A Biogeographic Approach to Understanding Burrowing Crab Impacts on an Ecologically Important Salt Marsh Plant

Book Description

Burrowing animals, such as earthworms, crabs, prairie dogs, ground squirrels, ghost shrimps, and rodents, are often considered ecosystem engineers because of their influence on plant communities. For example, in coastal salt marshes, burrowing crabs can influence plant communities by modifying plant zonation, plant production, plant colonization, nutrient cycling, and erosion. Their effects on vegetation can vary across spatial and temporal gradients. In particular, the direction of burrower impacts (positive or negative) can depend on variation in the surrounding animal and plant community, as well as external abiotic conditions. Given that global climate change can alter such environmental conditions, such as salinity and nutrient availability, there is a need to predict when, where, and how burrowers will influence vegetation. Unfortunately, this ability is impeded because few studies have used comparative-experimental approaches to examine animal impacts on plants across space and time. In this dissertation, I explore the effects of burrowing crabs on California salt marsh plant communities using field manipulations and laboratory feeding assays. In my first chapter, I conducted a multi-site, multi-year field manipulation to examine burrowing crab impacts on plant communities in southern California salt marshes. I focused on the effects of burrowing crabs (Pachygrapsus crassipes [lined shore crab] and Uca crenulata [fiddler crab]) on the abundance of the two dominant marsh plants (Spartina foliosa [cordgrass] and Sarcocornia pacifica [pickleweed]), and I explored mechanisms underlying these effects by monitoring plant characteristics and sediment biogeochemistry. Crab impacts on plant community structure differed between each of our three sites. In contrast to our predictions, 1) plant-grazing crabs (lined shore crabs) had positive effects on cordgrass cover at one site and no effect on cordgrass production at a nearby site in the same marsh (Kendall-Frost marsh), and 2) detritivorous crabs (fiddler crabs) did not stimulate cordgrass production at another marsh (San Dieguito Lagoon). In fact, burrowing crabs suppressed cordgrass abundance at San Dieguito Lagoon, the site with the greatest detritivorous crab density (~10x the density of all other sites). Because crabs affected assemblage characteristics of cordgrass in the direction consistent with changes in cordgrass cover, we propose that marsh-specific crab effects on community structure were largely mediated through changes in cordgrass, as opposed to pickleweed. Importantly, crabs facilitated cordgrass during marsh-wide cordgrass loss, suggesting that crabs may mitigate environmental stress for this ecologically important plant. Cordgrass abundance can be a critical measure of marsh functioning and is often a restoration target, and thus maintaining healthy salt marsh functions should require monitoring and management of crab and cordgrass populations. In my second chapter, I combined these results with a similar field manipulation (e.g. multi-site and multi-year) in northern California to create a framework that could more broadly predict burrowing crab effects. While many studies have addressed burrowing crab impacts, few have sought to observe and predict these effects across multiple sites, multiple years, or both. This is especially true for salt marshes along the Pacific coast, where burrowing crab effects on plants have gone untested. In conjunction with our field experiments, we estimated total consumption of marsh plants by the dominant, herbivorous burrowing crab (the lined shore crab) by conducting laboratory feeding assays. Then, we used statistical models to predict crab effects using factors related to the crab community and soil conditions. By combining field, laboratory, and statistical modeling, my comparative-experimental approach allowed me to examine crab impacts across all site-year combinations. Crab effects varied from strongly positive to strongly negative, and depended upon our estimate of the total consumption pressure exerted by crabs and environmental conditions (i.e. salinity and ammonium). Crabs facilitated cordgrass at low total consumption pressure, extreme salinities, and intermediate levels of ammonium. Additionally, my models provided estimates of the threshold values of these environmental factors where the magnitude and direction of crab effects changed. Moving forward, we must seek to mechanistically understand how these key factors (grazing, salinity, and ammonium) drive inter-site variation in crab effects on cordgrass- as such information may be critical to the restoration and management of Pacific coast salt marshes. In my third chapter, I focused on the trophic mechanism by which burrowing crabs influence plants. Herbivores can have important impacts on plant communities, and palatability is among the important factors influencing herbivore consumption and herbivore impacts on plant communities. Here, I assessed the relative palatability of dominant marsh plants among three northern California salt marsh sites- all within one degree of latitude of each other. Although biogeographic approaches reveal that plant palatability to herbivores can vary across broad geographic scales, less is known about how the relative palatability of multiple plant species can vary across small scales. Such variation could be common given the species-specific responses of plants and herbivores to environmental conditions. To address this gap, I conducted multi-choice feeding assays with the lined shore crab - a consumer that has access to the leaves and roots of both cordgrass and pickleweed plants. I assessed the influence of plant species and tissue-types (roots and leaves) on crab feeding preference and the mechanisms underlying them. Surprisingly, the relative palatability of cordgrass and pickleweed switched between marshes within the study region. This shift may have been related to an increase in the palatability of pickleweed leaves at one of our sites. Because cordgrass palatability did not differ among these sites, the change in relative palatability did not appear related to changes in cordgrass. These patterns may be related to nutrient availability at our sites because plants at sites with high pickleweed palatability had lower C:N ratios than the other sites. However, the shift in the palatability of these two dominant plants does not appear to drive shifts in crab impacts on northern salt marsh plant communities, suggesting that crab impacts on plant communities is multi-faceted. The impact of the burrowing activity by crabs on plants may outweigh the consumptive effects of crabs on plants. We encourage future studies examining plant palatability to consider within-region variability in order to understand how such small-scale differences in plant palatability can alter local community structure and ecosystem function. Salt marshes filter water, buffer coastlines, bury atmospheric carbon, protect critical fisheries, and provide habitat for endangered and endemic species. These salt marshes, and the services they provide, are being critically impacted by human development and face a myriad of additional threats due to anthropogenic climate change. However, it will be impossible to predict how these threats will impact marshes if we lack an understanding of the basic species interactions that control the abundance of the foundation species (e.g. cordgrass) within these critical ecosystems. My dissertation highlights that burrowing animals can strongly control plant community composition and the production of cordgrass, and that these plant-animal interactions are highly variable across space and time. By taking a comparative-experimental approach, I was able to delve into this variation to identify possible biotic and abiotic drivers (e.g. grazing rates and soil conditions) that may help predict the magnitude and direction of burrowing crab effects on cordgrass in California marshes. Additionally, recognizing how these drivers may change with environmental stress, especially the effects of severe climate events (e.g. drought, storms, and heat spells), may help develop adaptive management strategies to buffer salt marshes from climate change- preserving the critical ecosystems services which they provide.

