A Brief Illustrated History of Romanians

Book Description

This is not an ordinary history book. As readers will realise quite early on, Neagu Djuvara has the audacity to tackle some of the most delicate and controversial issues in Romanian history under the guise of light storytelling. With the addition of illustrations, the book becomes better and easier to understand: we are offered the chance to see how ancient artefacts discovered by archaeologists actually look like, or catch a glimpse of the world of barbarians and medieval warriors depicted in wonderful illuminated manuscripts. As we get nearer to the modern age, the imagery becomes even richer and we get to know Romania's princes and monarchs, their allies and their enemies, the politicians – good and bad – their triumphs, tribulations or even tragedies; and sometimes even the common people going about their daily lives. The photographic discourse focuses on the most important documents, even if their condition is not optimal. You will also find images of pottery, jewellery and weaponry, some of them from unexpected sources, often unknown to the public, accompanied by detailed captions that complement the information provided in the text itself. Together, the story and illustrations intertwine to form a new, enhanced historical account - and hopefully, one not lacking in originality.


Book Description

Overview: This is a well-written and learned book that guides the popular reader through Romania's long and eventful history. All eras are covered: the stone, bronze, and iron ages; the classical period of the Dacians before, during, and after Roman rule; the long period of invasions during the Middle Ages; the principalities from the 14th century until 1821; and the periods of unification, communism, and post-communism. Romania's cultural history is included too, with accounts of writers, artists, and musicians.

A Short Illustrated History of Romanians

Book Description

Ioan-Aurel Pop, academician, președinte al Academiei Române, profesor și rector al Universității Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca, este autor și coautor a peste șaptezeci de cărți, tratate și manuale și a peste cinci sute de studii și articole. I s-a acordat titlul de Doctor Honoris Causa din partea a 10 universități din țară și din străinătate. Este membru al unor academii și societăți savante străine, între care Academia Europeană de Știință și Artă de la Salzburg, Academia Națională Virgiliană din Mantova, Ateneo Veneto din Veneția, Academia Europeană de Științe, Arte și Litere din Paris. A fost visiting professor al unor universități din SUA, Italia, Franța, Ungaria și Austria, precum și director al Institutului Cultural Român din New York și al Institutului Român de Cultură și Cercetare Umanistică din Veneția. Din 1993 este director al Centrului de Studii Transilvane din Cluj-Napoca al Academiei Române. M A R E A U N I R E A ROMÂNILOR

A Concise History of Romania

Book Description

A comprehensive and engaging new history charting Romania's development over 2000 years from its establishment to the present day.

Romania: Transylvania

Book Description

This new, fourth edition of Bradt’s Romania: Transylvania remains the only standalone, full-length, English-language travel guidebook to Transylvania – the legendary, enchanting and increasingly popular region of Romania. Co-authored by former British Ambassador to Romania Paul Brummell, Romania: Transylvania has been thoroughly updated by prolific travel writer Tim Burford, who wrote his first Romania guide in 1991. Transylvania (the ‘land beyond the forest’) is a wild, wooded, intensely romantic region, filled with mountains and gorges, myths and legends, dragons, bears, wolves – and vampires. Bram Stoker called it ‘one of the wildest and least-known parts of Europe’, a description that remains true today. Comprehensive chapter-per-county coverage caters for a diverse range of interests, from city breaks to rural escapes, skiing to wildlife watching. One of the most beautiful regions in central Europe and home to three UNESCO World Heritage sites, Transylvania preserves its cultural and artistic treasures in a landscape bordered on three sides by the Carpathian Mountains, which provide Romania’s finest skiing and hiking destinations. Hay meadows in the Lower Carpathians form a grassland ecosystem of extraordinary diversity, offering beautiful wildflower displays. The Carpathians are home too to lynx, wild boar and one of Europe’s largest populations of brown bear. Other natural phenomena include the Scarisoara Ice Cave in the Apuseni Mountains and the Sfanta Ana volcanic crater lake in Harghita County. Transylvania’s cultural riches include the Dacian fortresses of the Orastie Mountains, including Sarmizegetusa Regia, conquered by Roman Emperor Trajan in AD106. Historic Sighisoara is a picture-perfect medieval hill town. The fortified churches of southern Transylvania are testament to the perils of life in medieval Saxon communities, subject to frequent attacks from Ottoman raiders. The historic cities of Cluj, Sibiu and Brasov are rightly feted (and host internationally renowned film, electronic music and theatre festivals). At Turda’s salt mine, you can ride the big wheel in an underground amusement park. And, if you’re inspired by the Hotel Transylvania or Twilight films, why not follow the Dracula trail, visiting sites linked to Bram Stoker’s novel? Whatever your interests, with Bradt’s Romania: Transylvania, you can discover the region’s many and varied attractions.