The Golden Illusion

Book Description

Since her mother’s death, the beautiful but innocent Linetta Falaise has led a sheltered life under the wing of her kindly French Governess. So she is heartbroken to find that her beloved Mademoiselle is at death’s door and that she, Linetta, had unknowingly been living off her meagre savings for the last two years. As she now has no money, there is no alternative but for Linetta to travel to Paris and ask Mademoiselle’s niece, Marie-Ernestine, to help her find suitable employment, perhaps teaching English to French children. Almost as soon as she boards the cross-channel Steamer heading for Calais, her innocent eyes are opened to the wicked ways of the world when a strange man’s unwanted and frightening attentions drive her to seek the protection of a handsome and noble stranger, the Marquis of Darleston, who is travelling to Paris on a secret mission for the British Prime Minister. After they part company, Linetta is introduced to the heady glamour of Paris Society by the glamorous Marie-Ernestine, who is really the celebrated and infamous Blanche d’Antigney. Linetta is appalled by Les Grandes Cocottes, who sell love to the highest bidder, especially since she is expected to join them because she is so young and enchanting. Afraid, alone and beset by lecherous ‘gentlemen’, Linetta remembers the handsome distinguished Marquis she met on the Steamer and prays fervently that he will come to her rescue yet again.

Flowers For the God of love

Book Description

With Russian, English and Irish blood in her veins and described by her uncle Sir TerenceO’Kerry, Head of the IndiaOffice,as ‘as mysterious as the Sphinx, but as lovely as Cleopatra must have been at that age’, it is no surprise that the beautiful young Quenella O’Kerry has suitors continually falling at her feet. The trouble is that among them is the lecherous Prince Ferdinand of Schertzenberg, who not only has pursued her relentlessly but has even attempted to force himself on her in her bedroom! It seems the only way for Quenella to escape the Prince’s clutches is a marriage of convenience and to leave England for some time.. And this is just what the dashing Major Rex Daviot requires if he is to accept the huge promotion offered to him by Queen Victoria to become the Lieutenant-Governor of India’s North-West Provinces, when India is under British rule. The prospect of a loveless marriage depresses Rex, who enjoys the attentions of many a Society beauty, but even as they journey to India, Quenella’s curiosity, intelligence and loveliness piques his interest. And very soon, despite himself, Rex finds that his marriage of convenience blossoms into something far, far deeper.

The Bargain Bride

Book Description

The Bargain Bride is the thrilling tale of beautiful young Aleda, who is brought through no fault of her own from riches to the brink of ruin… Of her dashing but irresponsible brother the Earl of Blakeney whose profligacy has brought him perilously close to debtors’ gaol… Of fabulously wealthy Social climber Doran Winton, who cynically buys the unwilling Aleda’s hand in marriage along with her brother’s debt to rescue them from penury… And of a sinister Chinese cabal who slip from the shadows of London’s Dockland opium dens to kidnap Aleda at knifepoint, perhaps to face ‘death by a thousand cuts’ … Only now, with her life at stake, does she realise that the hate in her heart has turned to love.

Running Away to Love

Book Description

For beautiful young Ivana her stepfather Keith Waring is no replacement for her much-missed father, the Honourable Hugo Sherard, who was killed in Spain fighting against Napoleon Bonaparte. Her stepfather is a spendthrift and he has gambled away virtually everything the family owns. Ivana’s hatred for her stepfather is doubled when, to her utter horror, she overhears him offering her as a ‘kept woman’ to the equally despised Lord Hanford for over five thousand pounds! Ivana runs away with her old Nanny acting as her chaperone and companion and applies for work through a Domestic Agency, where she is invited to apply for a post using her flawless Parisian French for the Earl of Lorimer, who is working in the War Office. Expecting a man to apply for the post, the imperious but handsome Earl is at first sceptical, but on realising that he knew her father, he soon warms to her, saying that he has a ‘difficult and dangerous mission for her!’ Ivana is to become a spy, working undercover against Napoleon’s secret agents. And so her perilous adventures begin. Very soon she loses her heart – and at every turn she risks losing her life. But the worst danger of all comes not from the wartime enemy but from the evil Lord Hanford who is still determined to possess her as he has already paid for her.

The Protection of Love

Book Description

After her mother had succumbed to pneumonia and followed her husband to the grave, beautiful young Meta Lindley is bereft. Now that her much-loved brother Richard is away in London most of the time, she is alone in the family’s once laughter-filled Manor House with only silence and her father’s pedigree stable of horses for company. Meta is delighted when Richard pays her a surprise visit, but when he reveals that he and their Diplomat father had worked as undercover Agents, it is Richard who is taken aback to find that Meta and their Mama had known all along! Then, to Meta’s amazement, Richard asks her to undertake a vital and very perilous spy mission of her own. A Russian Prince, whom Queen Victoria suspects is a spy, has arrived in England with his young sister, Princess Nathlia, and is looking for a country house where he can hunt and ride superb horses. Richard has offered to rent The Manor House to Prince Alexis for the Season and has offered Meta’s services as English Tutor to the seventeen-year-old Princess Nathlia. In that guise Meta’s mission is to observe the Russians and report back to the Queen any suspicious behaviour that might suggest that the Prince is indeed a spy. Soon Meta finds that there is very much more to the handsome Prince and the stunningly beautiful Princess than meets the eye and, as she watches her beloved brother fall in love with Princess Nathlia, and she with him­, she despairs of ever finding such a sublime love of her own.

