The Conservatarian Manifesto

Book Description

A call to arms for the growing movement of "Conservatarians"--members of the right who are fiscally conservative but socially liberal--and a fascinating look at conservatism's past and future. There is an underserved movement budding among conservatives, in which fiscal responsibility, constitutional obedience, and controlled government spending remain crucial tenets, but issues like gay marriage and drug control are approached with a libertarian bent. In The Conservatarian Manifesto, Charles C.W. Cooke engages with the data and the philosophy behind this movement, applauding conservatarianism as a force that can help Republicans mend the many ills that have plagued their party in recent years. Conservatarians are vexed by Republicans' failure to cut the size and scope of Washington D.C., but they are critical of some libertarians for their unacceptable positions on abortion, national defense, and immigration. They applaud conservatives' efforts to protect Second Amendment rights--efforts that have recently been wildly successful--but they see the War on Drugs as an unmitigated disaster that goes against everything conservatives ought to value. All movements run the risk of stagnation, and of losing touch with the principles and values that made them successful in the first place. In this book, Charles Cooke shows the way back to a better and more honest conservatism that champions limited government, reality-based policy, and favor for the smallest minority of all: the individual.

The Conservative Manifesto

Book Description

Some people are calling THE CONSERVATIVE MANIFESTO by William T. Hennessy the most important short book by a conservative since Barry Goldwater published THE CONSCIENCE OF A CONSERVATIVE in 1960. Why? Because in THE CONSERVATIVE MANIFESTO, Hennessy takes modern America to task. Hennessy details the three major areas of concern in 1993--The Economic Sewer System, The Social Septic Tank, & The Cultural Waste Dump--with authority. THE CONSERVATIVE MANIFESTO goes beyond complaining with a Conservatives Creed that provides a touchstone for forming opinions of issues & events, reasoned & original definitions of conservatism & liberalism, & ten specific new programs, including detailed examinations of each, that, when adopted, will restore what Hennessy calls the American Ideal. His chapter "Fighting the War for the Soul of America" is a field guide, a handbook, a step-by-step "how to" manual for the ordinary American. The author has lectured at Yale University & other institutions. His essays have appeared in numerous newspapers & magazines, & he is currently working on his second book. THE CONSERVATIVE MANIFESTO is designed to become a staple of every political science library. Available from Right Press, 5 Magnolia Dr., Groton, CT 06340; 800/307-4161.

Liberty and Tyranny

Book Description

Don’t miss syndicated radio host and author Mark Levin's #1 New York Times acclaimed and longtime bestselling manifesto for the conservative movement. When nationally syndicated radio host Mark R. Levin’s Liberty and Tyranny appeared in the early months of the Obama presidency, Americans responded by making his clarion call for a new era in conservatism a #1 New York Times bestseller for an astounding twelve weeks. As provocative, well-reasoned, robust, and informed as his on-air commentary, with his love of our country and the legacy of our Founding Fathers reflected on every page, Levin’s galvanizing narrative provides a philosophical, historical, and practical framework for revitalizing the conservative vision and ensuring the preservation of American society. In the face of the modern liberal assault on Constitution-based values, an attack that has resulted in a federal government that is a massive, unaccountable conglomerate, the time for reinforcing the intellectual and practical case for conservatism is now. In a series of powerful essays, Levin lays out how conservatives can counter the tyrannical liberal corrosion that has filtered into every timely issue affecting our daily lives, from the economy to health care, global warming to immigration, and more.

