40 Days To A Marriage That Sizzles

Book Description

This book by Tim & Glori Winders is designed to give you a road map to change the way you think and operate over the next 40 days. Habits can be developed but many times habits need to be broken. Don't let the small size of this book fool you. Good things often come in small packages. Even though the confession and/or task for the day may seem small or insignificant, the power behind each action is dynamite! You will find sections entitled "For Her Eyes Only," and "For His Eyes Only." When we first wrote these books, they were printed as two separate books: one for her and one for him. In the digital age, it seemed right to combine the two books together. The process behind this exercise does make it more effective if you read only your portion of the book, at least for the first 40 days. In that way, you will not spoil any surprises that might be coming your way from your spouse as they work through their portion of the book. Each day includes a learning step or action step that should be completed that day. Each day also includes a thought or confession. These are meant to be read aloud throughout the day. Mark 11:23 says, "....he shall have whatsoever he saith." It is time to put that in place in your life!

Fresh Start

Book Description

There are many books written on marriage; many devotionals, many Bible studies. This book is unique in that its focus is on encouraging you to be the wife that God created you to be for your husband . We all know we can not change our husbands. We've tried. It's time now to stop focusing on what we can do to change our men and begin to focus on who we truly are created to be. It's time that we put the focus on our own relationship with our Creator. It's time that we focus on what He has to teach us about being the wife He needs us to be for our husbands. It's time that we put our trust and faith in what He can do instead of what we can do. Our Heavenly Father is calling for His daughters to enter into His throne room for guidance, strength, and wisdom concerning our families, starting with our marriage. In this book you will learn about your gifts, your strengths, your armor, your prayer life, and your relationship with the One whom your soul loved first. Experiencing His grace and love through this study will give you permission to look at your marriage with hope and promise. It's time to take a breath, dig in, and give your marriage a Fresh Start.

40 Day Journey to the #marriageofyourdreams

Book Description

Imagine 40 days spent completely in God's presence and then imagine 40 days spent completely with your spouse. This 40 day journey to the marriage of your dreams takes you and your spouse on a spiritual journey with the two of you, plus God. It is going to give you a plan for fasting, praying, reading scripture and spending time together with God to learn what His word says about marriage. Experience a marriage that is built to last where you strenthen the foundation of your marriage and enjoy marriage the way God intended and not the way this world has dictated. You will find that whether you have been married 5 days or 50 years, you can go on this journey and have the blessed union our God intended. You will see a bad, good or great marriage excel to the highest heights. Your marriage will be blessed!

Whole Armor of Marriage Journal

Book Description

Whole Armor of Marriage 40 Day Couples Journal should be used as a complimentary tool of reflection and time with God as you read through Whole Armor of Marriage. This is a 40 day journey designed for both husband and wife. In the bible, 40 day periods are important because they allowed time for growth and reflection. This 40 day journal is designed to inspire you and your spouse to approach your marriage with this same significance. Explore and reignite your marriage as you apply the impenetrable pieces of armor, Belt of Oneness, Breastplate of Love, Shield of Prayer, Helmet of Communication, Shoes of Service and the Sword of Edification. Enjoy the journey and achieve extravagant love in your marriage.

Reviving Your Romance

Book Description

This targeted devotional for marriage is designed to start couples into good habits that will inspire romance and encourage greater love in their relationship. Written by marriage/family coaches, Terry & Barbi Franklin, It includes two convenient audio book listening CD s and a variety of fill-in worksheets to further communication and understanding. This book can also be used by church marriage classes or cell groups as a powerful tool to encourage discussions with it s follow-up questions and look-up Bible verses. A perfect marriage resource for every bookstore or library to carry."

Red-Hot Monogamy

Book Description

With their trademark insight, humor, and candid personal perspectives, Bill and Pam Farrel reveal the truths about the sexual relationship in marriage and what husbands and wives need to know to keep the embers burning. Sex is like fireworks!—why a little skill turns marriage into red-hot monogamy How sex works best emotionally, physically, and physiologically How to avoid the pleasure thieves that steal your chance for fulfillment The Farrels present difficult-to-discuss topics and biblical truths in universal language with sensitivity, fun, and understanding. For newlyweds, golden anniversary celebrants, and all couples in between—this book inspires the gift of romance and passion to fuel lives with love.

