Very-high-energy Gamma-ray Observations of Pulsar Wind Nebulae and Cataclysmic Variable Stars with MAGIC and Development of Trigger Systems for IACTs

Book Description

This thesis is a comprehensive work that addresses many of the open questions currently being discusssed in the very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray community. It presents a detailed description of the MAGIC telescope together with a glimpse of the future Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). One section is devoted to the design, development and characterization of trigger systems for current and future imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. The book also features a state-of-the-art description of pulsar wind nebula (PWN) systems, the study of the multi-TeV spectrum of the Crab nebula, as well as the discovery of VHE gamma rays at the multiwavelength PWN 3C 58, which were sought at these wavelengths for more than twenty years. It also includes the contextualization of this discovery amongst the current population of VHE gamma-ray PWNe. Cataclysmic variable stars represent a new source of gamma ray energies, and are also addressed here. In closing, the thesis reports on the systematic search for VHE gamma-ray emissions of AE Aquarii in a multiwavelength context and the search for VHE gamma-ray variability of novae during outbursts at different wavelengths.

Revealing the Most Energetic Light from Pulsars and Their Nebulae

Book Description

This book reports on the extraordinary observation of TeV gamma rays from the Crab Pulsar, the most energetic light ever detected from this type of object. It presents detailed information on the painstaking analysis of the unprecedentedly large dataset from the MAGIC telescopes, and comprehensively discusses the implications of pulsed TeV gamma rays for state-of-the-art pulsar emission models. Using these results, the book subsequently explores new testing methodologies for Lorentz Invariance Violation, in terms of a wavelength-dependent speed of light. The book also covers an updated search for Very-High-Energy (VHE), >100 GeV, emissions from millisecond pulsars using the Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi satellite, as well as a study on the promising Pulsar Wind Nebula candidate PSR J0631. The observation of VHE gamma rays is essential to studying the non-thermal sources of radiation in our Universe. Rotating neutron stars, also known as pulsars, are an extreme source class known to emit VHE gamma rays. However, to date only two pulsars have been detected with emissions above 100 GeV, and our understanding of their emission mechanism is still lacking.

The Search For Pulsar Wind Nebulae in the Very High Energy Gamma-ray Regime

Book Description

The aim of this Thesis is to study the development of pulsar wind nebulae in the TeV regime and in doing so uncover more sources which have as yet not been observed at these wavelengths. It is found that the extent of pulsar wind nebula in the TeV gamma-ray increases with its age while no developmental relationship is seen concerning the luminosity or spectral index of the nebulae when observed in the TeV gamma-ray regime due to uncertainties in the measurements available. TeV gamma-ray upper limits are calculated for several nebulae observed in the X-ray regime allowing the strength of their magnetic fields to be constrained but only one new source, which was previously confused with its companion, was discovered, the Eel Nebula. Predictions of the fluxes of many of the sources for which upper limits are derived in this work have been calculated from observations of their emission in X-rays and some of these sources should be uncovered with the next generation CTA instrument.