31 days encounter with the holy spirit

Book Description

This book, ”31 Days Encounter with the Holy Spirit,” is a ”Life in the Spirit program.” A study guide that attracts divine encounter and releases the supernatural virtues of the Holy Spirit in your life. It is an insightful program where you get supernaturally empowered and equipped to succeed in all ramifications of life. Many people who failed in businesses, marriages, academics, and other areas of life could have been successful if they had humbled themselves and learn from the Holy Spirit whom God had made a Teacher to those who are willing to learn and grow in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Before we talk about the personality of the Holy Spirit, let’s consider this story. A man was looking for a good school where he could register his children for proper education. His friend introduced him to a school and highly recommended the school for his children. Initially, the man did not consent to his friend’s recommendation because he doubted if the school has good teachers. But later, he decided to give it a trial. He registered one of his sons just to know what would be the outcome of the studies. At the end of the first term, the performance of the child was superlatively outstanding. The man was delighted. Without hesitation, he registered the other of his two children, making it a total of three children he enrolled in the same school. Just like the man who enrolled his three children in the same school after he had ascertained the credibility of the school, we also need to know who the Holy Spirit is and find out His definite attributes. This will help us to believe in Him fully and also open our hearts for His impartations. “And the angel answered and said to her, the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you, therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God”. – (Luke 1:35) Holy Spirit is a Personality who has divinely embodied power to make everything possible. Nature demands that a man and a woman must come together sexually before a woman could conceive and bear a child. But in Luke 1:35, we see the Holy Spirit overruling the law of nature and granting a woman a child in her womb without the interference of any man. Holy Spirit is in relation with the Godhead. He is the Spirit of God sent to help humanity achieve divine purposes. He gives wisdom for diverse purposes and also imparts moral and decent character in the lives of those who are privileged to have Him. He was fully involved in the creation of the earth and the things in the earth (Genesis chapter 1). Presently, He is the Spirit of God, helping the church of God to manifest the power and glory of God. He was sent to us by God after the ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4). The Holy Spirit is in the world today, moving around and helping those who are willing to learn and receive from Him. He is our Comforter whom God sent to comfort us in every situation. The good and wonderful attributes of this glorious Personality called “The Holy Spirit” are so numerous to mention. But with these few qualities of His mentioned here, it is convincing that the Holy Spirit is worth hearing and learning from whenever He speaks. He gives wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to those who submit to His learning. Translator: Peter I. O. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

31 Days Encounter with The Holy Spirit. Impartation Of God's Wisdom to Achieve Great Exploit. Learning from The Holy Spirit.

Book Description

This book, "31 Days Encounter with the Holy Spirit," is a "Life in the Spirit program." A study guide that attracts divine encounter and releases the supernatural virtues of the Holy Spirit in your life. It is an insightful program where you get supernaturally empowered and equipped to succeed in all ramifications of life.Many people who failed in businesses, marriages, academics, and other areas of life could have been successful if they had humbled themselves and learn from the Holy Spirit whom God had made a Teacher to those who are willing to learn and grow in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.---Before we talk about the personality of the Holy Spirit, let's consider this story. A man was looking for a good school where he could register his children for proper education. His friend introduced him to a school and highly recommended the school for his children. Initially, the man did not consent to his friend's recommendation because he doubted if the school has good teachers. But later, he decided to give it a trial. He registered one of his sons just to know what would be the outcome of the studies. At the end of the first term, the performance of the child was superlatively outstanding. The man was delighted. Without hesitation, he registered the other of his two children, making it a total of three children he enrolled in the same school.Just like the man who enrolled his three children in the same school after he had ascertained the credibility of the school, we also need to know who the Holy Spirit is and find out His definite attributes. This will help us to believe in Him fully and also open our hearts for His impartations. "And the angel answered and said to her, the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you, therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God". - (Luke 1:35)Holy Spirit is a Personality who has divinely embodied power to make everything possible. Nature demands that a man and a woman must come together sexually before a woman could conceive and bear a child. But in Luke 1:35, we see the Holy Spirit overruling the law of nature and granting a woman a child in her womb without the interference of any man. Holy Spirit is in relation with the Godhead. He is the Spirit of God sent to help humanity achieve divine purposes. He gives wisdom for diverse purposes and also imparts moral and decent character in the lives of those who are privileged to have Him. He was fully involved in the creation of the earth and the things in the earth (Genesis chapter 1). Presently, He is the Spirit of God, helping the church of God to manifest the power and glory of God. He was sent to us by God after the ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4). The Holy Spirit is in the world today, moving around and helping those who are willing to learn and receive from Him. He is our Comforter whom God sent to comfort us in every situation. The good and wonderful attributes of this glorious Personality called "The Holy Spirit" are so numerous to mention. But with these few qualities of His mentioned here, it is convincing that the Holy Spirit is worth hearing and learning from whenever He speaks. He gives wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to those who submit to His learning.

