The Quick and Easy Guide to Word Processing with the IBM PC

Book Description

Explains what features to look for in a word processing program, and evaluates twenty-eight programs and their features

Word Processing Software for the IBM PC

Book Description

Discusses the Problems & Advantages of Using Personal Computers for Business Word Processing, & Reviews Fifteen IBM PC Compatible Word Processing Programs

Selecting the Right Word Processing Software for the IBM PC

Book Description

Reviews Software Packages for Business Professionals in a Format Organized for Quick Reference

Word for Word

Book Description

Covers the Fundamentals of Word Processing & Examines the Major Packages Available for the IBM-PC & PC Compatibles

Word Processing on the IBM PC

Book Description

Teaches User to Configure PC Systems for Word Processing, Enumerates the Advantages & Disadvantages of IBM-PC Hardware, & Looks at 15 Word Processing Software Packages for the PC