3 Minute Summary of Marissa Mayer and the Fight to Save Yahoo! by Nicholas Carlson

Book Description

thimblesofplenty is a group of friends who also happen to be business people and avid readers. We wanted to keep up with the latest business books but found that time was a factor. So we divided out the work and each of us took a book and summarised it for the others. We though it might be a great idea to share these summaries with you. For a small price and a 3 minute time investment, our summary gives you some of the wisdom from the book, some food for thought and hopefully the impetus to make some time to read the whole book!

Résumé de 3 minutes de « Marissa Mayer and the Fight to Save Yahoo! » par Nicholas Carlson

Book Description

thimblesofplenty est un groupe d’amis qui sont également des businessmen et des fervents lecteurs. Nous voulions suivre les derniers livres de business mais nous trouvions que le temps était un facteur important à prendre en compte. Nous avons donc divisé le travail et chacun d’entre nous a pris un livre et l’a résumé pour les autres. Nous pensions que cela pouvais être une excellente idée de partager ces résumés avec vous. Pour un prix réduit et un investissement de 3 minutes, nos résumés vous offrent un peu de sagesse du livre, de quoi alimenter vos pensées et avec espérons-le, vous donneront envie de prendre le temps de lire le livre en entier.

3 Minuten Zusammenfassung von Marissa Mayer and the Fight to Save Yahoo! von Nicholas Carlson

Book Description

Thimblesofplenty ist eine Gruppe von Freunden, die zufällig auch Geschäftsleute und Bücherwürmer sind. Wir wollten zu halten mit den neuesten Geschäfts-Bücher, fand aber Zeit war ein Faktor. So wir haben die Arbeit geteilt und jeder von uns nahm ein Buch und es für die anderen zusammengefasst haben. Wir haben gedacht dass es eine gute Idee wäre, diese Zusammenfassungen mit Ihnen zu teilen. Für einen kleinen Preis und eine 3 Minuten Zeitaufwand unsere Zusammenfassungen bietet Ihnen einige der Weisheit aus dem Buch, einige Denkanstöße und hoffentlich den Anstoß, Zeit machen, das ganze Buch zu lesen!

5x3 Minute Summary Mashup of Women in Business including Bernadette Jiwa, Lori Greiner and Marissa Mayer

Book Description

thimblesofplenty is a group of friends who also happen to be business people and avid readers. We wanted to keep up with the latest business books but found that time was a factor. So we divided out the work and each of us took a book and summarised it for the others. We though it might be a great idea to share these summaries with you. For a small price and a 3 minute time investment, our summary gives you some of the wisdom from the book, some food for thought and hopefully the impetus to make some time to read the whole book!

Marissa Mayer and the Fight to Save Yahoo!

Book Description

A page-turning narrative about Marissa Mayer's efforts to remake Yahoo as well as her own rise from Stanford University undergrad to CEO of a $30 billion corporation by the age of 38. When Yahoo hired star Google executive Mayer to be its CEO in 2012 employees rejoiced. They put posters on the walls throughout Yahoo's California headquarters. On them there was Mayer's face and one word: HOPE. But one year later, Mayer sat in front of those same employees in a huge cafeteria on Yahoo's campus and took the beating of her life. Her hair wet and her tone defensive, Mayer read and answered a series of employee-posed questions challenging the basic elements of her plan. There was anger in the room and, behind it, a question: Was Mayer actually going to be able to do this thing? Marissa Mayer and the Fight to Save Yahoo! is the inside story of how Yahoo got into such awful shape in the first place, Marissa Mayer's controversial rise at Google, and her desperate fight to save an Internet icon. In August 2011 hedge fund billionaire Daniel Loeb took a long look at Yahoo and decided to go to war with its management and board of directors. Loeb then bought a 5% stake and began a shareholder activist campaign that would cost the jobs of three CEOs before he finally settled on Google's golden girl Mayer to unlock the value lurking in the company. As Mayer began to remake Yahoo from a content company to a tech company, an internal civil war erupted. In author Nicholas Carlson's capable hands, this riveting book captures Mayer's rise and Yahoo's missteps as a dramatic illustration of what it takes to grab the brass ring in Silicon Valley. And it reveals whether it is possible for a big lumbering tech company to stay relevant in today's rapidly changing business landscape.

Dear Madam President

Book Description

THE NUMBER ONE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER DEAR MADAM PRESIDENT is an empowering letter from former White House Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri to the first woman president, and by extension, to all women working to succeed in any field. By using lessons learned during her experiences with Hillary Clinton, President Obama, and Elizabeth Edwards - to name a few - Palmieri through each chapter creates a forward-thinking framework of inspirational and practical advice for all women everywhere - from boardrooms to living rooms - who are determined to seize control of their lives, their workplaces, and their country. DEAR MADAM PRESIDENT will turn the results of the 2016 election into something incredibly empowering for future female leaders and independent thinkers everywhere. We haven't wrapped our heads around what it should look like for a woman to be in the job of President. Our only models are men. This of course was seen during the Hillary Clinton campaign, and no one knows this better than Jennifer Palmieri. While wildly disappointed by the outcome of the election, Palmieri optimistically argues in the book that the Clinton candidacy and all she experienced on the campaign trail - confusion, admiration, hate, love, acceptance, rejection - can now open the country up to reimagining women in leadership roles. And that is what Palmieri takes on in this book - redefining expectations for women looking to lead and creating a blueprint for women candidates and leaders to follow.