Habitat Preferences of Gulf Coast Fiddler Crabs and Responses of Plant and Soil Characteristics to Their Burrowing

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Positive rather than negative species interactions dominate in stressful environments like tidal marshes. Fiddler crabs have been shown to ameliorate environmental stress and increase primary productivity through their burrowing behavior. Most notably, bioturbation may facilitate growth of tidal marsh plants by altering soil oxygen concentration, decomposition rates, and soil drainage. In turn, plants provide protection from the elements, refuge from predators and roots provide structural support for burrows in soft substrate. However, dense vegetation may limit the fiddler crab's ability to maneuver on the surface and burrow. Similarly, there may be a threshold where fiddler crab activity becomes destructive to plant growth instead of facilitative. Relatively few fiddler crab and plant interaction studies have been conducted on the Gulf Coast compared to Atlantic Coast. Gulf Coast tidal marshes have distinct climate, dominant vegetation zones and dominant fiddler crab species, and consequently it is likely that community dynamics will differ from Atlantic Coast tidal marshes. To explore interactions between Gulf Coast fiddler crabs and tidal marsh plants, I conducted a seasonal fiddler crab habitat survey and a fiddler crab enclosure study. Both studies were conducted at Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Mississippi, across four dominant tidal marsh vegetation zones (salt marsh, brackish marsh, fresh marsh and salt panne). Fiddler crab burrows and associated vegetation were randomly surveyed across the vegetation zones to determine fiddler crab burrow density and habitat preferences. Fiddler crab enclosures were established across the four vegetation zones. Enclosures provided a method to test impacts of fiddler crab burrowing on soil and plant parameters as well as to survey fiddler crab populations. Results of the habitat survey indicated that fiddler crabs utilized all four vegetation zones, but burrow density was statistically higher in the fresh marsh during winter compared to other zones. These results suggest that the fresh marsh may be important habitat for overwintering Gulf Coast fiddler crabs. Additionally, the fresh marsh was found to host higher fiddler crab species diversity and a more balanced sex ratio compared to other zones. The enclosure study established that fiddler crab activity had negligible impacts on plant growth in the salt and fresh marsh yet influenced plant growth in the brackish marsh (positively) and salt panne (negatively). The brackish marsh and salt panne are habitats of intermediate environmental stress for plants and fiddler crabs. Brackish marsh is more frequently inundated than the salt panne and hence bioturbation is likely to be more beneficial in the brackish marsh. Furthermore, brackish marsh below-ground structure is substantial and fiddler crab burrow density was low relative to the salt panne. My work indicates that vegetation abundance and fiddler crab burrow density may balance environmental stresses in tidal marshes and influence nature of fiddler crab and plant interactions.

