Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts

Book Description

Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts, which has appeared in semi-annual volumes since 1969, is devoted to the recording, summarizing and indexing of astronomical publications throughout the world. It is prepared under the auspices of the International Astronomical Union (according to a resolution adopted at the 14th General Assembly in 1970). Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts aims to present a comprehensive documenta tion of literature in all fields of astronomy and astrophysics. Every effort will be made to ensure that the average time interval between the date of receipt of the original literature and publication of the abstracts will not exceed eight months. This time interval is near to that achieved by monthly abstracting journals, compared to which our system of accumu lating abstracts for about six months offers the advantage of greater convenience for the user. Volume 31 contains literature published in 1982 and received before July 15, 1982; some older literature which was received late and which is not recorded in earlier volumes is also included. We acknowledge with thanks contributions to this volume by Dr. J. Bouska, Prague, who surveyed journals and publications in Czech and supplied us with abstracts in English .

Multiwavelength Studies of Dust Associated with Galactic HII Regions

Book Description

The first part of this thesis describes the construction of a high resolution (~1') atlas of mid-infrared emission along part of the Galactic plane using Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) data processed using the HIRES algorithm. This emission generally arises from the smallest dust components in the interstellar medium (ISM) and is bright near HII regions due to the enhanced radiation field. The atlas (MIGA: Mid-Infrared Galaxy Atlas) has been combined with radio and far-infrared data as part of the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey. The remainder of the thesis presents the results of multiwavelength studies using MIGA. An accurate study of dust associated with HII regions requires a careful study of all of the components of an HII region and the surrounding ISM. A comparative study of the mid-infrared and radio continuum morphology of HII regions is presented. Understanding of this morphology is critical for the calculation of infrared fluxes and for the accurate association of infrared emission with a given HII region. Infrared ratio maps are a useful tool to study the properties of interstellar dust, but the construction of these maps is a non-trivial task with HIRES data. A new technique to construct these maps has been developed and is evaluated. For many HII regions of small angular extent the only available measurements are the global infrared luminosity and radio flux. An investigation was made of how much information about the structure of the HII region can be obtained from an analysis of these quantities. Accurate knowledge of the stellar content of an HII region is vital for the quantitative study of dust around HII regions. A new O-star spectral classification line ratio for heavily reddened OB stars has been developed. The HII region KR 140 is the subject of a multiwavelength study. KR 140 appears to be a region of spontaneous massive star formation. Submillimetre observations reveal complementary information about the dust, molecular cores, and possible protostars. Finally, infrared colour variations within molecular material surrounding the W5 HII region are investigated and ideas for further projects are presented.

The Light Element Abundances

Book Description

This is the first volume of a series on a regular up-to-date coverage of important developments in astronomy and astrophysics jointly published by ESO and Springer-Verlag. Here the reader finds a thorough review of the abundances of the elements up to Boron. Special emphasis is laid on primordial abundances of interest to cosmologists in particular, and on stellar production or destruction respectively. The articles written for researchers and graduate students cover theory and most recent data from telescope observations.

Extra-galactic HII Regions

Book Description