3000 Quotations from the Writings of George MacDonald

Book Description

In this comprehensive collection of his thought, readers of George MacDonald will discover what one of his editors, Rolland Hein, calls the "strength and captivating moral beauty" of his convictions.

3,000 Quotations from the Writings of George MacDonald

Book Description

In this comprehensive collection of his thought, readers of George MacDonald will discover what one of his editors, Rolland Hein, calls the “strength and captivating moral beauty” of his convictions. Drawn from his sermons, novels, poetry, and letters, 3,000 Quotations from the Writings of George MacDonald distills MacDonald’s exuberant celebration of the close connection between the human and the divine. Harry Verploegh, a lifelong collector of more than one hundred thousand useful and inspiring sayings from a variety of thinkers, compiled these three thousand quotes under topics today’s preachers, speakers, and writers will find both relevant and timely.

George MacDonald - Christian Writings (Complete and Unabridged) Unspoken Sermons by George MacDonald Series I, II, III in One Volume, a Book of Strife

Book Description

"I know hardly any other writer who seems to be closer, or more continually close, to the Spirit of Christ Himself. Hence his Christ-like union of tenderness and severity. Nowhere else outside the New Testament have I found terror and comfort so intertwined ..." (C. S. Lewis of George MacDonald) " "it is a striking indication of the trend and shallowness of the modern reading public that George MacDonald's books have been so neglected". -- Oswald Chambers In his C.S Lewis's introduction to George MacDonald: An Anthology, he speaks highly of MacDonald's theology: "This collection, as I have said, was designed not to revive MacDonald's literary reputation but to spread his religious teaching. Hence most of my extracts are taken from the three volumes of Unspoken Sermons. My own debt to this book is almost as great as one man can owe to another: and nearly all serious inquirers to whom I have introduced it acknowledge that it has given them great help-sometimes indispensable help toward the very acceptance of the Christian faith. ... I know hardly any other writer who seems to be closer, or more continually close, to the Spirit of Christ Himself. Hence his Christ-like union of tenderness and severity. Nowhere else outside the New Testament have I found terror and comfort so intertwined. ... In making this collection I was discharging a debt of justice. I have never concealed the fact that I regarded him as my master; indeed I fancy I have never written a book in which I did not quote from him. But it has not seemed to me that those who have received my books kindly take even now sufficient notice of the affiliation. Honesty drives me to emphasize it." This collection brings together three of George MacDonald's writings: "Unspoken Sermons by George Macdonald Series i, ii, iii in One Volume" - expositions revealing his profound theology. "A Book of Strife in the Form of the Diary of an Old Soul" - a book of poems remarkable for their stirring portrayal of human emotions. And "The Hope of the Gospel" - MacDonald writes about the gospel and about what it means to be a Christian with great wisdom and understanding.

The Harmony Within

Book Description

George MacDonald is a witness to the power of imagination. By using the art of enchantment, he is able to draw readers into another world seemingly more real than this one. What was the power behind his imagination and what drove MacDonald's art? It was his vision of the spiritual life that provided the context for his fantastic fairy tales and other writings. The Harmony Within: The Spiritual Vision of George MacDonald takes a close look at the religious roots of MacDonald's writing. So many people today are looking for a spiritual connection between God and man, between myth and destiny. George MacDonald's work provides a doorway to other worlds; the ideas behind his writing may help reshape the mythic elements of our lives.

God in Slow Motion

Book Description

Jesus was not in a hurry. He had only three years of public ministry—three years to heal and teach and change the world—but the Bible never tells us he was rushing through them. We are the ones who rush through them. Catching the gist of this parable. Smiling at the punch line in that dialogue. We can race through the Gospels in hours, fully briefed on Christ’s life, but hardly changed. Until we sit down with Mike Nappa’s God in Slow Motion. Nappa hasn’t carved up the Gospels for quick review or sliced them into tiny pieces for academic study. He has taken ten important moments from the life of Christ and reveled in them, chewing on their words, relating them to life, comparing them with modern culture, allowing the Spirit to work, and letting Christ change him. The result is a rich, personal, and biblical narrative about Jesus and how His purposes unfold, then and now. See how God is sneaky about his glory. How he presents evidence for belief. How he can be comforting and terrifying at once. This is the “good news” in all its many-splendored wonder: the life of Christ, frame by frame. And it is worth every minute because it will change you too.

Leaning into God When Life Is Pushing You Away

Book Description

Robert A. Schuller explores the various ways individuals lose or experience interference with their connection to God. He explains that emotions such as shame, regret, fear, and disappointment can stand in the way of the intimate association God wants with His children. The good news is that when His people are struggling, God stays close. There are many ways to reestablish a dynamic connection with Him. Schuller calls these "Connection Corrections" and leads readers through identifying communication barriers and how to break them. Each chapter delves into the reasons readers fail to connect with God, how to begin repairing the broken wires, and the life-altering benefits of restoring a positive, power-filled relationship with Him. Readers who feel adrift from God will no find that no barrier is too big to keep them from a close, loving relationship with Him.

George MacDonald -

Book Description

George MacDonald

Book Description

George MacDonald (1824-1905) fue un escritor escocés poco conocido incluso hoy en día, pero sus obras fueron muy admiradas por escritores como Tolkien y Lewis, quien llegó a considerarlo un genio y, sobre todo, su maestro. Al elaborar estos 365 extractos, en especial de sus Unspoken Sermons, Lewis busca antes al profesor cristiano, al sobresaliente predicador, que al escritor. Lo publicamos en último lugar en esta Biblioteca del autor, pues, según escribe en el prólogo, "no me ha parecido que quienes han recibido amablemente mis libros sepan suficientemente, incluso ahora, hasta dónde llega esa afiliación".

Cure for Moral Cancer

Book Description

This book describes the unique Christian cure for the moral illness that has crippled mankind throughout history and still runs rampant today. It examines this problem identified by all major religions and philosophies of the world. Then follows the detailed description of the proven and fully available (though sometimes unpleasant) cure. Best of all, it discusses the anti-toxin to prevent re-infection!

George MacDonald - Christian Writings (Complete and Unabridged) Unspoken Sermons by George MacDonald Series I, II, III in One Volume, a Book of Strife

Book Description

In his C.S Lewis's introduction to George MacDonald: An Anthology, he speaks highly of MacDonald's theology: "This collection, as I have said, was designed not to revive MacDonald's literary reputation but to spread his religious teaching. Hence most of my extracts are taken from the three volumes of Unspoken Sermons. My own debt to this book is almost as great as one man can owe to another: and nearly all serious inquirers to whom I have introduced it acknowledge that it has given them great help-sometimes indispensable help toward the very acceptance of the Christian faith. ... I know hardly any other writer who seems to be closer, or more continually close, to the Spirit of Christ Himself. Hence his Christ-like union of tenderness and severity. Nowhere else outside the New Testament have I found terror and comfort so intertwined. ... In making this collection I was discharging a debt of justice. I have never concealed the fact that I regarded him as my master; indeed I fancy I have never written a book in which I did not quote from him. But it has not seemed to me that those who have received my books kindly take even now sufficient notice of the affiliation. Honesty drives me to emphasize it." This collection brings together three of George MacDonald's writings: "Unspoken Sermons by George Macdonald Series i, ii, iii in One Volume" - expositions revealing his profound theology. "A Book of Strife in the Form of the Diary of an Old Soul" - a book of poems remarkable for their stirring portrayal of human emotions. And "The Hope of the Gospel" - MacDonald writes about the gospel and about what it means to be a Christian with great wisdom and understanding.