The ABC of Scholastic Philosophy

Book Description

It is not a summary of philosophical problems, which the beginner cannot digest and which may engender in him a spirit of skepticism. For a like reason Cotter does not give an outline of the history of philosophy with the same problems arranged by periods. Instead, he confined himself to a few important data on the principal philosophers of past ages, and the author tried to sketch the intellectual equipment with which the student is supposed to begin philosophy.

The Abc of Scholastic Philosophy

Book Description

This is a new release of the original 1947 edition.

ABC of Scholastic Philosophy

Book Description

St. Alphonsus writes: “a single bad book will be sufficient to cause the destruction of a monastery.” Pope Pius XII wrote in 1947 at the beatification of Blessed Maria Goretti: “There rises to Our lips the cry of the Saviour: 'Woe to the world because of scandals!' (Matthew 18:7). Woe to those who consciously and deliberately spread corruption-in novels, newspapers, magazines, theaters, films, in a world of immodesty!” We at St. Pius X Press are calling for a crusade of good books. We want to restore 1,000 old Catholic books to the market. We ask for your assistance and prayers. This book is a photographic reprint of the original. The original has been inspected and some imperfections may remain. At Saint Pius X Press our goal is to remain faithful to the original in both photographic reproductions and in textual reproductions that are reprinted. Photographic reproductions are given a page by page inspection, whereas textual reproductions are proofread to correct any errors in reproduction.

The ABC of Scholastic Philosophy

Book Description

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

ABC of Scholastic Philosophy

Book Description

This book is only partially new. It is an expansion of Logic and Epistemology, which was first printed in 1930 and has since been reprinted or revised almost each year. The expansion consists in the addition of an Introduction to Philosophy and of Ontology. It had been my original intention to add both parts but other more urgent work stood in the way until now. As in the preface to the former work, I wish to stress a few considerations that have guided me in the composition of this. Some are more general, others are applicable to one or the other of the branches of philosophy here offered. 1. Brevity, plain and direct presentation, close-knit reasoning and logical coherence--these are the aims which have been kept in view throughout. 2. The scholastic system and method were chosen for presentation. Some 30 years of teaching philosophy and theology have convinced me of its pedagogical worth. There is no other philosophical system that can rival the scholastic in common sense and definiteness. There is no other philosophical method that even approaches the scholastic in sound reasoning and logical force. To the beginner, who is not yet capable of grappling with superficial systems and subtle methods, such a philosophy is indispensable. 3. The Introduction to Philosophy differs considerably from those current today. It is not a summary of philosophical problems, which the beginner cannot digest and which may engender in him a spirit of skepticism. For a like reason I have not given an outline of the history of philosophy with the same problems arranged by periods. Instead, I confined myself to a few important data on the principal philosophers of past ages, and I tried to sketch the intellectual equipment with which the student is supposed to begin philosophy. 4. In Logic, the simple syllogism has been made the unifying theme as well as the ultimate aim. On the other hand, the sentence or proposition has been made the starting point of all explanations; the reason for this is the well known axiom that all truths are expressed by us in sentence form. 5. Nor-let it be said even more emphatically-is Epistemology a branch of psychology. Epistemology investigates the final cause of our cognitive faculties, psychology the other three causes (formal, material, efficient). Again, the four causes are present in all cognition, but Epistemology restricts itself to the purpose of cognition. 6. In Ontology, it has been my endeavor to eliminate the Latin flavor and to substitute for it readable and plain English. Special attention has been given to the bibliography and the alphabetical index. The former lists practically all English Catholic books on the subject, including both earliest and latest publications. The latter has been made very detailed so as to insure the utmost of usefulness.

Dictionary of Scholastic Philosophy

Book Description

The scholastic philosopher is interested in definition for a different reason than the lexicographer and linguist. The philosopher is trying to learn things. Fe defines, after investigating reality, in an attempt to describe reality clearly and to sum up some aspect of his understanding of reality. Hence, we find our scholastic philosophers adopting as a main feature of their method this insistence on defining, on precise and detailed explanation of their definitions, and on proving that their definitions da correctly express what a nature or activity is. A dictionary of the language of scholastic philosophy fitted to the needs of beginners and of undergraduate students of the subject is not available in English.

Introduction to Scholastic Theology

Book Description

With this book, distinguished historian of philosophy Ulrich Leinsle offers the first comprehensive introduction to scholastic theology -- a textbook for both Protestant and Catholic students.

Summary of Scholastic Principles

Book Description

Principles may well be regarded as the main part of philosophy. They are among the major discoveries of philosophy, condensing in themselves much philosophical inquiry and insight. They are the starting point of much philosophical discussion. They are the base for exposition, for proof, and for criticism. They serve the student and the reader of philosophy much as legal maxims serve jurists and as proverbs serve the people. They are for scholastic philosophers the household truth of their tradition. This book includes not only all principles of scholastic philosophy but also exercises to apply the principles to several occasions. The book is useful for all students and professionals in philosophy.