501 Excuses for a Bad Golf Shot

Book Description

You can blame your job... You can blame the course... You can blame mother nature... Or you can blame your equipment... But Never, Ever, BLAME YOURSELF!

501 Excuses to Go Golfing

Book Description

501 Excuses to Play Golf

Book Description

Who needs an excuse to play golf? But just in case, this book will get you out on the course where you belong!

501 Excuses for a Bad Golf Shot

Book Description

This book was written for all the weekend hackers who are hopelessly addicted to chasing a little white ball all over God's green earth. These are just some of the best excuses that I have heard and used for terrible shots.

501 Excuses for a Bad Golf Shot

Book Description

There's no excuse for a bad golf shot, but it's handy to have one ready just in case, or 501 for that matter.

Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden

Book Description

It is a great truism of golf that the game cannot be learnt from a book. Yet it is equally true that there are some things every golfer must know before setting foot on the course, lest he risk making an utter ass of himself. These are things your local golf pro can't or won't tell you: the unwritten rules of golf. This humble little volume gathers together a collection of the wisest counsel and advice on the Noble Sport in all its forms. Whether you are making up a friendly foursome with your choicest cronies or entering into a vicious fight for this year's club cup, G.O.L.F. will ensure you come off with top honours even when the odds are against you.

Classic Golf Instruction

Book Description

In this intriguing book, Christopher Obetz has drawn the best illustrations from the complete archive of Anthony Ravielli's work to best illustrate grips, swings, stances, special and trouble shots, and intentional slices and hooks that can be used for a lifetime of successful golf.

Golf It's a Funny Old Game

Book Description

For us rabbits the game of golf is a constant battle between fantasy and reality. The great hopes and ambitions that accompany us on the first tee quickly evaporate by a combination of mother nature, gravity and the cruelest of luck. One of the charms of the Great Game is that we are constantly chasing what is, in theory, attainable but in reality highly elusive. It is a perpetual series of occasions for hope. David Feherty summed it up when he said; "Golf can best be defined as an endless series of tragedies obscured by the occasional miracle." It is astonishing how long the occasional miracle can remain in the memory to the total eclipse of all else. Golf is a game whose hook is baited with hope. This book is a compendium of quotes from players who have been similarly troubled by the journey from great hopes to cruel reality. I hope you enjoy their reflections.

Total Approach Golf

Book Description

Thietje introduces a refreshing approach to golf which combines golf and fitness, insisting that the benefits of her concept can most of all help the amateur player. 50+ exercise photos. Illustrations.

The Complete Golfer

Book Description