2015 Department of Defense Health Related Behaviors Survey (HRBS)

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In this report, RAND researchers review survey methods, sample demographics, key findings, and policy implications from the 2015 Health Related Behaviors Survey of active-duty service members.

Department of Defense Survey of Health Related Behaviors Among Active Duty Military Personnel

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For more than 20 years, the DoD has collected information regarding behavioral and health readiness of active duty military personnel through the Survey of Health Related Behaviors Among Military Personnel (Survey). In 2005, DoD initiated the ¿Dept. of Defense Lifestyle Assessment Program,¿ which incorporates the active-duty health behaviors study and expands the scope to include the National Guard and Reserves, as well as other special studies, the first of which will examine unit-level influences on alcohol and tobacco use. The 2005 Survey has two broad aims for active duty military personnel: (1) to continue the survey of substance use; and (b) to assess progress toward selected ¿Healthy People 2010¿ objectives. Charts and tables.

2005 Department of Defense Survey of Health Related Behaviors Among Active Duty Military Personnel

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This report presents the primary results of the 2005 Department of Defense (DoD) Survey of Health-Related Behaviors among Active Duty Military Personnel. This study is the 9th in a series of surveys of active-duty military personnel conducted in 1980, 1982, 1985, 1988, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2002, and 2005 under the direction of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs). All of the surveys investigated the prevalence of alcohol use, illicit drug use, and tobacco use, as well as negative consequences associated with substance use. The 1985 through 1992 surveys also covered an expanded set of health behaviors and related issues. In 1995 and 1998, health behavior questions were revised and items were added to assess selected "Healthy People 2000" objectives. In addition, questions were added to examine the mental health of the active force, specific health concerns of military women and military men, oral health, and gambling behaviors. The 2002 and 2005 surveys continued the general focus of the 1998 survey and expanded it to include "Healthy People 2010" objectives. They also augmented the items on exercise, nutrition, and mental health and added new items on dietary supplement use, risk taking and impulsive behavior, job satisfaction, deployment, and religiosity/spirituality. The final sample consisted of 16,146 military personnel (3,639 Army, 4,627 Navy, 3,356 Marine Corps, and 4,524 Air Force) who completed self-administered questionnaires anonymously. Following an introductory chapter, chapters are as follows: (2) Methodology of the 2005 DoD Active Duty Survey; (3) Overview of Trends in Substance Use and "Healthy People 2010" Objectives; (4) Alcohol Use; (5) Illicit Drug Use; (6) Tobacco Use; (7) Healthy Lifestyles and Disease Prevention; (8) Health Behavior and Health Promotion; (9) Stress and Mental Health; and (10) Other Health-Related Issues in the Military. The report includes 137 tables.

2002 Department of Defense Survey of Health Related Behaviors Among Military Personnel

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This report presents the primary results of the 2002 Department of Defense (DoD) Survey of Health Related Behaviors Among Military Personnel. This study is the eighth in a series of surveys of active-duty military personnel conducted in 1980, 1982, 1985, 1988, 1992, 1995, 1998, and 2002 under the direction of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs). All of the surveys investigated the prevalence of alcohol use, illicit drug use, and tobacco use, as well as negative consequences associated with substance use. The 1985 through 1992 surveys also covered an expanded set of health behaviors and related issues. In 1995 and 1998, health behavior questions were revised and items were added to assess selected Healthy People 2000 objectives. In addition, questions were added to examine the mental health of the Active Force, specific health concerns of military women and military men, oral health, and gambling behaviors. The 2002 survey continued the focus of the 1998 survey and expanded it to include Healthy People 2010 objectives. It also augmented the items on nutrition and mental health and added new items on supplement use, risk taking and impulsive behavior, job satisfaction, and religiosity/spirituality. The eligible population for the 2002 survey consisted of all active-duty military personnel except recruits, Service academy students, persons absent without official leave (AWOL), and persons who had a permanent change of station (PCS) at the time of data collection. The final sample consisted of 12,756 military personnel (3,269 Army, 3,625 Navy, 3,008 Marine Corps, and 2,854 Air Force) who completed self-administered questionnaires anonymously. Participants were selected to represent men and women in all pay grades of the Active Force throughout the world.

