3D Dynamic Scene Analysis

Book Description

he problem of analyzing sequences of images to extract three-dimensional T motion and structure has been at the heart of the research in computer vi sion for many years. It is very important since its success or failure will determine whether or not vision can be used as a sensory process in reactive systems. The considerable research interest in this field has been motivated at least by the following two points: 1. The redundancy of information contained in time-varying images can over come several difficulties encountered in interpreting a single image. 2. There are a lot of important applications including automatic vehicle driv ing, traffic control, aerial surveillance, medical inspection and global model construction. However, there are many new problems which should be solved: how to effi ciently process the abundant information contained in time-varying images, how to model the change between images, how to model the uncertainty inherently associated with the imaging system and how to solve inverse problems which are generally ill-posed. There are of course many possibilities for attacking these problems and many more remain to be explored. We discuss a few of them in this book based on work carried out during the last five years in the Computer Vision and Robotics Group at INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique).

Dynamic 3D Scene Analysis and Modeling with a Time-of-flight Camera

Book Description

Viele Anwendungen des Maschinellen Sehens benötigen die automatische Analyse und Rekonstruktion von statischen und dynamischen Szenen. Deshalb ist die automatische Analyse von dreidimensionalen Szenen und Objekten ein Bereich der intensiv erforscht wird. Die meisten Ansätze konzentrieren sich auf die Rekonstruktion statischer Szenen, da die Rekonstruktion nicht-statischer Geometrien viel herausfordernder ist und voraussetzt, dass dreidimensionale Szeneninformation mit hoher zeitlicher Auflösung verfügbar ist. Statische Szenenanalyse wird beispielsweise in der autonomen Navigation, für die Überwachung und für die Erhaltung des Kulturerbes eingesetzt. Andererseits eröffnet die Analyse und Rekonstruktion nicht-statischer Geometrie viel mehr Möglichkeiten, nicht nur für die bereits erwähnten Anwendungen. In der Produktion von Medieninhalten für Film und Fernsehen kann die Analyse und die Aufnahme und Wiedergabe von vollständig dreidimensionalen Inhalten verwendet werden um neue Ansichten realer Szenen zu erzeugen oder echte Schauspieler durch animierte virtuelle Charaktere zu ersetzen. Die wichtigste Voraussetzung für die Analyse von dynamischen Inhalten ist die Verfügbarkeit von zuverlässigen dreidimensionalen Szeneninformationen. Um die Entfernung von Punkten in der Szene zu bestimmen wurden meistens Stereo-Verfahren eingesetzt, aber diese Verfahren benötigen viel Rechenzeit und erreichen in Echtzeit nicht die benötigte Qualität. In den letzten Jahren haben die so genannten Laufzeitkameras das Stadium der Prototypen verlassen und sind jetzt in der Lage dichte Tiefeninformationen in vernünftiger Qualität zu einem vernünftigen Preis zu liefern. Diese Arbeit untersucht die Eignung dieser Kameras für die Analyse nicht-statischer dreidimensionaler Szenen. Bevor eine Laufzeitkamera für die Analyse eingesetzt werden kann muss sie intern und extern kalibriert werden. Darüber hinaus leiden Laufzeitkameras an systematischen Fehlern bei der Entfernungsmessung, bedingt durch ihr

3D Dynamic Scene Analysis

Book Description

he problem of analyzing sequences of images to extract three-dimensional T motion and structure has been at the heart of the research in computer vi sion for many years. It is very important since its success or failure will determine whether or not vision can be used as a sensory process in reactive systems. The considerable research interest in this field has been motivated at least by the following two points: 1. The redundancy of information contained in time-varying images can over come several difficulties encountered in interpreting a single image. 2. There are a lot of important applications including automatic vehicle driv ing, traffic control, aerial surveillance, medical inspection and global model construction. However, there are many new problems which should be solved: how to effi ciently process the abundant information contained in time-varying images, how to model the change between images, how to model the uncertainty inherently associated with the imaging system and how to solve inverse problems which are generally ill-posed. There are of course many possibilities for attacking these problems and many more remain to be explored. We discuss a few of them in this book based on work carried out during the last five years in the Computer Vision and Robotics Group at INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique).

Image Sequence Processing and Dynamic Scene Analysis

Book Description

This volume contains the proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Image Sequence Processing and Dynamic Scene Analysis" held 21 June - 2 July, 1982 in Hotel Maritim, Braunlage/Harz, Federal Republic of Germany. The organizing eommittee of the institute consists of T.S. Huang (Director), H.G. Musmann (Co Director), H.H. Nagel (Consultant), and C.E. Liedtke and W. Geuen (Local 'arrangement). This Institute was devoted to the rapidly emerging field of image sequence processing and dynamic scene analysis which has man! important applications in cluding target tracking, television bandwidth compression, highway traffic moni toring, and analysis of heart wall motion for medical diagnosis. The lectures and discussions in this Institute fell into three overlapping categories: Motion estimation; pattern recognition and artificial intelligence techniques in dynamic scene analysis; and, applications. 1) Motion estimation - One of the most important problems in image sequence analysis and dynamic scene analysis is displacement and motion estimation. For example, in interframe coding using temporal DPCM, displacement estimation and compensation can improve efficiency significantly. Also, estimated motion parameters can be powerful cues in target segmentation, detection, and classification. In this Institute, a number of recently developed techniques for displacement and motion estimation were discussed.