First 40 Days Marriage Essentials

Book Description

First 40 Days - Marriage Essentials (Insights from a divorcee) is an accelerated Marriage equipping system. The main component is your willingness to align your thinking with God's principles for marriage success. First 40 Days requires you to push past your reservations and press to understand more than be understood. The core focus that runs throughout the system is Communications. The Power of First 40 Days System* Is in Your Faith in God - for what is impossible with man is possible with GOD - Luke 18:27* It is Your Faith in His word that gives us the Power for Success. For we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us - Philippians 4:13* But Faith without Works is Dead -James 2:20* Therefore do the work and trust God to change your life for God is Faithful

The 40 Day Challenge

Book Description

The 40 Day ChallengeWeb Excerpt: Introduction to this Book: You may ask why I chose the topic, A 40 day Challenge. Why did you not select a devotional book on the traditional 365 day scale? Or you may ask why not, a 2 week trial or a 30 day trial.why 40 days? The bible is full of examples of 40 days as anointed time with God. Lets take a look at some of these examples. To start with I am going to list for you all of the examples of 40 days, 40 weeks, 40 months and 40 years that I could find in the bible. Then I will explain to you why the Lord made 40 days so important to me. 40 days: 1) Ezekiel fasted for 40 days. The Lord told him to lie on his left side 1 day for each year that the children of Israel had sinned against the Lord. 2) Jesus fasted 40 days in the wilderness and was tempted of Satan prior to starting his ministry 3) It rained upon the earth 40 days when Noah and his family went into the Ark. 4) The Egyptians embalmed Joseph and the people mourned 40 days as per their custom for him. 5) Moses in Exodus went up on the mount and was before the Lord 40 days and the Lord gave him the laws and commandments. 6) The 12 spies checked out the land for 40 days then brought Moses their report. 7) Moses went back upon the mount for another 40 days of prayer and fasting in Deut. 8) Goliath presented himself morning & evening for 40 days before the children of Israel tempting them to send a man to fight him. 9) In I Kings the prophet rose, eat and drank and went 40 days on the strength of that meal unto Horeb the Mount of God. 10) Ezekiel lay for 40 days on his left side as penance for the 40 years of iniquity of the children of Israel. 11) Jonah preached, Yet 40 days and I will destroy this city, saith the Lord. 12) Jesus was on earth 40 days after his resurrection from the dead before he ascended to heaven. 40 weeks: 1) The normal delivery time of a baby. The mother carries the baby an average of 36-40 weeks. That is 9 months give or take two weeks as most doctors figure it. 2) 40 weeks stood for new life, new birth in the Old Testament 3) Old Testament Prophecy refers to 40 weeks. This is future translated into generations. 40 months: 1) Each time that the Lord send a word of warning to the children of Israel to clean up their ways, turn from their idols and return to Bethel, he gave them 40 months of words from the prophets and challenges to change, then when they did not turn their hearts toward God, he sent them into captivity. 2) 40 months is the probationary period of God. 40 years: 1) Moses was 40 years old when he killed the Egyptian and fled to the wilderness. 2) Moses remained for 40 years in the wilderness before he returned to Egypt to lead the children of Israel out of bondage. He was 80 years old. 3) The children of Israel wondered around in the wilderness, then came to Jordan and refused to cross over. Their faith was weak. God sent them back into the wilderness to ramble some more. For a total of 40 years they wandered in the wilderness. Then God took Moses on his 120 birthday. Because their faith was so weakthey were sent back out to wander another 40 years and that generation was not allowed to see the promise land. 4) After wandering around for a 40 year period in the wilderness, then Joshua led the Children of Israel across Jordan and took Jericho. 5) Isaac was 40 years old when he took Rebekah to wife 6) Esau was 40 years old when he took the Hittite to wife 7) Joshua was 40 years old when Moses assigned him to go into Jericho as a spy 8) 40 years later, Joshua led the children of Israel into Jericho 9) In Judges the land had rest 40 years 10) Also in Judges the land was in quite for 40 years---peace. 11) When the children of Israel did not obey God in Judges, he delivered them up to the Philistines control for 40 years 12) Samuel judged Israel forty years 13) Sauls son was 40 years old when he be

Cross the Bridge Into a Great Marriage in 40 Days Flat

Book Description

This book uses Bible scriptures, prayers and challenges to help you build a strong christian marriage. We included journal questions after each challenge, so you will be able to utilize what you learned for that days challenge. Use this book to learn ways to strengthen your marriage, resolve disputes and you learn to pray with your Spouse. Cross the bridge with us to a Great Marriage, by putting God first in your marriage.