365 Días de Extrema Motivación

Book Description

365 DÍAS DE EXTREMA MOTIVACIÓN Poderoso libro de motivacion que cambiara tu vida al EXITO Y ABUNDANCIA! Vivir una vida fructífera es vivirla con sentido. Encontrar ese significado puede ser un viaje de toda la vida y a lo largo del camino puede que necesites palabras de sabiduría que te guíen por el camino correcto. Palabras que te permitan superar las luchas que vienen con lo que la vida tiene para ofrecernos. EN ESTE LIBRO ENCONTRARAS LAS CLAVES PARA MOTIVAR TU VIDA Y LOGRAR EL EXITO Y ABUNDANCIA!

365 D?as de Extrema Motivaci?n--Alcanzando el ?xito Prop?sito y Acci?n!

Book Description

Poderoso libro de motivacion que cambiara tu vida al EXITO Y ABUNDANCIA! Vivir una vida fruct?fera es vivirla con sentido. Encontrar ese significado puede ser un viaje de toda la vida y a lo largo del camino puede que necesites palabras de sabidur?a que te gu?en por el camino correcto. Palabras que te permitan superar las luchas que vienen con lo que la vida tiene para ofrecernos. EN ESTE LIBRO ENCONTRARAS LAS CLAVES PARA MOTIVAR TU VIDA Y LOGRAR EL EXITO Y ABUNDANCIA!

365 D?as de Extrema Motivaci?n

Book Description

365 D?AS DE EXTREMA MOTIVACI?N Poderoso libro de motivacion que cambiara tu vida al EXITO Y ABUNDANCIA! Vivir una vida fruct?fera es vivirla con sentido. Encontrar ese significado puede ser un viaje de toda la vida y a lo largo del camino puede que necesites palabras de sabidur?a que te gu?en por el camino correcto. Palabras que te permitan superar las luchas que vienen con lo que la vida tiene para ofrecernos. EN ESTE LIBRO ENCONTRARAS LAS CLAVES PARA MOTIVAR TU VIDA Y LOGRAR EL EXITO Y ABUNDANCIA!

365 Days of Extreme Motivation

Book Description

365 DAYS OF EXTREME MOTIVATION Powerful motivational book that will change your life to SUCCESS AND ABUNDANCE! To live a fruitful life is to live it with meaning. Finding that meaning can be a lifelong journey and along the way you may need words of wisdom to guide you along the right path. Words that allow you to overcome the struggles that come with what life has to offer. IN THIS BOOK YOU WILL FIND THE KEYS TO MOTIVATE YOUR LIFE AND ACHIEVE SUCCESS AND ABUNDANCE!

365 Días de Extrema Motivación

Book Description

Vivir una VIDA FRUCTíFERA es vivirla con sentido. Encontrar ese significado puede ser un viaje de toda la vida y a lo largo del camino puede que necesites palabras de SABIDURÍA que te guíen por el camino correcto. Palabras que logran superar las luchas que vienen con lo que la vida tiene para ofrecernos. MOTIVARSE y mantenerse MOTIVADO no es una tarea tan fácil. Incluso las personas que tienen éxito en los negocios y en las relaciones personales caen en picado y les resulta muchas veces difícil. Está casi totalmente impulsada por ESTADOS DE ÁNIMO y DECISIONES INTERNAS. Esto significa que TIENES MUCHO CONTROL SOBRE ELLA; y puedes cambiarla cuando quieras para obtener MEJORES RESULTADOS. Para cuando hayas terminado ESTE LIBRO, tendrás un PODEROSO ARSENAL de herramientas a tu disposición, que puedes usar para motivarte y lograr todos tus objetivos.

365 Días de Extrema Motivación-Alcanzando El Éxito Propósito Y Acción!

Book Description

Vivir una VIDA FRUCTíFERA es vivirla con sentido. Encontrar ese sentido puede ser un viaje de toda la vida y a lo largo del camino puede que necesites palabras de SABIDURÍA que te guíen por el camino correcto. Palabras que logran superar las luchas que vienen, con lo que la vida tiene para ofrecernos. MOTIVARSE y mantenerse MOTIVADO no es una tarea tan fácil. Incluso las personas que tienen éxito en los negocios y en las relaciones personales caen en picado y les resulta muchas veces difícil. Está casi totalmente impulsada por ESTADOS DE ÁNIMO y DECISIONES INTERNAS. Esto significa que TIENES MUCHO CONTROL SOBRE ELLA; y puedes cambiarla cuando quieras para obtener MEJORES RESULTADOS. Para cuando hayas terminado ESTE LIBRO, tendrás un PODEROSO ARSENAL de herramientas a tu disposición, que puedes usar para motivarte y lograr todos tus objetivos.