2011 Health Related Behaviors Survey of Active Duty Military Personnel

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"While fighting a war is what service members are prepared and trained for, it also places heavy burdens on them and their families as they face long separations and put their lives and their health at risk. The 2011 Health Related Behaviors Survey of Active Duty Military Personnel (HRB) report presents findings on the health of the Armed Forces, including Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard active duty personnel. The 2011 HRB offers valuable insight into the overall state of behavioral health of active duty personnel and identifies areas of strength and success as well as areas of concern to best inform policies and programs to effectively address the needs of service members and their families."--Executive summary, page ES-1.

DoD Releases Results of 1998 Survey of Health Related Behaviors

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The Department of Defense today announced the final results of its 1998 worldwide survey of health behaviors among military personnel. The report shows that the usage of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs are at the lowest rates since the surveys began measuring certain health-related behaviors in 1980. This survey is the seventh in the series of confidential, anonymous standardized surveys which asks active duty servicemembers about various health behaviors, including the use of illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and at-risk sexual behavior. The survey also assesses selected national health status goals from the Department of Health and Human Services' Healthy People 2000 objectives, the mental health status of the force, and specific health concerns of military women. More than 17,000 servicemembers, randomly selected to represent men and women in all pay grades of the active force throughout the world, completed the survey. "When comparing this 1998 report to our earliest survey results, we recognize tremendous improvements in the past 18 years. Our continued emphasis on health promotion safety, and disease prevention will help our servicemembers achieve personal best performances and force readiness," said Dr. Sue Bailey, assistant secretary of Defense for Health Affairs.

2015 Health Related Behaviors Survey

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The 2015 Health Related Behaviors Survey sought information on the health, health-related behaviors, and well-being of active-duty service members. This brief summarizes results for broad topics of the survey, such as substance use and mental health.

2015 Health Related Behaviors Survey

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The 2015 Health Related Behaviors Survey sought information on the health, health-related behaviors, and well-being of active-duty service members. This brief reviews results for substance use, particularly use of alcohol, tobacco, and medication.

The Behavioral Health of Minority Active Duty Service Members

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Behavioral health disparities, in which socially disadvantaged groups such as racial/ethnic minorities, women, and sexual orientation minorities experience greater risk for certain mental health and substance use problems, are well documented in the general population. Less is known about whether similar behavioral health disparities exist among military service members. The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) wanted to understand whether the behavioral health disparities seen in the civilian population also exist in the military, which is important to help DoD target its efforts to address the needs of service members and improve force readiness. To investigate this issue, RAND researchers examined the following: (1) whether minority group service members are more likely to experience mental health and substance use problems relative to their majority counterparts in the military and (2) whether minority-majority group differences in behavioral health within the military are similar or different from those in the civilian population. Any minority-majority group differences observed in the military were tested to see if they remain after accounting for sociocultural environmental factors (e.g., demographics, social support, harassment). Identifying where behavioral health disparities exist among military minority service groups and the factors that may be associated with observed disparities can help DoD better target efforts to address the behavioral health needs of its troops. Further, if minority group disparities are greater in the military than in the civilian population, this might signal the presence of factors specific to the military context that may exacerbate minority group service members' risk for behavioral health conditions. The study used data from the 2015 Health Related Behavior Survey (HRBS), the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), the 2015 and 2016 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), and the 2015 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Behavioral health conditions included mental health (i.e., depression, suicide behaviors, posttraumatic stress disorder) and substance use (i.e., problematic alcohol use, tobacco use) outcomes.

1998 Department of Defense Survey of Health Related Behaviors Among Military Personnel

Book Description

This report presents the findings of the 1998 Department of Defense Survey of Health Related Behaviors Among Military Personnel. The survey is the seventh is a series of DoD surveys conducted since 1980 -- it has two broad aims: (1) to continue the survey of substance abuse among active duty personnel, and (2) to assess DoD's progress toward meeting selected "Healthy People 2000" objectives for active duty military personnel. As such, it provide comprehensive and detailed estimates of the prevalence of alcohol, illicit drug, and tobacco use, and the negative effects of this use. It also provides estimate 5 for health behaviors pertaining to fitness and cardiovascular disease risk reduction, injuries and injury prevention, sexually transmitted disease risk reduction, cervical cancer screening, and maternal and infant health. In addition, it offers an assessment of mental health of military personnel, including stress and depression, and the special health needs of military women.