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3D Imaging—Multidimensional Signal Processing and Deep Learning

Book Description

This book presents high-quality research in the field of 3D imaging technology. The fourth edition of International Conference on 3D Imaging Technology (3DDIT-MSP&DL) continues the good traditions already established by the first three editions of the conference to provide a wide scientific forum for researchers, academia and practitioners to exchange newest ideas and recent achievements in all aspects of image processing and analysis, together with their contemporary applications. The conference proceedings are published in 2 volumes. The main topics of the papers comprise famous trends as: 3D image representation, 3D image technology, 3D images and graphics, and computing and 3D information technology. In these proceedings, special attention is paid at the 3D tensor image representation, the 3D content generation technologies, big data analysis, and also deep learning, artificial intelligence, the 3D image analysis and video understanding, the 3D virtual and augmented reality, and many related areas. The first volume contains papers in 3D image processing, transforms and technologies. The second volume is about computing and information technologies, computer images and graphics and related applications. The two volumes of the book cover a wide area of the aspects of the contemporary multidimensional imaging and the related future trends from data acquisition to real-world applications based on various techniques and theoretical approaches.

Marketing Strategy In The Digital Age: Applying Kotler's Strategies To Digital Marketing

Book Description

The market changes faster than marketing. In essence, marketing strategy has undergone only two eras, the entity era and the bit era, also known as the industrial age and the digital age. In the age of digital society, all CEOs, CMOs and senior marketing executives must consider how to change their strategies, improve the role of marketing and adopt emerging technological and data tools to integrate with the Internet. The goal of digital marketing strategy is not to disrupt existing marketing strategies, but to complement, integrate and develop the two at the same time.In this book, the authors provide detailed discussion and practical analysis on the relationship between marketing and digital technologies and propose a marketing implementation framework for digital strategy platforms. Standing for Recognize, Reach, Relationship and Return, the 4R system is a powerful strategic trading tool for digital implementation, especially for CEOs and CMOs. All other tools, such as data platforms, content marketing, DSP digital advertising and digital marketing ROI design essentially serve the 4R system. As such, the authors advocate for firms to restructure their digital marketing strategy around the 4R system.

Farmers and Fresh Water

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