has crumbled before our eyes! Seven years ago, economists predicted that the national debt would double in five years and triple in ten! People are losing their jobs, homes, and all hope. If something radical is not done soon, the country will go bankrupt! Burtenshaw shows that problems plaguing our country actually have logical solutions, if we decide to support common good over individual greed! Two Paths lays out a concrete plan to fix the economy, save the planet, and recapture control of the forces that direct this great nation. This book shows that the first step in solving the world's problems, must be enacting a plan for the "People's Bailout" by distributing a $100,000 housing allowance to every adult citizen. This plan would eliminate mortgage and rent payments for the average American, forever, and in retrospect, could be implemented for free! This book's statistics show that had we implemented this plan five years ago, over two-thirds of our country's homes would now be paid off, the national debt would have decreased dramatically, and the economy would have flourished! The strategies contained here will awaken the American spirit, enabling the people of this great nation to regain control of the government, economy, environment, and ultimately, our fate on Earth. Once upon a time, the USA was a superpower of ideas that changed people's lives. Join the fight, and together we can make it back to that place in the sun!

2012/2013 Two Paths: End of Days Or a New Beginning?: A Guide to Navigating the Corridor Between Maya Dates 12-21-12: The Great Galactic Al

Book Description

On December 21, 2012, Earth will complete a rare procession cycle that occurs only once every 25,800 years! At this time, the Sun will align with the galactic plane of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Maya intentionally ended their Long Count calendar on this date, signifying a pivotal point for all of humanity and warn of a reoccurring 5,125 year cycle of worldwide destruction. This book also reveals prophecies given by the Hopi, the Egyptians, the Bible, and famous psychics Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus, all of which tell of apocalyptic events that are now occurring and will soon reach a peak. Prophecies from many sources echo the threat of global catastrophe, but also state that if we change our ways, a new age of peace will emerge. It is possible for humans of all walks of life to live in harmony with each other and the planet, and this book outlines a plan for such a reawakening. Two Paths differs in many ways from other sources concerning the events of 2012. Burtenshaw proposes intriguing interpretations presented in no other book regarding age-old prophecies surrounding upcoming dates singled out by the Maya: 12-21-12 and 3-31-13. He provides statements given by the Maya council of 440 elders, who state that Judgment Day will not occur on 12-21-12, but on 3-31-13, Easter of 2013, when three-quarters of the human race will be exterminated, unless we drastically alter our current course of action. Burtenshaw provides workable solutions to the many ecological problems facing the country today. He demonstrates how the events of 2012/2013 and the state of the environment are fundamentally intertwined. He links recent statements given by the Maya Council of Elders, who state that three days of darkness will occur on 3-31-13, with end of days predictions of "The Three Days of Darkness" recorded by many prophets throughout history to show that Judgment Day will likely occur on Easter 2013 (rather than 12-21-12, as is commonly believed). TWO PATHS also explores the prophecies given by many prophets and psychics of "The Three Days of Darkness," which include predictions of current events that were prophesied to precede the end of days, along with information on "The Final Warning," a supernatural occurrence, written to be a final appeal from God to mankind for penance before the three days of darkness and destruction of three-quarters of mankind. In addition, the book discloses predictions made by these prophets, informing us of the immediate signs of the three days and nights of darkness and how to survive through them. Scientists from around the globe state that we have now reached a tipping point-a point of no return-where the damage that we are inflicting upon Earth may soon become irreversible. This declaration is echoed by ultimatums recently given to the world from the Maya Council of Elders in Guatemala, who inform us that we must once again live in harmony with the planet, or face devastating consequences. This book will change the nation's views and awaken the American spirit, enabling the people of this great nation to save the planet from the damage we are presently inflicting upon it, thus saving the world as we know it and regaining control of our futures, and ultimately, our fate on Earth.