31 Days Encounter With The Holy Spirit

Book Description

Book Title: 31 DAYS ENCOUNTER WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT In this book you will learn the following; 1) Understand the mysteries of the Holy Spirit 2) Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit 3) Have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit 4) Walk with the Holy Spirit 5) Receive the wisdom and knowledge of the Holy Spirit 6) Receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit 7) Receive the fruit of the Holy Spirit 8) Be led by the Holy Spirit If you desire these attributes, this book is for you. DESCRIPTION OF THE BOOK The revelation of this book came after an intense inquiry was made through prayer concerning the following; - The high rate of marital crisis and divorces in Christian marriages - Disunity in the Body of Christ (The Church) - Betrayals among the Christians - Christian siblings plotting evil against one another - Christian parents killing their children - Children killing their parents - Stubbornness among the youths - Sexual immoralities among the Christians (E.g Fornication, masturbation, adultery, etc.) - Christian husband and wife fighting disgracefully in public - Pastors fighting against their fellow pastors - Christians Inability to help one another - Christian brethren committing suicide - Christian mothers committing abortions, etc. Having prayed about these ungodly occurrences, the Lord Jesus made it clearly known that many Christians do not have the Holy Spirit living in them, and that is the reason for the unpleasant happenings. This book, "31 Days Encounter with the Holy Spirit," is a "Life in the Spirit program." A study guide that attracts divine encounter and releases the supernatural virtues of the Holy Spirit in your life. You can receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit the same day you repented and gave your life to Christ, but it takes due processes and constant intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit to receive the "Full Divine Empowerment", "And they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit" (Acts 6:5). The bible made it clear that Stephen was a man full of the Holy Spirit. His intimate walk with the Holy Spirit enabled him to receive the full empowerment of the Holy Spirit. This book "31 Days Encounter With The Holy Spirit" is written to guide you through on how to receive the full empowerment of the Holy Spirit. We are in the era of the Holy Spirit, and anyone who does not have the Holy Spirit is in danger of becoming a prey to the teeth of the Devil at any time. This book will open your eyes to understand that many people, including Christians, do not have the Holy Spirit. One of the things that have confused many people and made them believe they have the Holy Spirit is their inability to understand the mystery of the Holy Spirit and the positions He has come to occupy. There are two positions the Holy Spirit must occupy for Him to work effectively in our lives. Let's consider the following scripture. In John 14:17, Jesus said; 17 "the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you." Here, Jesus Christ revealed to us the two positions the Holy Spirit will occupy to enable Him to work effectively in our lives; 1) He will dwell with you: This means that the Holy Spirit will be with us as a church in general (Matthew 18:20) 2) He will be in you: This means that the Holy Spirit will live inside of you. He will live in your body. (1 Corinthians 6:19). Study this book with adequate devotion, follow the guidelines in it, take the prayers accordingly, and the Holy Spirit will transform your life for good, and also help you to fulfill your destiny. Enjoy it, and be blessed.

31 Days Encounter With The Holy Spirit

Book Description

This book, ”31 Days Encounter with the Holy Spirit,” is a ”Life in the Spirit program.” A study guide that attracts divine encounter and releases the supernatural virtues of the Holy Spirit in your life. It is an insightful program where you get supernaturally empowered and equipped to succeed in all ramifications of life.Many people who failed in businesses, marriages, academics, and other areas of life could have been successful if they had humbled themselves and learn from the Holy Spirit whom God had made a Teacher to those who are willing to learn and grow in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.Before we talk about the personality of the Holy Spirit, let’s consider this story. A man was looking for a good school where he could register his children for proper education. His friend introduced him to a school and highly recommended the school for his children. Initially, the man did not consent to his friend’s recommendation because he doubted if the school has good teachers. But later, he decided to give it a trial. He registered one of his sons just to know what would be the outcome of the studies. At the end of the first term, the performance of the child was superlatively outstanding. The man was delighted. Without hesitation, he registered the other of his two children, making it a total of three children he enrolled in the same school.Just like the man who enrolled his three children in the same school after he had ascertained the credibility of the school, we also need to know who the Holy Spirit is and find out His definite attributes. This will help us to believe in Him fully and also open our hearts for His impartations. “And the angel answered and said to her, the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you, therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God”. – (Luke 1:35)Holy Spirit is a Personality who has divinely embodied power to make everything possible. Nature demands that a man and a woman must come together sexually before a woman could conceive and bear a child. But in Luke 1:35, we see the Holy Spirit overruling the law of nature and granting a woman a child in her womb without the interference of any man. Holy Spirit is in relation with the Godhead. He is the Spirit of God sent to help humanity achieve divine purposes. He gives wisdom for diverse purposes and also imparts moral and decent character in the lives of those who are privileged to have Him. He was fully involved in the creation of the earth and the things in the earth (Genesis chapter 1). Presently, He is the Spirit of God, helping the church of God to manifest the power and glory of God. He was sent to us by God after the ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4). The Holy Spirit is in the world today, moving around and helping those who are willing to learn and receive from Him. He is our Comforter whom God sent to comfort us in every situation. The good and wonderful attributes of this glorious Personality called “The Holy Spirit” are so numerous to mention. But with these few qualities of His mentioned here, it is convincing that the Holy Spirit is worth hearing and learning from whenever He speaks. He gives wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to those who submit to His learning.

