Book Description

Teaching Tech Together

Book Description

Hundreds of grassroots groups have sprung up around the world to teach programming, web design, robotics, and other skills outside traditional classrooms. These groups exist so that people don't have to learn these things on their own, but ironically, their founders and instructors are often teaching themselves how to teach. There's a better way. This book presents evidence-based practices that will help you create and deliver lessons that work and build a teaching community around them. Topics include the differences between different kinds of learners, diagnosing and correcting misunderstandings, teaching as a performance art, what motivates and demotivates adult learners, how to be a good ally, fostering a healthy community, getting the word out, and building alliances with like-minded groups. The book includes over a hundred exercises that can be done individually or in groups, over 350 references, and a glossary to help you navigate educational jargon.

Principles of Foundation Engineering

Book Description

Master the core concepts and applications of foundation analysis and design with Das/Sivakugan’s best-selling PRINCIPLES OF FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, 9th Edition. Written specifically for those studying undergraduate civil engineering, this invaluable resource by renowned authors in the field of geotechnical engineering provides an ideal balance of today's most current research and practical field applications. A wealth of worked-out examples and figures clearly illustrate the work of today's civil engineer, while timely information and insights help readers develop the critical skills needed to properly apply theories and analysis while evaluating soils and foundation design. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.


Book Description

bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown presents a much easier way to write books and technical publications than traditional tools such as LaTeX and Word. The bookdown package inherits the simplicity of syntax and flexibility for data analysis from R Markdown, and extends R Markdown for technical writing, so that you can make better use of document elements such as figures, tables, equations, theorems, citations, and references. Similar to LaTeX, you can number and cross-reference these elements with bookdown. Your document can even include live examples so readers can interact with them while reading the book. The book can be rendered to multiple output formats, including LaTeX/PDF, HTML, EPUB, and Word, thus making it easy to put your documents online. The style and theme of these output formats can be customized. We used books and R primarily for examples in this book, but bookdown is not only for books or R. Most features introduced in this book also apply to other types of publications: journal papers, reports, dissertations, course handouts, study notes, and even novels. You do not have to use R, either. Other choices of computing languages include Python, C, C++, SQL, Bash, Stan, JavaScript, and so on, although R is best supported. You can also leave out computing, for example, to write a fiction. This book itself is an example of publishing with bookdown and R Markdown, and its source is fully available on GitHub.

Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts

Book Description

This well known text helps students understand the art of model building - what type of model to build, building the appropriate model, testing it statistically, and applying the model to practical problems in forecasting and analysis.

Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry

Book Description

This is the first textbook to present a comprehensive and instructive view of the theory and applications of this growing technique.

Education at a Glance

Book Description

The OECD education indicators enable countries to see themselves in light of other countries performance. They reflect on both the human and financial resources invested in education and on the returns of these investments.

The Amazonian Languages

Book Description

The Amazon Basin is arguably both one of the least-known and the most complex linguistic regions in the world. It is the home of some 300 languages belonging to around twenty language families, plus more than a dozen genetic isolates, and many of these languages (often incompletely documented and mostly endangered) show properties that constitute exceptions to received ideas about linguistic universals. This book provides an overview in a single volume of this rich and exciting linguistic area. The editors and contributors have sought to make their descriptions as clear and accessible as possible, in order to provide a basis for further research on the structural characteristics of Amazonian languages and their genetic and areal relationships, as well as a point of entry to important cross-linguistic data for the wider constituency of theoretical linguists.