The Poetic Eye: Occasional Writings 1982-2012

Book Description

This volume contains a selection of the Australian poet Michael Sharkey’s uncollected essays and occasional writings on poetics and poets, chiefly Australian and New Zealand. Reviews and conversations with other poets highlight Sharkey’s concern with preserving and interrogating cultural memory and his engagement with the practice and championing of poetry. Poets discussed range from Lord Byron to colonial-era and early-twentieth-century poets (Francis Adams, David McKee Wright, and Zora Cross), under-represented Australian women poets of World War I, traditionalists and experimentalists, including several ‘New Australian Poetry’ activists of the 1970s, and contemporary Australian and New Zealand poets. Writings on poetics address form and tradition, the teaching and reception of poetry, and canon-formation. The collection is culled from commissioned and occasional contributions to anthologies of practical poetics, journals devoted to literary and cultural history and book reviewing, as well as newspaper and small-magazine features from the 1980s to the present. The writing reflects Sharkey’s poetic practice and pedagogy relating to the teaching of literature, rhetorical analysis, cultural studies, and writing in universities, schools, and cultural organizations in Australia, New Zealand, China, and Germany. It also evidences Sharkey’s familiarity with literatures written in English and his wider career in publishing, editing, free-lance journalism, and the promotion of Australian and New Zealand literature, especially poetry.

Prophecy in the New Millennium

Book Description

Secular and spiritual prophets of doom abound in the information-rich twenty-first century - as they have for millennia. But there has yet to be worldwide floods, meteor impact, global computer failure, obvious alien contact, or direct intervention from God to end the world as we know it. Considering the frequency with which prophecy apparently fails, why do prophecies continue to be made, and what social functions do they serve? This volume gives a concise, but comprehensive, overview of the rich diversity of prophecy, its role in major world religions as well as in new religions and alternative spiritualties, its social dynamics and its impact on individuals’ lives. Academic analyses are complimented with contextualized primary source testimonies of those who live and have lived within a prophetic framework. The book argues that the key to understanding the more dramatic, apocalyptic and millenarian aspects of prophecy is in appreciating prophecy’s more mundane manifestations and its role in providing meaning and motivation in everyday life.

Growing Trees in Urban Kinshasa

Book Description

The study allowed us to understand that the urban vegetation of Kinshasa has been declining over the years, especially in the neighborhoods of the old municipalities and a slow progression in the new neighborhoods of the peripheral municipalities. This general downward trend should bring us awareness so that we can maintain and protect the existing urban vegetation. This downward trend can be explained by the fact that the area occupied by the constructions in the plots becomes larger and larger, that is to say that over the years, the old constructions from the beginning during the the acquisition of the plots disappear in favor of new larger and more comfortable constructions in the plots. Moreover, at the beginning of the birth of the district, the owners are mainly interested in planting the trees in the plot, but as the district ages, the urban vegetation becomes dense and the interest of planting other trees are no longer justified. It is also a regrettable fact to note that no tree has been detected in the streets of African neighborhoods and this because of the narrowness of the streets or a simple omission of the town planner, who has not made the relevant arrangements during the development of these districts. Planting a fruit tree in your plot is a profitable initiative as the fruits are an important source of nutrients. In this case, the fruit tree not only provides fruit but also provides shade and also improves the living environment in the plot.

The Epistle to the Hebrews

Book Description

This commentary by Gareth Lee Cockerill offers fresh insight into the Epistle to the Hebrews, a well-constructed sermon that encourages its hearers to persevere despite persecution and hardships in light of Christ's unique sufficiency as Savior. Cockerill analyzes the book's rhetorical, chiastic shape and interprets each passage in light of this overarching structure. He also offers a new analysis of the epistle's use of the Old Testament -- continuity and fulfillment rather than continuity and discontinuity -- and shows how this consistent usage is relevant for contemporary biblical interpretation. Written in a clear, engaging, and accessible style, this commentary will benefit pastors, laypeople, students, and scholars alike.

Heal Yourself - Heal the World

Book Description

Our created universe is ever evolving and is presently passing through a critical evolutionary stage. We are in the midst of a universal healing and transformation process which will catalyze a shift into a new evolutionary paradigm. This new paradigm will manifest a glorious reality that has never before been experienced on any level of Creation. The highest of Heaven will be brought to Earth and humanity will experience a transformative rebirth in consciousness. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the purpose and goals of the universal healing and transformation process from the perspective of the Divine Plan of Creation. It also offers support and guidance for your personal healing and transformation process so that you can embrace your true divine destiny in the wondrous new reality.