The Greatest Day of My Life (Seeds Of Wisdom On The Holy Spirit, Volume 14)

Book Description

B-116 THE GREATEST DAY OF MY LIFE (SEEDS OF WISDOM ON THE HOLY SPIRIT, Volume 14) Uncover The Mystery Concerning The Holy Spirit. The only Person you are capable of satisfying! He is the only Person you are required to obey your entire lifetime. Changes Will Occur In Your Life As You Make Him Your Focus. A Condensed Digest! Also Available In Spanish #SB-116 El Dia Más Grandioso De Mi Vida Also Available In Portuguese #PB-116 O Melhor Dia Da Minha Vida

Living Each Day Led by the Spirit

Book Description

Whether a teen, parent, single, or a pastor, this study will inspire all who read. Perfect for individual and small group studies. This study will lead you through a journey of deep insight, refreshing comfort, and revitalizing encouragement that will bring you to a place of renewing a greater commitment in your walk with the Lord and develop a burning desire to learn more about His Word. More than just another Bible Study: this book reveals God's awesome plan and desire for your life, to help in every aspect of your life, generating awareness of His desire to be personally involved with you. Use it as a creative and inspiring evangelistic tool to bring hope, encouragement, and direction to those who are hurting and desperately need a change. This is a much-needed message that brings strength to those who may become weary through living in a fast paced world. Anvil Forge has dedicated his life to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. His desire to serve the Lord has led him to volunteer and devote much of his life as a 'missionary on American soil' from public school campuses, senior homes, youth centers, churches, and in juvenile and adult prisons. The author when single lived and ministered to the inner city needs of Southern California, now resides in South Dakota with his wife and three children.'missionaries on the prairie.'

By His Spirit

Book Description

The Lord is that Spirit, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. II Corin. 3:17 Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts. Zech. 4:6 We are to live our lives in faith, hope, and love by walking under the control of the Holy Spirit. This devotional book is to encourage everyone to have a daily walk with the Holy Spirit, so that he or she can have the victory every day.

The Meditation of God's Word from the Holy Spirit

Book Description

The Meditation of God's Word from the Holy Spirit By Dr. Margaret A. Holladay The Meditation of God's Word from the Holy Spirit was told to the author by the Holy Spirit. The author prays that all who read this book will love the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved by the Holy Spirit. Believe and trust in God and the Holy Spirit. He is alive and is always there to guide you in the right way. For each one of us, God is writing a book on our life ¿ those that are still living and those that are passed on, their book is finished. God is the author of our life from the time we were born. Remember Jeremiah, God knew him before he was in his mother¿s womb. We are pilgrims visiting here on Earth. When our journey is over, and if you¿re saved by Christ Jesus, then our citizenship is in heaven. About the Author Dr. Margaret A. Holladay is married to Stephen B. Holladay. She has a doctorate degree in Theology from The Kingdom of God Apostolic & Prophetic Ministries International Bible College in Sacramento, California. She has spoken at many conferences, has given many sermons at churches, and has taught Bible studies and Sunday School. She was the superintendent over Sunday School and Youth Ministries, minister of healing, and a Christian Counselor.

Spiritual Pioneering

Book Description

The testimonies and pearls of wisdom are to help people find their way to Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. Jesus has given us the gift of eternal life if we accept him as our Lord and Saviour. I conclude this book and challenge everyone who reads it to say a prayer asking Jesus to come into your life. If you are sincere, I guarantee that your life will change. For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son Jesus Christ. That whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3: 1617). God did not send Jesus into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved. The choice is yours. Let us remember that every choice has a consequence and that you are the product of choices made in the past. Invite Jesus into your life and learn to walk with him. We are all spiritual beings living in a physical body. All that will remain is the spirit that gave life to the body. That life-giving spirit will return to the Creator and be judged by God, the giver of life. The physical body will decay.