The Role of Ecological Interactions in Saltmarsh Geomorphic Processes

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Accelerated sea-level rise poses a significant threat to coastal habitats. Salt marshes are critical coastal ecosystems, providing a host of services such as storm protection, food production, and carbon storage. Persistence of salt marshes in the face of rising sea levels relies, in part, on vertical accretion. Current ecogeomorphic models and empirical studies emphasize the importance of the positive relationship between plant production and vertical accretion via sediment trapping by stems aboveground and belowground organic matter production. Thus, changes in plant production influence salt marsh persistence with sea-level rise. However, studies and models of marsh accretion do not consider the effects of animal-mediated changes in plant production. Here, I tested how two co-occurring marsh crustaceans, Uca pugnax (marsh fiddler crab) and Sesarma reticulatum (purple marsh crab), which have contrasting effects on smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) production, indirectly influence sediment deposition and belowground organic matter contribution, through observational surveys and field manipulation. S. reticulatum feeds directly on S. alterniflora, while U. pugnax facilitates S. alterniflora production through burrowing and biodeposits. I found that U. pugnax facilitated S. alterniflora biomass in some marshes, but not others. However, this facilitation of S. alterniflora biomass did not enhance sediment deposition. U. pugnax had no effect on belowground components of vertical accretion (i.e. root production and decomposition). These results suggest that in isolation, U. pugnax has little impact on saltmarsh geomorphic processes. S. reticulatum reduced S. alterniflora above- and belowground biomass; however, sediment deposition increased as S. alterniflora biomass decreased, contrary to models of ecogeomorphology. This trend was likely due to sediment being resuspended by crab bioturbation, as U. pugnax abundances were higher in S. reticulatum-grazed areas than in non-grazed areas. When U. pugnax occurred in areas of low S. reticulatum grazing, S. alterniflora biomass and sedimentation was similar to areas with only U. pugnax. I suggest that the negative impacts of S. reticulatum are exaggerated when intense grazing results in completely unvegetated areas and subsequent increases in U. pugnax density, where bioturbation erodes sediments. Thus, while S. reticulatum can increase the susceptibility of marsh sediments to physical erosion by removing vegetation, it may also do so by facilitating U. pugnax bioturbation. However, when S. reticulatum grazing intensity is low, facilitation of S. alterniflora growth by U. pugnax can mitigate the negative effect of grazing, which suggests that the net effect of these species may depend on their relative abundance. This study demonstrates that ecological interactions, in addition to physical processes, have significant effects on marsh persistence as sea level rises, and merit incorporation into ecogeomorphic models and empirical studies of marsh accretion.

The Role of Biotic and Abiotic Processes in the Zonation of Salt Marsh Plants in the Nueces River Delta, Texas

