Got Questions?

Book Description

Everyone has questions. Young children ask “why?” Teenagers ask “why not?” Adults sometimes lament “what if?” The God who created us and who loves us has given us the answers to life’s most pressing questions in His Word. Yet many people have no idea that God has the answers and has made them available in the Bible. Whether it is a question about where we will spend eternity or how to deal with the pain of a broken relationship, you can be sure it has been asked and answered already on, the source for this book. Sadly, many individuals and ministries who offer advice are not biblically and theologically solid. That’s why Got Questions? is crucially needed—a resource that answers questions explicitly from a biblical perspective, with solid evangelical theology. Written in an easy-to-understand format and organized in easy-to-follow sections, Got Questions? will help readers find the answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding spiritual matters. The questions were asked by real people struggling through real-life issues who received solid, practical answers from the Bible. The articles in this volume are compiled from the more than 3,800 frequently-asked questions on our website, which are read over 7 million times each month. Some of the articles have been translated into 150 languages. Many books present teaching in a question-and-answer format, but few have delved into the questions that people are actually asking. Having received and answered more than 380,000 questions, Got Questions Ministries has a unique understanding of what questions are truly on people’s minds.

3,285 Bible Questions & Answers

Book Description

What did God create on the 6th day? Who was hidden in a well covered with corn? All kinds of fill-in-the-blank and matching questions, challenging word puzzles. Covers angels and animals, birds and brides, creation, crucifixion, feet, fowl and fools, plagues and prophets. A great way to keep up on the Bible.

Theological Answers to Questions on Prayer

Book Description

From the author The book covers discussions on prayer based on the theological views of some of the most important theologians and biblical scholars in the early church. The efficacy of Prayer has been the subject of several scientific research projects, debates, and conflicts for many years. “What sort of evidence would prove the efficacy of prayer?” Several studies have been generated as researchers try to discover the legitimacy of the belief that prayer is effective. The overall aim of the project is to investigate and explore the effectiveness of prayer; Discover who or what inspires prayer and what is the necessity of faith when we pray. I believe the efficacy of prayer is a reasonable subject of study and one which is appropriate for a person of faith or someone considering a vocation in Christian ministry. The evidence that would prove the efficacy of prayer begins with believing or having faith in God. This means that we decide to accept the teachings of Scripture without regard to reason or logic. The second point I would like to make regarding faith is that faith is a gift: Therefore, if anyone is to call upon the name of Jesus Christ, faith must be given to them. Faith is imparted by the Holy Spirit to the spiritually made-alive sinner. Acts 3 verse 16 says all faith in Christ is faith that has come from and through Christ. Hebrews 12 verse 2 says Jesus is the author and perfecter (finisher) of faith. The believer's faith must be anchored in Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:29 says it’s been “granted” unto us to believe in Jesus Christ. So, all faith in Christ originates in Christ Himself. He must grant this faith, and He grants it to those who have been chosen by God from before the foundation of the world. Second Peter 1:1 says faith must be given. ([email protected].) God will give revelation whenever and to whomever He chooses. As Christians living according to the word of God, this is a path that we must all walk in order to discover Christ’s plans for our lives. In fact, St. Paul, known as one of the greatest apostles of all times wrote: If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead, not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow, if that I may apprehend that for which also, I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Phil. 3:7-14. We are changed, transformed daily by the word of God. There are several powerful two-word phrases found in the World as well as the word of God. Phrases such as: Healed all; gathered in; cast out; raised up and pulled down. Each of these phrases are used in context with the power of God. However, there is one phrase used 43 times in Scripture that causes my spirit to leap for joy every time I read it and that phrase is: “but God”. This small two-word phrase communicates a tremendous message to all who will hear it. It is God’s response to Satan’s challenge. It is the bottom line. It is the last word. It is all over, but the shouting. “But God,” when viewed in relation to the challenges of life, is what up is to down; life is to death; in is to out. Always remember that had it not been for this fact, we would be like ships without sail when faced with the storms of life. “But God” stands diametrically opposed to the negative roar of the world; for example, whenever the world says no – “God” says yes. The world says cannot – “but God, ” says you can. The world says you will not, but God says you will. The world says stop – “but God says go. The world says do not – “but God says do. The world says defeat -- but God says victory! But God” climbs the highest mountain; traverses the darkest valley; and sings songs of victory in the midnight hour to comfort His children. “Our God is an awesome God. He is courageous, confident and conclusive and this is how we need to be also!” Secondly, we should strive to be increasingly like Jesus. This means taking off the old man’s attributes or the old way of thinking, and putting the new character designed by God Himself. It means that each day should find us more reformed than the previous day, redesigned in the nature of your maker. You should never give up or give in if you believe in the power of God. It doesn't matter how difficult the challenges may become if you put your trust in God you will survive. I encourage you to keep on trusting God and believing that you will overcome all obstacles. Persevere, don't quit, keep trusting with your consistent faith. To persevere is to stay for the entire game, do not rush off, but wait until the last seconds of the clock tick; until the “home team” has had its chance because by faith you will receive your victory. I want to encourage and motivate with these words. At this moment it may seem that the jury may still be out, but that does not change the reality that God will work things in your favor. Nothing will work against you because no weapon formed against you will prosper. Nothing can ever separate you from the love of God. Nothing happens unless God says so and, in your situation, while all the votes seem to be in, relax because God has not had His final say yet. In the bible there are many mysteries, various instances where our adversary the devil is confounded and confused. There are stories of his elaborate schemes going amiss because he failed to realize that God would always have the final say. He had worked so hard to get everything exactly right, yet just when he thinks he is victorious, he hears “But God!” Remember that God is faithful in all things, and He will be gracious to you. Please know that God will grant you strength and always show you mercy. God takes the time to do everything right and all those who wait for him will renew their strength.