Signal Processing VI

Book Description

This was the sixth in the sequence of the international conferences promoted and organized by the European Association for Signal Processing. The conference has established itself as one of the world's largest and most important meetings on the subject. The 444 papers (in three volumes) are organized under 7 themes, containing the following topics:1. Theory of Signals and Systems:a) Detection, b) Estimation, c) Filtering, d)Spectral estimation, e) Adaptive systems, f) Modeling, g) Digital transforms, h) Digital filtering.2. Image Processing and Multidimensional Signal Processing:a) Coding, b) Enhancement, c) Restoration, d) Medical image processing.3. Speech Processing:a) Coding, b) Synthesis, c) Recognition and understanding, d) Enhancement.4. Implementations:a) Hardware, b) Software, c) VLSI, d) Novel Architectures, e) Array processing.5. Knowledge Engineering and Signal Processing:a) Expert systems, b) Pattern recognition, c) Signal interpretation, d) Image understanding.6. Neural Networks for Signal Processing:a) Theory, b) Speech, c) Vision, d) Implementations. 7. Applications:a) Radar, b) Sonar, c) Communications, d) Geophysics, e) Digital audio, f) Biomedics, g) Sensing, h) Robotics, i) Astrophysics, j) Mechanics, k) other. The diversity of topics in this 3-volume set, as well as the extraordinary tempo at which Signal Processing has progressed, attest to the permanent vitality of this area of research and development. Workers in signal processing will find in these papers the latest advances and results, as well as indications on future research and analysis in this rapidly developing field.

Advances in Computer Graphics

Book Description

This book is a collection of several tutorials from the EUROGRAPHICS '90 conference in Montreux. The conference was held under the motto "IMAGES: Synthesis, Analysis and Interaction", and the tutorials, partly presented in this volume, reflect the conference theme. As such, this volume provides a unique collection of advanced texts on 'traditional' com puter graphics as well as of tutorials on image processing and image reconstruction. As with all the volumes of the series "Advances in Computer Graphics", the contributors are leading experts in their respective fields. The chapter Design and Display of Solid Models provides an extended introduction to interactive graphics techniques for design, fast display, and high-quality rendering of solid models. The text focuses on techniques for Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG). The follow ing topics are treated in depth: interactive design techniques (specification of curves, surfaces and solids; graphical user interfaces; procedural languages and direct manipulation) and display techniques (depth-buffer, scan-line and ray-tracing techniques; CSG classification techniques; efficiency-improving methods; software and hardware implementations).

Machine Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering for Robotic Applications

Book Description

This book is the outcome of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Machine Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering for Robotic Applications held at Maratea, Italy in May 1986. Attendance of the workshop was by invitation only. Most of the participants and speakers are recognized leaders in the field, representing industry, government and academic c0mrnunity worldwide. The focus of the workshop was to review the recent advances of machine intelligence and knowledge engineering for robotic appli cations. It covers five main areas of interest. They are grouped into five sections: 1. Robot Vision 2. Knowledge Representation and Image Understanding 3. Robot Control and Inference Systems 4. Task Planning and Expert Systems 5. Software/Hardware Systems Also included in this book are a paper from the Poster Session and a brief report of the panel discussion on the Future Direction in Knowledge-Based Robotics. Section I of this book consists of four papers. It begins with a review of the basic concepts of computer vision, with emphasis on techniques specific for robot vision systems. The next paper pre sents a comprehensive 3-D vision system for robotic application.

Computer Vision – ECCV 2018

Book Description

The sixteen-volume set comprising the LNCS volumes 11205-11220 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV 2018, held in Munich, Germany, in September 2018.The 776 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 2439 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on learning for vision; computational photography; human analysis; human sensing; stereo and reconstruction; optimization; matching and recognition; video attention; and poster sessions.

Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns

Book Description

This volume presents the proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP 2005). This conference - ries started about 20 years ago in Berlin. Initially, the conference served as a forum for meetings between scientists from Western and Eastern-block co- tries. Nowadays, the conference attracts participants from all over the world. The conference gives equal weight to posters and oral presentations, and the selected presentation mode is based on the most appropriate communication medium. The program follows a single-track format, rather than parallel s- sions. Non-overlapping oral and poster sessions ensure that all attendees have the opportunity to interact personally with presenters. As for the numbers, we received a total of 185 submissions. All papers were reviewed by two to four members of the Program Committee. The ?nal selection was carried out by the Conference Chairs. Out of the 185 papers, 65 were - lected for oral presentation and 43 as posters. CAIP is becoming well recognized internationally, and this year’s presentations came from 26 di?erent countries. South Korea proved to be the most active scienti?cally with a total of 16 - cepted papers. At this point, we wish to thank the Program Committee and additional referees for their timely and high-quality reviews. The paper s- mission and review procedure was carried out electronically. We also thank the invited speakers Reinhardt Koch and Thomas Vetter for kindly accepting to present invited papers.

Computer Vision -- ECCV 2014

Book Description

The seven-volume set comprising LNCS volumes 8689-8695 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV 2014, held in Zurich, Switzerland, in September 2014. The 363 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 1444 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on tracking and activity recognition; recognition; learning and inference; structure from motion and feature matching; computational photography and low-level vision; vision; segmentation and saliency; context and 3D scenes; motion and 3D scene analysis; and poster sessions.