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Salt marshes provide critical ecosystem services, such as shoreline stabilization, biogeochemical cycling and habitat for wildlife, to much of the world's population living on the coasts. Emergent vascular plants are a critical component of these ecosystems. This study was a comprehensive effort to gain a better understanding of the ecology of salt marsh plants in the Nueces River delta on the south Texas coast. This knowledge is essential to understand the potential anthropogenic impacts on salt marshes, including sea-level rise, global warming, reduced freshwater inflow and coastal erosion. A combination of remote sensing analysis, field studies and experiments were used to allow analysis across spatial scales ranging from landscape patterns of vegetation to leaf level measurements of the dominant species. A novel method of image classification was developed using high-resolution multi-spectral imagery integrated with ancillary data to map the major plant communities at a landscape scale. This included a high marsh assemblage composed primarily of Spartina spartinae and a low marsh community dominated by Borrichia frutescens and Salicornia virginica. Geospatial analysis determined that the location of these plant communities was related to the distance from the tidal creek network and elevation. The B. frutescens and S. virginica assemblage was more abundant at lower elevations along the waters edge, making it vulnerable to loss from shoreline erosion. At a finer spatial scale, gradient analysis was utilized to examine the relationship between elevation, which creates environmental gradients in salt marshes, and species distribution. I discovered that elevation differences of less than 5 cm can influence both individual species and plant community distribution. One interesting finding was that the two dominant species, B. frutescens and S. virginica, share similar responses along an elevation gradient yet are observed growing in monotypic adjacent zones. I constructed a large reciprocal transplant experiment, using 160 plants at 4 sites throughout the marsh, to determine what causes the zonation between these two species. The results of this study found that S. virginica fared well wherever it was transplanted but was a weak competitor. B. frutescens survival was significantly lower in the S. virginica zone than in its own zone suggesting that abiotic factors are important in determining the zonation of this species. However, high spatial and temporal variability existed in environmental parameters such as salinity. This variability may have been caused by the semi-arid climate and irregular flooding typical in the Nueces Marsh. Therefore, I utilized a greenhouse experiment to directly test the importance of the two dominant physical factors in salt marshes, flooding and salinity. The results found that for B. frutescens the effects of flooding were not significant, however salinity at 30% reduced growth. Salinity did not influence growth of S. virginica. The greater ability of S. virginica to tolerate salinity stress has important implications because reduced freshwater inflow or climate change can increase porewater salinity, thus favoring the expansion of S. virginica, and altering the plant community structure.

Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems

Book Description

Aldo Leopold, father of the "land ethic," once said, "The time has come for science to busy itself with the earth itself. The first step is to reconstruct a sample of what we had to begin with." The concept he expressedâ€"restorationâ€"is defined in this comprehensive new volume that examines the prospects for repairing the damage society has done to the nation's aquatic resources: lakes, rivers and streams, and wetlands. Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems outlines a national strategy for aquatic restoration, with practical recommendations, and features case studies of aquatic restoration activities around the country. The committee examines: Key concepts and techniques used in restoration. Common factors in successful restoration efforts. Threats to the health of the nation's aquatic ecosystems. Approaches to evaluation before, during, and after a restoration project. The emerging specialties of restoration and landscape ecology.

Mangrove Ecosystems: A Global Biogeographic Perspective

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This book presents a comprehensive overview and analysis of mangrove ecological processes, structure, and function at the local, biogeographic, and global scales and how these properties interact to provide key ecosystem services to society. The analysis is based on an international collaborative effort that focuses on regions and countries holding the largest mangrove resources and encompasses the major biogeographic and socio-economic settings of mangrove distribution. Given the economic and ecological importance of mangrove wetlands at the global scale, the chapters aim to integrate ecological and socio-economic perspectives on mangrove function and management using a system-level hierarchical analysis framework. The book explores the nexus between mangrove ecology and the capacity for ecosystem services, with an emphasis on thresholds, multiple stressors, and local conditions that determine this capacity. The interdisciplinary approach and illustrative study cases included in the book will provide valuable resources in data, information, and knowledge about the current status of one of the most productive coastal ecosystem in the world.

A Handbook of Global Freshwater Invasive Species

Book Description

Invasive non-native species are a major threat to global biodiversity. Often introduced accidentally through international travel or trade, they invade and colonize new habitats, often with devastating consequences for the local flora and fauna. Their environmental impacts can range from damage to resource production (e.g. agriculture and forestry) and infrastructure (e.g. buildings, road and water supply), to human health. They consequently can have major economic impacts. It is a priority to prevent their introduction and spread, as well as to control them. Freshwater ecosystems are particularly at risk from invasions and are landscape corridors that facilitate the spread of invasives. This book reviews the current state of knowledge of the most notable global invasive freshwater species or groups, based on their severity of economic impact, geographic distribution outside of their native range, extent of research, and recognition of the ecological severity of the impact of the species by the IUCN. As well as some of the very well-known species, the book also covers some invasives that are emerging as serious threats. Examples covered include a range of aquatic and riparian plants, insects, molluscs, crustacea, fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals, as well as some major pathogens of aquatic organisms. The book also includes overview chapters synthesizing the ecological impact of invasive species in fresh water and summarizing practical implications for the management of rivers and other freshwater habitats.