A Beginner's Guide to the Path of Ascension

Book Description

This Volume covers the basics of ascension clearly and completely, from the spiritual hierarchy to the angels and star beings, in Dr. Stone's easy-to-read style. From his background in psychology he offers a unique perspective on such issues as karma, the transcendence of the negative ego, the power of the spoken word and the psychology of ascension. There are meditations and exercises to assist the reader in integrating the principles of ascension in a practical way. The importance of developing all bodies, the physical, the etheric, the astral and the mental, as well as the higher monadic and soul bodies, is emphasized. With interesting examples and personal stories, the various spiritual realms and planes are described and the path of initiation is illustrated. This is a book that makes learning enjoyable.

A Beginner's Guide to the Path of Ascension

Book Description

Three forces must come together for a planetary healing to occur ... The concept of the Sacred Triangle was introduced in David Miller's first book, Connecting with the Arcturians, which explored the fifth dimension and our relationship to higher Extraterrestrial groups. This new book explains how the Arcturian energy melds with that of the White Brother/Sisterhood and the Ascended Native American Masters to bring about planetary healing. David offers the reader an understanding of the soul, the nature of soul evolution, and how the human species is advancing towards the next evolutionary step. "There will be many of you in this time who will be able to complete fantastic tasks. If I would declare to you what I see, you would be astonished that you could possibly carry out such tasks. You must think that you have the ability to do this. You have the personal power. I ask you to look at the Sacred Triangle and see what role you can play in this. Others will be very interested when yo

The Complete Ascension Manual

Book Description

New age / spirituality.

The Ascended Masters Light the Way

Book Description

This book is dedicated to the saints and spiritual masters of all the religions and spiritual paths that have graced this planet. The lives and teachings of thirty-nine of the world's greatest spiritual beacons provide a blueprint for total self-realization. Inspiring guidance from those who have learned the secrets of mastery in their lifetimes.

Ascension and Romantic Relationships

Book Description

This book is a sequel to the first two. It contributes an added dimension to my earlier information. Sedona seems to reflect the best qualities, or perhaps I should say "combined" qualities, the essences and elements, of the Great Pyramids, Glastonbury, Stonehenge, Ayers Rock, Mount Shasta, the South American Pyramids, Peru, Tibet, Nepal, India, Lourdes, and many other power places around the world. How can I make such a claim? For the reason that I interact on a regular basis with individuals from virtually every corner of the Earth who have spent time in those sacred and mysterious places. Through these travelers, I have learned that there is simply no other place like Sedona.

Beyond Ascension

Book Description

"This book brings forth incredible new channeled material that completely demystifies the seven levels of initiation and how to attain them. It contains revolutionary new information on how to anchor and open our thirty-six chakras and how to build our light quotient at a rate of speed never dreamed possible. The book includes a chapter on cosmic ascension and a unique cosmic map that outlines the process of planetary ascension. The map also charts the course for full cosmic ascension through the seven cosmic planes and forty-eight dimensions of reality back to the Godhead and undifferentiated Source."

Golden Keys to Ascension and Healing

Book Description

This volume represents the wisdom of the ascended masters condensed into concise keys that serve as a spiritual guide. There are 420 golden keys that present the multitude of methods, techniques, affirmations, prayers, and insights Dr. Stone has gleaned from his own background in psychology and life conditions and his thorough research of all the ancient and contemporary classics that speak of the path to God realization. The teachings of Sai Baba and other ascended masters are at the core of these keys, and the author has also drawn up on various spiritual scriptures such as the Bhagavad-Gita and the Bible. Especially valuable are practical methods to support the ascension process, such as journal writing and spiritual logs, as well as meditations and prayers.

How to Teach Ascension Classes

Book Description

This book serves as an ideal foundation for teaching ascension classes and doing workshops. The inner-plane ascended masters have guided Dr. Stone to put together this book, using his Easy-to-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path as its foundation. Here you will find an entire one- to two-year program of classes for teaching from one to hundreds of student initiates. Teaching or setting up a class in your home to facilitate ascension realization is one of the most important services one could offer one's friends, students and even family. With this book it is easy. Details on how to start and end every class are given, as well as outlines for 132 classes. Also included are suggestions on how to observe the major holy days that the inner-plane ascended masters would like us to celebrate on Earth. Using his teaching experience, Dr. Stone has also outlined all the logistical and third-dimensional considerations that will come up. The only tools a class leader needs would be his books and meditation tapes.

Welcome to Planet Earth

Book Description

Defines and clarifies the walk-in process with examples and channeled information from the Pleiadian Light and others. Packed with wide-ranging insight on the world of starseeds and lightworkers; how to deal with difficult issues such as reincarnational depression, transitional trials, fragmented salves and cross-gender replacement.

Shining the Light VI

Book Description

THE END OF WHAT WAS . . . The most significant events in Earth's history are happening NOW! This is the final book in the Shining the Light series that exposes the malevolent, controlling and manipulating actions of the Sinister Secret Government as they attempt to keep humans from accessing our soul and spiritual functions and ascending into the fourth dimension and beyond. In future books, mentors of humanity will continue to expose the SSG's nefarious dealings, but they will give us step-by-step instructions in the ancient and lost arts of benevolent magic — spiritual wizardry — enabling us as creators in training to blend our hearts, minds and souls to become creators of our own destiny and thwart the SSG's goals.