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Book Description

This book represents an overview of the direct measurement techniques of evapotranspiration with related applications to the water use optimization in the agricultural practice and to the ecosystems study. Different measuring techniques at leaf level (porometry), plant-level (sap-flow, lysimetry) and agro-ecosystem level (Surface Renewal, Eddy Covariance, Multi layer BREB), are presented with detailed explanations and examples. For the optimization of the water use in agriculture, detailed measurements on transpiration demands of crops and different cultivars, as well as results of different irrigation schemes and techniques (i.e. subsurface drip) in semi-arid areas for open-field, greenhouse and potted grown plants are presented. Aspects on ET of crops in saline environments, effects of ET on groundwater quality in xeric environments as well as the application of ET to climatic classification are also depicted. The book provides an excellent overview for both, researchers and student,s who intend to address these issues.


Book Description

After the successful issue of two editions of the German book Applied Meteor- ogy – Micrometeorological basic I am happy that the Springer publishing house has agreed to publish an English edition for a probably much larger community of readers. The present edition is the translation of the second German edition of 2006 with only small corrections and changes. It is named only Micrometeorology because this title is more appropriate to the context of the book. I am extremely happy that I found with Carmen Nappo a scientist, who has edited my first trans- tion into the English language in such a way that keeps alive the style of a German or European book and also makes it easily readable. It was not my aim to transfer the book into a style where the German and R- sian backgrounds of my teachers cannot be seen. On the other hand, I hope that the reader will find some references of interest. These are mainly references to German standards or historical sources. The book is addressed to graduate s- dents, scientists, practical workers, and those who need knowledge of micro- teorology for applied or ecological studies. The main parts are written as a te- book, but also included are references to historical sources and recent research even though the final solutions are still under discussion.