3000 Facts about the Greatest Movies Ever

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Hitler's favorite film was King Kong. The Blues Brothers is the only film ever that had a cocaine budget. Citizen Kane was booed at the Oscars every time one of its nominations were announced. Marlon Brando didn't read the script when he was shooting Apocalypse Now. Instead, he turned it into a hat. Sean Connery turned down the role of Gandalf in Lord of the Rings. He would?ve been paid $560 million. Although Hattie McDaniel won an Oscar for Gone with the Wind, she wasn't allowed to go to the premier because she was black. Edward Scissorhands was supposed to be a musical. Steven Spielberg thought the theme song for Jaws was terrible. Groundhog Day takes place over 27 years. All of the Ping-Pong balls in Forrest Gump are computer-generated. In Toy Story, the carpets in Sid's house have the same design as the carpets in The Shining. It took eight years for Christopher Nolan to write Inception. Back to the Future was banned in China because the Chinese find time-travel disrespectful to history.

3000 Facts About Animals

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3000 Facts about Historic Figures

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This book is a compilation of 1000 Facts about Historic Figures Vol. 1-3 Stalin executed scientists because they didn't believe him that plants can be Communists. Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors. Lenin died when part of his brain turned to stone. Princess Diana once visited a gay bar dressed as a man. Martin Luther King won a Grammy. The Queen of England owns all the dolphins in British waters. Albert Einstein couldn't drive. Galileo didn't believe in comets. Aristotle thought the Moon was alive. Florence Nightingale popularized pie-charts. Alexander Graham Bell tried to teach his dog how to talk.

3000 Facts about Actors

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