The Conservative Manifesto

Book Description

So, one might ask, what is a Conservative anyway and what makes him tick? Here's how I look at the differences between a Conservative and one who is decidedly not. First, we need to talk about Common Sense. Common Sense makes up the core of all Conservative thought and also defines the great distance between those who are Conservative and those who see themselves as progressives, communists, liberals, socialists, democrats or whatever it is they call themselves. Sam Clemens (Mark Twain) said once that "the funny thing about common sense is that it isn't very common." So, what is common sense then? Well, as I define it -it's the collective store of knowledge that we pick up during our formative years that keeps us from making and repeating dumb and often painful mistakes. None of us come into the world with a scintilla of common sense. We are all "tabula rasas" (blank slates) upon which life begins to write from the day we enter this world. For example, we quickly learn that pain hurts and we thereafter try to avoid it. Some things hurt, Fire hurts, bumping into the wall hurts and falling off ones bike hurts. We learn to avoid hurtful things. Conversely, we find that other things are pleasurable and naturally gravitate toward that which is good avoiding the bad. This is common sense on its most basic and universal level. On this level, all of us have some common sense, even liberals. As we develop, our store of common sense grows with us. We learn discernment, which is another form of common sense. This sense tells us that some things are good in a material way and some not so. We begin to understand that some people are always in trouble and we should stay away from them- trouble rubs off. We learn to tell quality from shoddy in everything. We avoid Chinese knock off shoes because we know they fall apart. We buy things that last and know that those things that last are of good quality. That is common sense. In life one finds that most of the choices one makes require him to exercise common sense. The clothes, homes and cars one buys with ones hard-earned money all are decided upon using the knowledge one has gained along life's road. Not too many convertibles are sold in Fairbanks! The subjects one studies in college or university are, or should be, determined by ones interests as that learning might relate to ones future. A student wishing to become a physician, engineer, lawyer or scientist understands well that he is embarking on an academic pursuit requiring substantial effort for a considerable number of years. It takes dedication to enter into these fields. We learn early on that if we persist in our efforts to obtain given goals there are rewards for so doing. We learned as children that short-term benefits are far outweighed by obtaining long-term goals. Boy Scouts, over time and with effort, become Eagle Scouts and those who learn to play musical instruments know that the only way to become good is to study and practice for many years. We learn that successful outcomes depend on hard efforts- good things happen to those who devote years to becoming good at whatever it is that they wish to be good at. That's common sense! So, what is the take away here? It's obvious -or should be- there is no free lunch! Everything worth having takes hard work, brains and determination. That lesson lies at the foundation of all Conservative thought. There is absolutely no possible argument anyone could make to the contrary. Building a bridge, a building or a monument begins with the laying of the very first brick and continues on, stone by stone layer by layer cable by cable, until years later it is finished. Building the successful life begins with the first book, the first test and the first job. No one can make anyone into a worthwhile human being by giving him things- It is 'only' through "earning" those things that one can be successful. Knowledge does not come in a can!

A Conservative’s Manifesto

Book Description

A Conservative’s Manifesto offers a description of the principles of modern conservatism. The present political climate is one of a big and growing government that increasingly asserts its right, its obligation, to control in increasing detail the decisions of ordinary Americans. It is necessary to discuss these conservative principles in an effort to focus our thoughts as we struggle to regain control over our lives and to rein in that overbearing government. The lays out, in so many words, a set of (modern) Conservative principles that are tied back to the 18th Century Liberal principles of our nation’s Founders.

A Conservative's Manifesto

Book Description

A Conservative's Manifesto offers a description of the principles of modern conservatism. The present political climate is one of a big and growing government that increasingly asserts its right, its obligation, to control in increasing detail the decisions of ordinary Americans. It is necessary to discuss these conservative principles in an effort to focus our thoughts as we struggle to regain control over our lives and to rein in that overbearing government. The lays out, in so many words, a set of (modern) Conservative principles that are tied back to the 18th Century Liberal principles of our nation's Founders.

Summary: Liberty and Tyranny

Book Description

The must-read summary of Mark R. Levin's book: “Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto”. This complete summary of "Liberty and Tyranny" by Mark R. Levin, a renowned American lawyer and author, presents his argument in a manifesto for the conservative movement for the 21st century that it is time to revitalize the conservative vision in order to preserve American society. Added-value of this summary: • Save time • Understand conservatism and liberalism in the context of American society • Expand your knowledge of American politics and culture To learn more, read "Liberty and Tyranny" and discover Levin's view that conservatism is necessary to the preservation of American society.

The Reagan Manifesto

Book Description

This book examines how Ronald Reagan’s electrifying 1964 televised speech, “A Time For Choosing,” ignited the conservative movement within the GOP. Ronald Reagan’s televised speech, or what many conservatives today simply call “The Speech,” was a call for action, telling Americans that now was “A Time for Choosing.” “The Speech” catapulted Reagan into national politics, the California governorship, and ultimately the presidency. The themes of the speech, including anti-Communism, strong national defense, and the need to protect the average American from taxes and bureaucracy, ignited the conservative movement in the GOP, resulting over time in the sidelining of the more liberal, establishment wing of the Republican Party. The contributors in this edited volume show how Ronald Reagan’s “coming out” speech on the national stage helped set the political agenda for the next three decades.

The Conservative Manifesto 1987

Book Description

Give Us Liberty

Book Description

Give Us Liberty is written for every American who is ready to stand up to the federal government’s unprecedented power, spending, and intrusion on personal freedom. As millions are realizing, our country’s future has been dangerously compromised as the national debt spirals out of sight to pay for a litany of irresponsible federal policies: “Obamacare,” Wall Street sweetheart deals, liberals’ pet social programs, Congressional pork, foreign aid, and new military adventures. Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe–economists and influential supporters of Tea Party activists and candidates across the country–explain what’s at stake, why limited government is the answer to our crisis, and how we can renew American prosperity by studying the lessons of the revolutionary era. This paperback edition also features a new foreword by Glenn Beck.