24 Frames Into the Future

Book Description

"24 Frames into the Future: Scalzi on Science Fiction Film is the 2012 Boskone Book by Guest of Honor John Scalzi. John Scalzi's first job was not actually writing a science fiction novel; rather, he was a film critic for the Fresno Bee. Only years later did he write Old Man's War, his critically acclaimed first novel. In this book, collecting many of his essays on Science Fiction films, you can read Scalzi's thoughts on movies, how they're produced, and how storytelling differs between movie and print. You'll get to read his prognostications about the Oscars and Hugos, and what he felt about how the awards actually turned out not to mention why "show business" is not "show art". Scalzi also has a lot to say about that rarified universe outside SF, and he also puts into perspective the way it has both taken from SF's culture and fashioned it"--Publisher.

Handbook of Participatory Video

Book Description

Participatory video is a growing area of research and an increasingly popular tool among practitioners, researchers, and NGOs working with communities around the world. The Handbook of Participatory Video advances the field, engaging critically with it as a research methodology and method and interrogating assumptions about its emancipatory nature and potential for social change. In twenty-eight chapters, contributors examine historical, ethical, methodological, and technical aspects of participatory video and discuss power, ownership, and knowledge production. The Handbook is organized into six parts: Locating Participatory Video, Participatory Video as a Critical Research Methodology, Working with Visual Data, Power and Ethics in Participatory Video, Dissemination and Reaching New Audiences, and Communities and Technologies. This benchmark work takes an interdisciplinary and global approach and will be invaluable to researchers, practitioners, and students.

The Avid Handbook

Book Description

The Avid Handbook caters to video editors bordering on intermediate who are ready to unleash the full power of the Avid but don't know where to start. Rather than focusing on arcane keystrokes, the book teaches production procedures, the real key for getting a job done. Time saving, shortcuts, and strategies are emphasized, and the author tackles such real-world problems as set up, keeping a facility running, minimizing crashing, and troubleshooting head on. Bayes has helped thousands to avoid downtime and maximize creative time.

Animating with Flash 8

Book Description

Whether you are a designer who hasn't yet used Flash, a professional animator who wants to create digital animation for the first time, or a Flash user who hasn't yet made the most of the animation features this book will show you how to bring your ideas to life. Get to grips with Flash and bring inspiration to your work using Alex Michael's easy to understand approach, demonstrating a wide selection of animation styles from a range of artists, along with key tips and tricks from the professionals.

The Avid Handbook

Book Description

Packed with workflow efficiencies for experienced editors, this book answers both the "whys and hows" of advanced Avid editing techniques

Animating with Flash MX

Book Description

If you are a professional animator and want to learn to use the Flash environment as a vehicle for your creative work then this is the book for you. It gets you up to speed fast with the basics of how to use Flash MX to animate, so you can start concentrating on how best to translate your animation skills to this medium. The techniques shown throughout the book build up in skill level quickly, showing you clearly and concisely the most effective way to translate your animations into Flash with the focus remaining on the importance of creative animation techniques. Benefit from Sprite Interactive's wealth of tips and tricks from their wide range of professional Flash animation work and successful training courses. Learn how to apply these techniques to your own work, how to make your characters run in Flash, speed them up and slow them down, make them stumble as they walk, show their anger or fear, make them come to life. Alex Michael, Lead Animator and MD of Sprite Interactive (www.sprite.net), shows you how to achieve all the creative skills of traditional animation using Flash so you can create work for a wide variety of new and innovative platforms, including PocketPCs and interactive TV, as well as video and the web. The free CD includes all the files you need to try everything in the book for yourself, as well as invaluable time and money saving animation processes and tools. Make sure you are at the cutting edge of animation and push your creative skills to the edge, if you want to animate successfully in Flash, buy this book.

The Informatics Handbook

Book Description

This is not a dictionary - and nor is it an encyclopedia. It is a reference and compendium of useful information about the converging worlds of computers, communications, telecommunications and broadcasting. You could refer to it as a guide for the Information Super Highway, but this would be pretentious. It aims to cover most of the more important terms and concepts in the developing discipline of Informatics - which, in my definition, includes the major converging technologies, and the associated social and cultural issues. Unlike a dictionary, this handbook makes no attempt to be 'prescriptive' in its definitions. Many of the words we use today in computing and communications only vaguely reflect their originations. And with such rapid change, older terms are often taken, twisted, inverted, and mangled, to the point where any attempt by me to lay down laws of meaning, would be meaningless. The information here is 'descriptive' - I am concerned with usage only. This book therefore contains keywords and explanations which have been culled from the current literature - from technical magazines, newspapers, the Internet, forums, etc. This is the living language as it is being used today - not a historical artifact of 1950s computer science.

Popular Science

Book Description

Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.

Grammar of the Edit

Book Description

Learn the basic "grammar" of editing films and videos in Grammar of the Edit! This book shows you in no uncertain terms (independently of software) what you absolutely need to know to edit your video production. Whether you are just learning how to edit or you need a refresher, this book gives you a basic toolkit to understand the basic terms and the common practices of editing to help create a coherent and meaningful story or visual presentation. This book concentrates on where and how an edit is made and teaches you how to answer the simple question: 'What do I need to do in order to make a good edit between two shots?' Grammar of the Edit begins with an explanation of the basic rules of visual construction that will allow you to arrange your footage logically. The book takes you from the basic vocabulary of editing, to knowing when to cut (and why), to transitions, and finally to good working practices. Designed as an easy-to-use reference, each topic is covered succinctly and is accompanied by clear photographs and diagrams that illustrate the key concepts presented in the book. Simple, elegant, and easy to use, Grammar of the Edit is a staple of any filmmaker's library. Don't miss the companion volume, Grammar of the Shot 2e, 9780240521213! A simple and clear overview of the principles of editing...timeless information that will improve your work Companion website offers video examples of various types of cuts to bring the book's lessons to life Together with its companion volume Grammar of the Shot, these little books are all the beginning filmmaker needs

Automatic Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Space Images (II)

Book Description

Advancements in digital sensor technology, digital image analysis techniques, as well as computer software and hardware have brought together the fields of computer vision and photogrammetry, which are now converging towards sharing, to a great extent, objectives and algorithms. The potential for mutual benefits by the close collaboration and interaction of these two disciplines is great, as photogrammetric know-how can be aided by the most recent image analysis developments in computer vision, while modern quantitative photogrammetric approaches can support computer vision activities. Devising methodologies for automating the extraction of man-made objects (e.g. buildings, roads) from digital aerial or satellite imagery is an application where this cooperation and mutual support is already reaping benefits. The valuable spatial information collected using these interdisciplinary techniques is of improved qualitative and quantitative accuracy. This book offers a comprehensive selection of high-quality and in-depth contributions from world-wide leading research institutions, treating theoretical as well as implementational issues, and representing the state-of-the-art on this subject among the photogrammetric and computer vision communities.