A Caregiver's Journey

Book Description

More than a million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer this year. Someone will be introduced to the world of caregiving for each and every new patient. Add thousands of AIDS, stroke, heart disease and Alzheimer's cases and you discover that there is an entire community of caregivers who have many of the same fears and concerns as the patients they care about. Patients become the immediate focus of attention by their medical team and by their families the minute they receive the diagnosis. They are bombarded with information about their disease, about treatment and about support groups. They are offered books and pamphlets and tapes and group sessions. Who is there to help the caregiver? Those who land the job of primary caregiver often have no experience in nursing, no knowledge of the medical jargon, and are prepared with nothing more substantial than their love for the patient. A Caregiver's Journey addresses both the practical and emotional issues facing the family. Many books and pamphlets recognize the caregiver but focus on the patient. This is a practical and helpful guide focusing on the specific concerns of the caregiver.

The Caregiving Journey: Information. Guidance. Inspiration.

Book Description

Our world is currently experiencing a global Caregiving Crisis. If you, like so many others, are increasingly concerned about your loved one's needs as they age, then ask yourself the following questions: How does your loved one see their life playing out? Where do they want to live as they age (in their own home vs. assisted living)? What kind of health do they aspire to be in? What kinds of activities do they want to engage in? If and when your loved one can no longer live independently, what is their preference (i.e., paid in-home help, assisted living or nursing facility)? Is their preference realistic considering their financial situation, and if not, what are the feasible alternatives? The Caregiving Journey goes far beyond the basics of wills and logistical funeral plans-basics many people have in place (especially where children are involved). Rather, you'll be guided and supported to create a well-thought-out plan for those three, five or even 10 or more years when your loved one needs your help because they can no longer live on their own. With the inspiration, practical steps, support, and tools provided inside these pages, you'll be well-equipped to guide your family members and loved ones to the end of their lives with love, ease and grace.Bringing together her 30+ years as a professional market analyst and her personal experience as a live-in caregiver for her mom, author Debbie Howard has integrated her experiences-along with the journeys of over 200 other caregivers-into this book to help you choose your best way forward. Learn more at www.theCaregivingJourney.com.

The Last Night

Book Description

Ms. BernNadette Stanis (Thelma from "Good Times") takes the reader on a journey with her as she shares the story of her life with her real family, as well as her "Good Times" family, including her life as caregiver to her mom who suffered from Alzheimer's.

If I Die Before I Wake

Book Description

It all began in 1958 when I was ten. A young family has just moved into the neighborhood. One sunny summer day, while I was sitting on the steps of my house, a young boy came up to me and rolled his ball to my feet. With the sun in my face, I said hi and rolled it back. He ran off. A few days later, he did it again. I eventually became friends with him. I told my mom that a Chinese family had moved into the neighborhood and their son, Charlie, was my new friend. She said, bring him over for supper. I did, and after supper, he left, and my mom told me a story about people who have something called "Mongoloidism", now Down Syndrome. I became his mentor to protect him from all the bullies, and I got beat up more than he did. He suddenly left, and I vowed that I would do something in my life that would change that bullying attitude. This book is about the sixty years since that time where I made good on my vows. It is a group of chapters that comprise the ah ha moments in my journey as a caregiver all over the world. I hope you enjoy and are enlightened by my story.

Your Rite of Passage

Book Description

Your Rite of Passage is about using your innate abilities, mastering your “gifts,” for a cause in which you deeply believe, to make a difference in someone’s life. This is a story of two people, an aging mother and her daughter, who learn what works for them both to stay in the mainstream of life, while discovering better ways of adjusting to family care giving in the home. Their unique way brings them closer, as genuine friends.

Bring Each Other Home: A Caregiver's Journey

Book Description

"Walk with him" was the heavenly command the author received after her beloved mate was diagnosed with dementia. Let this caregiver take you along on her trek through a puzzling maze of challenges where she receives assistance and encouragement. This book offers inspiration, enlightenment to those caring for someone with a long-term illness.


Book Description

This book will be available in Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble within 60-90 days. A Caregiver's Journey shares the author's exepriences of personal struggles, emotional stress, and understanding needed when coping with a loved one suffering from the disease of dementia. It sheds light on understanding the reality that life as you once knew it has changed, especially psychologically. The most common illnesses under the umbrella of dementia are: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA, Mini-stroke). The illness has an affect on both the loved one and the caregiver. This causes a need for great changes. In addition to these changes, the dementia patient needs to be understood and respected.

One Caregiver's Journey

Book Description

Are you a caregiver or about to become a caregiver? If so, One Caregiver's Journey is a MUST read. This book is a snapshot into the realities of the challenges and changes of being a sole caregiver over a period of a decade. It is a treasure trove of stories, information, and suggestions to make caregiving less of a challenge. One moment you will be laughing, and the next you will be reaching for a tissue. It is a journal and an honest look at the rewards and hardships of the author's experience. Being a sole caregiver and living in virtual isolation until her mother's passing, the author openly shares her experiences of reintegrating back into a world that had passed her by after a decade. Learn the obstacles she navigated with driving through town, eating in restaurants, to movie theaters, to shopping in the mall after a 10-year hiatus. Reading this book, you will feel as though you are in the author's living room as she tells her story.

The Caregiver's Journey

Book Description

Written by Kathryn R. Burke. Illustrated by Bryce Chismire. This book is about people helping people who need help¿that would be you the Caregiver, and the one you care for. You will learn where to find help, who to ask for it and to depend on for practical help as well as help for body, mind, and spirit. Building Your Care Team is based on 20+ years of Caregiving experience, augmented with the stories of so many other Caregivers the author met and worked with going down the road. ¿My Care Teammates helped me,¿ she says, "and I hope together, we can be part of your Care Team, and help you manage this difficult journey. You are not alone." From San Juan Publishing. 212 pages. 140 Illustrations. Color cover. Includes Resources & References, Inspirational Quotes.

A Caregiver's Journey

Book Description

A Caregiveras Journey is about the experience of our family as caregivers for our parents. This journey will let you laugh and cry, and you find yourself in ways you have never known. It inspires you to love more, live more, and hold dear the ones you love. For those who have taken and will take this journey, you know there is someone under the same moon who understands you from afar. So remember, a smile a day keeps your blues away.