A Case Study on the Impact of the READ 180 Reading Intervention Program on Affective and Cognitive Reading Skills for At-Risk Secondary Level Students

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The purpose of this qualitative case study was to investigate the impact of the READ 180 reading intervention program upon the affective and cognitive reading skills of 21 struggling ninth grade at-risk students at a Title I high school in Southern California. There was minimal qualitative analysis of the READ 180 program at the secondary level and nominal research in general on affective learning regarding motivation to read for at-risk high school students. This study was designed to explore what changes, if any, may occur in the reading attitudes (affective skills) and comprehension levels (cognitive skills) of participants in the READ 180 program. Data was collected from interviews, observations, and student documents over a 16 week period and then analyzed for themes and connections to the research questions. The findings for this study indicated that READ 180 was a beneficial intervention in limited areas for many at-risk high school students, but it did not meet the myriad of affective and cognitive needs required for grade level literacy development. READ 180 best served secondary level students when it was modified based on individual student needs and interests.

READ 180

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Abstract: The present study examines the effects that the READ 180 intervention program had on at-risk high school students. For the purpose of this study students identified as at risk were subjected to criteria set by the district, and included English Language Learners, Special Education Students and students who were economically disadvantaged. Other students who met the set criteria included students who failed to pass their third administration of TAKS or TAKS in the 8th grade, 9th graders who received 2100 or less, and second year 9th grade students who failed TAKS or TAKS A as 9th graders. The intervention focused on improving students' reading proficiency levels by observing the effects the program had on students' reading Lexile Levels and TAKS scores upon completing the READ 180 program. The data collected was preexisting data of 62 students who received the intervention for a period of one school semester. The participants spent a total of 90-minutes a day receiving reading intervention that focused on the application of mixed method instruction including: teacher-led whole-group instruction, small group instruction, modeled and independent reading, and interaction with instructional software. The sample use din the study involved five READ 180 classes from two different campuses within a school district in South Texas. The data were gathered and observed to examine the degree of improvement students experiences in reading comprehension during the course of the six months. The result of the study indicated that READ 180 did have and effect on student reading proficiency based on the student's pretest and posttest reading Lexile Levels and TAKS scores. The data show that, based on the reading Lexile pretest scores administered in January 2010 and posttest administered in April 2010, students averaged a gain of 50.9L. Participants also showed and increase in TAKS scores. Pretests of TAKS exams administered in Spring of 2009 showed that 6.5% of students passed TAKS. The examination of posttest exams administered in Spring of 2010 indicated that 37.1% of students passed their TAKS exams. On average 80.6% of the sample reported gains. Based on the results presented by the pre-and posttest data the research concluded that the interventions presented b the READ 180 program had a positive effect on reading levels of the sample population. The researcher further concluded that the READ 180 intervention program has the potential to provide the school district with researched-based instructional techniques needed to improve the reading proficiency levels of at-risk high school students. As a result of the study, the researcher recommended that the school district consider moving forward with the use of the READ 180 program.

The Relationship Between Read 180 and Reading Comprehension Growth for Struggling Fourth Grade Students in One Elementary Intervention Classroom

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Research has shown that reading intervention for struggling students is imperative at a young age for future success. The goal for all students is to be college and career ready, and wise participants in society. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the Read 180 program and growth in reading comprehension for struggling readers. It was a search to better understand the instructional strategies needed to support reading comprehension. It was also a search to understand how motivation plays a role in affecting student academic success, and the components of the program including technology that has embedded motivational pieces. Lastly, it was a search to better understand how to support teachers in their knowledge to advance student achievement. The study was conducted in a general education intervention classroom servicing students who were scoring Below Basic in their reading skills. The results suggest that there is a strong relationship between the Read 180 program and growth in reading comprehension. The majority of the students made gains in comprehension as measured by the Reading Inventory during the study with a strong positive correlation r = 0.469.

Secondary Reading Intervention

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"The focus of this thesis paper is on what tools are available and most effective to support struggling readers at the middle school or secondary level. Around the fourth grade, student learning shifts from learning to read to reading to learn. The academic success of at risk adolescent students with disabilities is dependent upon effectively promoting individual reading growth. Effective methods and strategies to motivate secondary learners support all elements of reading, offer choices to individuals, and differentiate reading support. Many reading intervention programs offer various tools that specifically encourage several reading support strategies. READ180 is a commonly used intervention program utilized at the secondary level to promote reading growth. It combines the support and promotion of various reading elements, as well as a technology component. Research findings illustrate that various programs including READ180; can be more successful when used in combination with other reading support strategies."--leaf 3.

Read 180

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READ 180 is a comprehensive reading intervention program designed to meet the needs of elementary to middle school students whose reading achievement is below the proficient level. The program directly addresses individual needs through differentiated instruction, adaptive and instructional software, high-interest literature, and direct instruction in reading, writing, and vocabulary skills. Stage A provides tools for young struggling readers in elementary school to develop critical literacy skills. Stage B provides middle school struggling readers with topics designed for their level of reading that hold their interest. System 44 was designed for the most challenged, older struggling readers, and helps these students understand that the English language is a finite system of 44 sounds and 26 letters that can be mastered. It uses validated assessment for screening and placement, research-based phonics instruction and highly motivating and age-appropriate adaptive technology.

READ 180

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This study addressed the effect of READ 180 on achievement levels, gender, and free and reduced lunch status on the English I End-of-Course assessment in an urban high school in the Middle Tennessee Region. The treatment sample included 32 ninth grade students, and the control sample included 82 ninth grade students. A paired samples t test, chi square tests, and analysis of covariance tests were used to determine the effect of READ 180 on English I End-of-Course assessments for the students involved in this study. The results of this study indicated READ 180 was effective with the treatment group and is a reading intervention program one should consider for ninth grade students in high school.

Evidence-based Reading Practices for Response to Intervention

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A look at the research about the Three-Tier Approach - a core reading program, supplementary instruction and intensive intervention.