Paratexts of the English Bible, 1525-1611

Book Description

English bibles, from Tyndale's 1525 New Testament to the 1611 King James, feature calendars, woodcuts, maps, chronologies, prayers, philological glosses, inset historical essays, elaborate multi-page diagrams, single-leaf summaries of scripture, prefaces by eminent churchmen, doctrinal notes by leading theologians, a dialogue on predestination, a twelfth-century genealogy of Christ, a ninth-century Jewish chronicle--most widely available, given the hundreds of editions printed between those dates. This book explores this archive, but it also tracks its changes, because while biblical translations remain relatively stable over time, the paratexts cocooning a bible's first printing sometimes mutate or vanish in succeeding editions--and indeed sometimes they migrate to a competing bible. These paratexts, together with their revelatory print histories, disclose a picture of the English Reformation that differs in striking ways from the authorized version.

The Bible Has the Answer

Book Description

How do we know the Bible is true? Why did God create the universe? How will we spend eternity? Neglecting and rejecting God's Word has its consequences: abortion, AIDS, troubled relationships, crime, immorality, personal freedoms - the Bible is vital in solving (and preventing) the very real problems facing people today. • Will all men eventually be saved? • How can I know God's will? • Is a Christian supposed to obey the government? • Why did God create Satan? Is the end of the world near? There are many questions today that demand answers in our daily lives; we can't avoid them. After reading this book, you'll clearly see answers to questions such as these, and others that affect our Christian walk.

The Grand Bible Study Guide and Quiz Book

Book Description

Dive into "The Grand Bible Study Guide and Quiz Book" and discover a guided exploration of the Bible's 66 books. This accessible guide is designed to enrich your understanding of biblical narratives, teachings, and characters, making it an essential resource for anyone looking to deepen their knowledge of the scriptures. Key Features: Structured Summaries: Brief overviews offer essential insights into each book's theme and content. Key Events and Teachings: Highlights crucial doctrinal insights and pivotal events. Featured Verses: Key scriptures underscore the central messages of each book. Detailed Genealogies: Explore the lineages of significant biblical figures such as Abraham, Moses, and King David. Historical Context: Includes information on high priests, prophets, judges, kings, and other pivotal biblical figures, outlining their roles in the biblical narrative. 1000 Multiple-Choice Questions: Test your knowledge and reinforce learning with extensive quiz sections. Answers and Biblical References: Includes answers and references for all 1,000 multiple-choice questions at the end of the book. Ideal for various educational and spiritual settings, this guide is perfect for individual study, family faith discussions, church groups, and educational purposes. Whether you are beginning your journey in Bible study or seeking to enhance your understanding, this guide provides valuable insights and practical tools to help you navigate the complexities of biblical teachings.