Without Criteria

Book Description

A Deleuzian reading of Whitehead and a Whiteheadian reading of Deleuze open the possibility of a critical aesthetics of contemporary culture. In Without Criteria, Steven Shaviro proposes and explores a philosophical fantasy: imagine a world in which Alfred North Whitehead takes the place of Martin Heidegger. What if Whitehead, instead of Heidegger, had set the agenda for postmodern thought? Heidegger asks, “Why is there something, rather than nothing?” Whitehead asks, “How is it that there is always something new?” In a world where everything from popular music to DNA is being sampled and recombined, argues Shaviro, Whitehead's question is the truly urgent one. Without Criteria is Shaviro's experiment in rethinking postmodern theory, especially the theory of aesthetics, from a point of view that hearkens back to Whitehead rather than Heidegger. In working through the ideas of Whitehead and Deleuze, Shaviro also appeals to Kant, arguing that certain aspects of Kant's thought pave the way for the philosophical “constructivism” embraced by both Whitehead and Deleuze. Kant, Whitehead, and Deleuze are not commonly grouped together, but the juxtaposition of them in Without Criteria helps to shed light on a variety of issues that are of concern to contemporary art and media practices.


Book Description

bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown presents a much easier way to write books and technical publications than traditional tools such as LaTeX and Word. The bookdown package inherits the simplicity of syntax and flexibility for data analysis from R Markdown, and extends R Markdown for technical writing, so that you can make better use of document elements such as figures, tables, equations, theorems, citations, and references. Similar to LaTeX, you can number and cross-reference these elements with bookdown. Your document can even include live examples so readers can interact with them while reading the book. The book can be rendered to multiple output formats, including LaTeX/PDF, HTML, EPUB, and Word, thus making it easy to put your documents online. The style and theme of these output formats can be customized. We used books and R primarily for examples in this book, but bookdown is not only for books or R. Most features introduced in this book also apply to other types of publications: journal papers, reports, dissertations, course handouts, study notes, and even novels. You do not have to use R, either. Other choices of computing languages include Python, C, C++, SQL, Bash, Stan, JavaScript, and so on, although R is best supported. You can also leave out computing, for example, to write a fiction. This book itself is an example of publishing with bookdown and R Markdown, and its source is fully available on GitHub.

Secret Judgments of God

Book Description

In the wake of European expansion, disease outbreaks in the New World caused the greatest loss of life known to history. Post-contact Native American inhabitants succumbed in staggering numbers to maladies such as smallpox, measles, influenza, and typhus, against which they had no immunity. A collection of case studies by historians, geographers, and anthropologists, "Secret Judgments of God" discusses how diseases with Old World origins devastated vulnerable native populations throughout Spanish America. In their preface to the paperback edition, the editors discuss the ongoing, often heated debate about contact population history.

Toolkit for Counseling Spanish-Speaking Clients

Book Description

This timely practical reference addresses the lack of Spanish-language resources for mental health professionals to use with their Latino clients. Geared toward both English- and Spanish-speaking practitioners in a variety of settings, this volume is designed to minimize misunderstandings between the clinician and client, and with that the possibility of inaccurate diagnosis and/or ineffective treatment. Coverage for each topic features a discussion of cultural considerations, guidelines for evidence-based best practices, a review of available findings, a treatment plan, plus clinical tools and client handouts, homework sheets, worksheets, and other materials. Chapters span a wide range of disorders and problems over the life-course, and include reproducible resources for: Assessing for race-based trauma. Using behavioral activation and cognitive interventions to treat depression among Latinos. Treating aggression, substance use, abuse, and dependence among Latino Adults. Treating behavioral problems among Latino adolescents. Treating anxiety among Latino children. Working with Latino couples. Restoring legal competency with Latinos. The Toolkit for Counseling Spanish-Speaking Clients fills a glaring need in behavioral service delivery, offering health psychologists, social workers, clinical psychologists, neuropsychologists, and other helping professionals culturally-relevant support for working with this under served population. The materials included here are an important step toward dismantling barriers to mental health care.