Caught by Love

Book Description

Famed for his horse racing successes on the turf and worshipped by London’s Society beauties, the dashingly handsome Marquis of Broome is unjustly renowned as heartless and selfish. So, when on a night time journey from London to his Surrey estate, he discovers a young stowaway hidden below his carriage seat, he appears to be angry and wants nothing to do with this new problem in his life. But when the ‘boy’ is revealed to be a feisty but very beautiful young girl, he quickly softens. Cara, as she reveals is her name, is running away. From what or from whom she will not confide in the Marquis. With highwaymen prowling the roads and revolution in the air, the Marquis cannot let this young innocent go on alone and defenceless to Paris, which is her intended destination. Despite her protests he rather reluctantly takes Cara under his wing, finding out eventually that she is fleeing a forced marriage arranged by her cruel and wicked uncle, the Earl of Matlock. Just as the Marquis saves her from her uncle, Cara saves him from a murderous revolutionary plot. And, as they manage to escape their enemies, they begin to realise that they have been caught by a deep and inspiring love for one another.

The Lovelight of Apollo

Book Description

As a cousin of Queen Victoria, the beautiful Princess Marigold is obliged to yield to the Queen’s wishes when it comes to marriage – and the Monarch is most reluctant to allow her to marry the man she loves, Prince Holden of Allenberg, because she views his tiny European Principality as insignificant and uninfluential. So, although the Queen assents to their engagement, she puts obstacles in the way of their marriage in the hope that Princess Marigold will fall out of love with Prince Holden if she can keep them apart for any length of time. One such obstacle is the Royal order that Marigold travels to Greece to represent the Queen at the State funeral of Prince Eumenus. Determined to stay with her beloved Holden, the Princess comes up with a cunning plan. She will send another young woman in her place – and Prince Holden knows the ideal candidate, the beautiful young Vicar’s daughter called Avila Grandell, who looks uncannily like the Princess and, being half-Greek, speaks the language fluently. And so, with her mother’s concerned consent, this awestruck young innocent’s adventure begins, voyaging to Athens and on to the island of Malia. Little do any of them expect Avila to be touched by the Light of the God Apollo and would then fall in love with a handsome charming Prince of her own!

The Wicked Widow

Book Description

Since their adored father, Lord Shenley, passed away, the beautiful young Kyla Shenley and her little brother, Terry, have no one to care for them except for their despised stepmother, Sybil, who has already taken a lover and is plotting to get her greedy hands on the children’s large inheritance. When Kyla overhears her plans to ensure that young Terry has a ‘fatal accident’ and to drug Kyla and hand her over to a ghastly old man called ‘Lord Frome’ to face a life of debauchery, she sees no alternative but for them both to flee as far away as possible from their appalling stepmother. Heading for Lilliecote Castle and their beloved Nanny who works there for the Earl of Granston, they are accosted by a highwayman in a wood, but he turns out to be a particularly nice ‘gentleman of the road’, who demands only one of their sandwiches and even offers his protection should they find themselves in dire straits. When they arrive at The Castle, Nanny suggests that the Master, the Earl of Granston, should not be aware of their identities in case their wicked stepmother comes there seeking them. And, passing off Kyla as a new Governess to the Earl’s young niece, Jane, Nanny shows them how to hide in The Castle’s ancient secret passages and Priests’ Holes. But, as the handsome and authoritative Earl takes them under his wing, he suspects that there is more to the lovely Kyla than meets the eye. So eventually it is he, together with their highwayman friend, who defeats the Wicked Widow and her gang of evil accomplices in a terrifying battle in which the Earl wins Kyla’s heart and soul.

Good or Bad

Book Description

After their beloved Mama passed away, Amalita and Carolyn’s father, Sir Frederick Maulpin, could not bear living in the family home that reminded him so painfully of her. So he left his daughters behind for Paris, perhaps hoping to rediscover the raffish man-about-town he once was. To the girls’ chagrin, he immediately fell in love with and married a Frenchwoman called ‘Yvette’, whom his daughters considered vulgar and quite unsuitable for their adored Papa. Now, to their horror, they receive a letter informing them that their father and Yvette have drowned in a yachting accident in Nice. Not only have they lost their parents, now eighteen-year-old Carolyn has no one to present her to Queen Victoria at Buckingham Palace and chaperone her at debutante balls on which all her hopes are pinned. But her elder sister, Amalita, has a plan – A letter to her father’s old friend, the Marquis of Garlestone, secures an invitation to stay in exalted company, where Amalita, dressed as a far more mature woman, chaperones Carolyn in the guise of their stepmother, whom no one in London had ever met. And so their charade begins as, meeting the Marquis’s dashingly handsome son, the Earl of Garle, and his cousin, Timothy, they both become love-struck, but also hopelessly out of their depth and confounded by their own deceit –

The Audacious Adventuress

Book Description

The beautiful red-headed Druscilla Morley has been cruelly misused and abused by so-called ‘gentlemen’ all her young life. And most recently by the lecherous Lord Walden whose children she was appointed the Governess to. Not only had he forced himself upon her. Worse still he has told his wife that Druscilla was the louche philanderer and so she was summarily dismissed from their employment without any reference. Little wonder then that she now dresses in the dowdiest of clothes with her hair in a matronly bun, anything to make herself unattractive to men, all of whom she despises, loathes and fears. Now employed as Governess to another noble household, Druscilla is startled to meet her older second cousin Valdo, the Marquis of Lynche, now a famously dashing and handsome ‘ladies’ man’ in London Society and a considerable catch for ambitious debutantes. And she is even more startled to find that he is engaged in an illicit affair with her employer. Facing likely death in a duel with his lover’s furious husband, the Marquis is forced to propose a marriage of convenience to Druscilla, who sees it as an escape from her misery loneliness. They are summarily married with a Special Licence and Druscilla’s life now changes completely as she becomes the new Marchioness of Lynche. Little does she know that her audacious adventure means that she risks losing her life – or that she is about to lose her heart.