Sustaining Change in Universities

Book Description

In this work, Burton R. Clark uses case studies from 14 innovative institutions to propose a new conceptual framework offering original insights into ways of initiating and sustaining change in universities.

Policy Shock

Book Description

In this book, compelling case studies show how past crises have reshaped regulation, and how policy-makers can learn from crises in the future.

Little Voice Mastery

Book Description

"Little Voice" is the chatter in the six inches between your ears that turns you into a hero one minute and a dunce the next. The 21 proven techniques presented here will reprogram the "Little Voice" in your brain in 30 seconds. In "Little Voice" Mastery, author Blair Singer delivers strategies and techniques that will give readers the ability to: Maintain power in any pressure situation and stop debilitating chatter in their brain so they can attract what they want - now. Uncover and realize lifelong dreams Break through self-sabotaging habits Build powerful, lasting confidence Resurrect the hero inside of them

The Ideological Origins of the Dirty War

Book Description

This book presents an intellectual genealogy of the "Dirty War" in Argentina. It focuses on the theory and practice of the fascist idea in modern Argentine political culture, including the connections between fascist fascism, populism, antisemitism, and the military junta's practices of torture and state violence, its networks of concentration camps and extermination.

Public Opinion

Book Description

Walter Lippmann wrote his "Public Opinion" at a time when something like the 'mass media' was coming into existence. Prior to the age of electronic communication, the only mechanism for reaching large numbers of individuals was the newspapers. In World War I, he saw how opportunistic nations used the newspapers to serve their often nefarious aims. Lippmann, however, believed that in the hands of super-intelligent, disinterested, omni-benevelont 'experts, ' the 'mass media' could bring about world peace. The school system, the advent of radio, and of course, the television, were arriving or coming along shortly. Each allowed a small group of people the ability to manage a much larger group, inspiring optimism among liberals and progressives that with the right forumula, the horrors seen in World War I would never occur again. Lippmann wrote "Public Opinion" in 1922, shortly after World War I. In 1924, a certain Adolf Hitler would be spending time in jail. If this merited any mention in any newspaper, it is doubtful that no expert paid it any mind. 1939 was, after all, a long way off.

Juicing Recipes from Star Drew Canole for Vitality and Health

Book Description

Juice Up your life! If there was ONE thing that you could do RIGHT NOW to change your body from within that literally had the power to transform your body on a cellular level and didn't involve any magical potions or pills, would you be interested? My friend, I have great news! Just a few short years ago, I was introduced to the life-changing powers of REAL food in the form of fresh pressed JUICE! Green juice to be exact. And my whole existence changed. YOURS CAN TOO! Do you want:More energy? Less cravings? Sharper focus and mental clarity? Better sleep? Balanced mood? To maintain a healthy weight? Well, these are just some of the benefits of juicing when paired with a balanced diet and lifestyle. And all you need is a juicer, fresh produce, the commitment to yourself and a 'no excuses' attitude to take action! Author, Drew Canole has helped thousands of people transform their lives using real food, positive mindset and healthy habits. His favorite, of course, is teaching the benefits of JUICING for vitality and health. This book is complete with 108 delicious and nutritious recipes to JUICE UP YOUR LIFE along with the tools to create sustainable and enjoyable habits, long-term. Get your daily dose of fruits and veggies in as little as ONE GLASS of beautiful, satisfying green juice each day. Learn how to LOVE veggies in a whole new way and get your kids loving greens as well! All of this and more in Drew's NEW and UPDATED version of Juicing Recipes for Vitality and Health!

Biosphere Reserves in the Mountains of the World

Book Description

As model regions for balancing ecological with economic and social needs, biosphere reserves, by involving local stakeholders, are intended to test and develop future-oriented solutions for today's challenges in mountain regions, such as food security, poverty reduction, erosion, global warming and the conservation of biodiversity. However, the challenging task of implementing UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Reserve concept in an ideal manner may be a little over-ambitious. The reality sometimes shows a different picture. In this publication you will find various examples - good and critical ones - of mountain biosphere reserves from all over the world and read about the important roles they play as sites for conserving biodiversity, for international science collaboration, and for enhancing the sustainable use of natural resources.

7 Claves para Emprender con ?xito

Book Description

¿Has notado que algunos emprendedores parecen tener el ?xito de su lado? ¿sab?as que muchos de los emprendedores exitosos comparten caracter?sticas similares? ¿te gustar?a conocer los secretos y las estrategias para tener mejores resultados en el camino del emprendimiento? En este libro encontrar?s las 7 claves fundamentales para emprender con ?xito , las cuales aplican tanto si ya tienes un negocio en marcha o si est?s pensando en emprender y eres una persona enfocada en el SI y en buscar soluciones. La primera clave antes de empezar es establecer y definir el futuro financiero que deseas alcanzar para tener y mantener el estilo de vida que quieres, lograr tu independencia financiera , es decir, libertad de tiempo y dinero . La segunda clave trata de c?mo desarrollar una mentalidad de ?xito , educar la mente para que empiece a trabajar para ti la mayor parte del tiempo. Igualmente, conocer?s cu?les son las caracter?sticas comunes que tienen y comparten los emprendedores exitosos. La tercera clave abarca la generaci?n de fuentes de ingresos pasivos, la motivaci?n para que empieces tus proyectos ahora, qu? hacer para que un negocio sea rentable y sostenible en el tiempo, definir la promesa de venta y el cliente ideal . La cuarta clave contempla estrategias poderosas que sirven para vender m?s , ya que adem?s de agregar valor a los dem?s, lograr monetizar un negocio es el ciclo natural en el que debe basarse cada emprendimiento. La quinta clave va acerca de la idea de sistematizar y crear procedimientos para automatizar el negocio , con el objetivo de delegar tareas y tener m?s tiempo libre que se puede dedicar a estar con la familia, a crear otros proyectos, a mejorar lo que se ofrece, a innovar, o hacer cualquier cosa que se desee. La sexta clave comprende c?mo distribuir el dinero para la administraci?n efectiva de las finanzas , mediante el dise?o de un presupuesto personal y del negocio, dado que la educaci?n financiera es la base para el ?xito econ?mico de los proyectos. La s?ptima clave es considerada una de las m?s importantes, la cual se basa en cuidar la salud para tener m?s energ?a , ya que como emprendedores es vital estar a tope de energ?a y sentirse bien para realizar las actividades del d?a, con el objetivo de aumentar la productividad y la creatividad. Todo el contenido est? dise?ado para que desde un lenguaje positivo y anal?tico puedas darte cuenta de los beneficios de implementar cada una de las 7 claves que te ayudar?n en tu emprendimiento. El ?xito es un resultado y t? tambi?n puedes obtenerlo. Desc?brelo ahora. ¡Nos vemos dentro!