The Googlization of Everything

Book Description

In the beginning, the World Wide Web was exciting and open to the point of anarchy, a vast and intimidating repository of unindexed confusion. Into this creative chaos came Google with its dazzling mission—"To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible"—and its much-quoted motto, "Don’t be evil." In this provocative book, Siva Vaidhyanathan examines the ways we have used and embraced Google—and the growing resistance to its expansion across the globe. He exposes the dark side of our Google fantasies, raising red flags about issues of intellectual property and the much-touted Google Book Search. He assesses Google’s global impact, particularly in China, and explains the insidious effect of Googlization on the way we think. Finally, Vaidhyanathan proposes the construction of an Internet ecosystem designed to benefit the whole world and keep one brilliant and powerful company from falling into the "evil" it pledged to avoid.

The Online Advertising Playbook

Book Description

Praise for The Online Advertising Playbook "Finally, someone has documented all we know about online advertising and how to do it right. As much as this confirms that online advertising really works, we know that marketers don't always get it right. The ARF's The Online Advertising Playbook provides critical insight on what sticks and what doesn't in online advertising and marketing." —Greg Stuart, CEO and President, Interactive Advertising Bureau and coauthor of What Sticks "The Online Advertising Playbook's principles, case studies, and strategic insights equip marketers with the best knowledge available. It will help your online advertising achieve the full range of marketing objectives, from lead generation and customer acquisition to driving trial and loyalty." —Tim Kopp, Vice President, Global Interactive Marketing, The Coca-Cola Company "To grow interactive marketing from here we need to institutionalize our wisdom and experience about what works. This book explains, in a disciplined way, what marketers have learned from a decade of massive change." —Ted McConnell, Interactive Innovation Director, Procter & Gamble "The Online Advertising Playbook is a milestone in the maturation of interactive advertising, but also an invaluable go-to guide for managers trying to make smart decisions with their advertising budgets." —Van Riley, Vice President of Research, AOL "The best marketing communication is spawned from what I call 'informed intuition.' After reading The Online Advertising Playbook, I am far better informed on how to optimize the online channel in our advertising and promotional programs. It's a perfect blend of case studies and research-backed learning." —Rod DeVar, Manager, Advertising and Promotion, United States Postal Service "Savvy marketers should take advantage of The Online Advertising Playbook's findings and principles to get real results." —Chris Theodoros, Director of Industry Relations, Google "A work of wisdom and rigor in the digital space that is as relevant for the newbie as it is for the digerati." —Mike Donahue, Executive Vice President, American Association of Advertising Agencies "This is a must-read for any marketing executive involved in online advertising. It's high time that a book looks at online advertising in the context of an integrative promotional strategy, one meant to set objectives, establish creative strategies, and measure results. The book nicely ties the various components of online advertising to relevant case studies, and the emphasis on measurement and results is refreshing. Not only is it relevant for marketing executives, it would also be a good basic text for any Internet advertising course and a good adjunct to any Internet marketing course." —Henry Assael, Professor of Marketing, Stern School of Business, New York University

To the Cloud

Book Description

Cloud computing and big data are arguably the most significant forces in information technology today. In the wake of revelations about National Security Agency (NSA) activities, many of which occur "in the cloud", this book offers both enlightenment and a critical view. Vincent Mosco explores where the cloud originated, what it means, and how important it is for business, government and citizens. He describes the intense competition among cloud companies like Amazon and Google, the spread of the cloud to government agencies like the controversial NSA, and the astounding growth of entire cloud cities in China. Is the cloud the long-promised information utility that will solve many of the world's economic and social problems? Or is it just marketing hype? To the Cloud provides the first thorough analysis of the potential and the problems of a technology that may very well disrupt the world.

Organizational Behavior

Book Description

Organizational Behavior: A Critical-Thinking Perspective, by Christopher P. Neck, Jeffery D. Houghton, and Emma L. Murray, provides insight into OB concepts and processes through a first-of-its kind active learning experience. Thinking Critically challenge questions tied to Bloom’s taxonomy appear throughout each chapter, challenging students to apply, analyze, and create. Unique, engaging case narratives that span several chapters along with experiential exercises, self-assessments, and interviews with business professionals foster students’ abilities to think critically and creatively, highlight real-world applications, and bring OB concepts to life.