Book Description
NASA scientists gave LSD to spiders for scientific research.The greatest shark protector is Peter Benchley. He wrote the novel, Jaws.A new state of matter was discovered recently inside a chicken's eyeball.A chimpanzee is so strong, it can tear off a person's hand.Hippos can run faster than humans.Platypuses and centipedes. are venomous.Horses can't vomit.Jellyfish can be 8ft wide and weigh 450lbs.No one knows why lions have manes.Penguins can't taste fish.Black rhinos and white rhinos are grey.Almost all animals (including humans) take the same length of time to urinate.The naked-mole rat is immune to cancer.There are 49 different names for a puma.Mice don't like cheese.Although owls have a reputation for being wise, there are one of the dumbest birds.You can be sentenced to death for killing a panda.If turtles get tired, they hitch rides on crocodiles.Mosquitoes can't mate or bite if they listen to Skrillex's song, Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites.