A Comparative Study of the Origins of Ethical Thought

Book Description

The Origins of Ethical Thought: A Comparative Study Between Hellenism and Hebraism is the first text to analyze both Greek and Hebrew ethical thought based on a comprehensive and ideological interpretation of the two systems on their own and in relation to one another. An innovative work of interdisciplinary scholarship, this book focuses on the plurality of perspectives between and within the respective ethical systems. Without overdrawing comparisons, the author engages selected primary and secondary texts and highlights the traits that distinguish the two fields while revealing the commonalities underlying ancient Hebraic and Hellenistic concepts of the self in relation to the "other," whether on the human or super-human level. He reveals that both ethical systems are based on a sense of "wonder," which, he argues, can and should be rehabilitated as a foundation for a new ethics that is in touch with the transcendent and metaphysical. Moreover, writing from a Japanese frame of reference, the author incorporates important insights by Eastern thinkers that are often overlooked in the West. Well conceived and logically presented, The Origins of Ethical Thought covers the practical philosophy of the ancient Greeks from the Presocratics through Aristotle, the religious ethics of the Ancient Hebrews from the Ten Commandments to the Wisdom literature, and the consequences of Greek and Hebrew ethics from philosophical ideas of love and righteousness to religious notions of retribution and atonement.

Ethical Theory and Social Change

Book Description

John Dewey was unique among American philosophers in his insistence that the events, the social structure, the beliefs and attitudes of a period, its models of science and human history, all have some constitutive role in its philosophical theory. This belief is amply demonstrated in Dewey's own writings. Dewey and James H. Tufts' Ethics was first published in 1908 with a revised edition appearing in 1932. Dewey's part in the latter was wholly rewritten, and in effect constituted a new work, showing that Dewey did not believe ethical beliefs were eternal and unchanging. In Ethical Theory and Social Change, Abraham Edel provides a comparative analysis of the two editions to show how Dewey conceived ethics as part of an ongoing culture, not intelligible if isolated.The years between the two editions of Dewey and Tufts' Ethics were momentous in America and across the world. In 1908 industrialism was in high gear, putting greater pressure on social institutions and raising expectations of technological progress and extended democratic growth. By 1932, the devastation of World War I, economic depression, and the rise of totalitarianisms of the left and right had shattered that earlier optimism. The shift toward secular philosophy and new perspectives in research and method in the social sciences was challenging established universalizing views of morality with perceptions of fundamental moral conflict and the threat of relativism in their resolution.Dewey, is an ideal case for comparing changes in ethical theory over a quarter century. Unlike many philosophers he appreciated change and many of his basic ideas are geared to the problem of human control over change. Moreover he is concerned with the relation of theory and practice, and much of his work in metaphysics and epistemology is devoted to discovering the role that doctrines in these fields play and how they reflect the movement of social life. He is constantly concerned with ethics, with the history of ethics, and with the presuppositions of ethical theories that are studied in the social sciences and applied in the normative disciplines of politics, education, and law.Dewey's project of comparison in ethics reveals how theory is crystallized in the processes of the growth of knowledge in all fields and the human vicissitudes of history. Ethical Theory and Social Change will be of interest to philosophers, sociologists, and intellectual historians.

The Oxford Handbook of Ethical Theory

Book Description

The Handbook is a comprehensive reference work in ethical theory consisting of commissioned articles by leading scholars. The first part treats meta-ethics and the second part normative ethical theory. As with all the Oxford Handbooks, the collection is designed to achieve three goals: exposition of central ideas, criticism of other approaches, and defenses of distinct points of view.

Ethics of Compassion

Book Description

Ethics of Compassion places central themes from Buddhist (primarily) and Christian moral teachings within the conceptual framework of Western normative ethics. What results is a viable alternative ethical theory to those offered by utilitarians, Kantian formalists, proponents of the natural law tradition, and advocates of virtue ethics. Ethics of Compassion bridges Eastern and Western cultures, philosophical ethics and religious moral discourse, and notions of acting rightly and of being virtuous. This book will be of interest to anyone who has been introduced to the discipline of ethics. It will be useful for undergraduate courses in philosophical and religious ethics.

The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas

Book Description

The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas is a book by а philosopher Edvard Westermarck. It is one of his main works and a monumental classics study in its field. At the beginning of this book, Westermarck asks why different cultures have different moral views. To answer this question, he decided to acquire first-hand knowledge of the folklore of a non-European people. Thus, he spent four years in Morocco collecting anthropological data, familiarizing himself with the native way of thinking, and understanding local customs. In the result he concluded, he concluded that there is a close connection between moral opinions and religious beliefs.

A Bibliographic Guide to the Comparative Study of Ethics

Book Description

This bibliography is the culmination of four years' work by a team of noted scholars; its annotated entries are organised by religious tradition and cover each tradition's central concepts, offering a judicious selection of primary and secondary works as well as recommendations of cross-cultural topics to be explored. Specialists in the history and literature of religions and comparative religion will find this bibliography a valuable research tool.

Ethics and the History of Indian Philosophy

Book Description

Ethics and the History of Indian Philosophy, by Shyam Ranganathan, presents a compelling, systematic explication of the moral philosophical content of history of Indian philosophy in contrast to the received wisdom in Indology and comparative philosophy that Indian philosophers were scarcely interested in ethics. Unlike most works on the topic, this book makes a case for the positive place of ethics in the history of Indian philosophy by drawing upon recent work in metaethics and metamorality, and by providing a through analysis of the meaning of moral concepts and PHILOSOPHY itself- in addition to explicating the texts of Indian authors. In Ranganathan`s account, Indian philosophy shines with distinct options in ethics that find their likeness in the writings of the Ancient in the West, such as Plato and the Neo-Platonists, and not in the anthropocentric or positivistic options that have dominated the recent Western tradition.

Philosophical Interpretations of the Old Testament

Book Description

Western biblical studies have tended to follow either faith-based theological approaches or value-free historical-critical methods. This monograph challenges the two extremes by pursuing the middle path of philosophical hermeneutics. While drawing on Eastern and Western philosophical writings from ancient to modern times, the author proposes original interpretive solutions to a wide range of important biblical texts, including the Akedah, Second Isaiah, the Decalogue, Qohelet, Job, and Jeremiah. Yet, this is not a collection of antiquarian studies. Readers will also gain fresh and stimulating perspectives concerning monotheism, religious faith and identity, suffering and salvation, and modern and postmodern ethics. Finally, in a supplementary essay, the author introduces readers to the history of Old Testament studies in Japan, and he outlines prospects for the future.

Outlines of the History of Ethics for English Readers

Book Description

PREFACE. THE nucleus of this little book is formed by an article on Ethics which I wrote some years ago for the E zc cIopaB f iiat nnnica. I found that, in the opinion of persons whose judgment had weight with me, this article appeared likely to meet the needs of English students desirous of obtaining a general knowledge of the history of ethical thought I have, therefore, by the permission of Messrs. Black, the publishers of the EnglcZop riaB ritannica, reprinted it in this separate form. In so doing, I have considerably altered and enlarged it but, aftcr some hesitation, I determined to adhere to the main outlines of the original article, according to which the chapter IV. dealing with the modern pcriod is mainly confined to English Ethics, and only deals with foreign ethical systems in a subordinate way, as sources of influence on English thought. I adopted this resolution, partly because it seemed to me that the merit of my article-if it had any-lay in a certain compact unity of movement which would v inevitably be lost if I tried to include a treatment of French and German moralists on a scale corresponding to my treatment of English moralists while at the same time a considerable portion of what I thus omitted appeared to me to have a distinctly subordinate interest for English readers as compared with what I included. I ought further to explain that, for somewhat similar reasons, I have taken pains to keep Ethics as separate as I conveniently could from Theology and Metaphysics, and also from Politics this separation, however, is naturally less complete in some parts of the subject than in others -e. g. in dealing with the medireval period the relations of Ethics to Theology arenecessarily more prominent than in the modern period. Finally, I may perhaps say that I have aimed throughout at the greatest possible impartiality and objectivity of treatment and in order better to attain this rcsult I have not attempted to deal with contemporary modes of ethical thought-with which I have been engaged controversially-except in a very brief and summary way. In the greater part of the book-i. e. in by far the larger part of Chapter II., in almost all Chapter IV., I draw attention to the words a consitlerable portion because they were overlooked by a reviewer who selected this sentence for severe criticism. The omission of the111 substitutes an o i ionur llicli I should regard as indelensi1 le for one which I still think almost incontrovertible. PREFACE vii and in some of Chapter 111.-my exposition is primarily based on my own study of the original authors. Where this is not the case I have tried to guard myself from error by comparing different historians of philosophy, and referring to the original authors whenever this comparison left me doubtful. And throughout I have endeavoured to correct and supplement the results of my own study by comparing them with the views expressed in other historical worlts. I a n especially indebted, as regards Chapter I I ., to Zellers Geschichte der Griechischen Philosophic but, in revising the chapter, I have also derived useful suggestions from Ziegler, Geschichte der Ethi, and from an excellent little book on Epicureanism by Rlr. Wallace. The account of Christian morality in Chapter 111...

Images of History

Book Description

Human subjects are both formed by historical inheritances and capable of active criticism. Insisting on this fact, Kant and Benjamin each develop powerful, systematic, but sharply opposed accounts of human powers and interests in freedom. A persistent constitutive tension between Kantian and Benjaminan ideals is woven through human life. By examining the two philosophers through this volume, Richard Eldridge attempts to make better sense of the commitment forming, commitment revising, anxious, reflective and acculturated human subjects we are.