A Directory of Primary Wood-using Industries in Saskatchewan, 1985

Book Description

The forest industry in Saskatchewan was surveyed, in the fall of 1985, by personal interviews with owners/managers of each operations. This directory gives a summary, for each operation, of mill locations, ownership, capacity, production, employment, wood supply, products, markets equipment, and factors limiting present operations and expansion. Sawmill, planning mills, woodtreating plants, building timber plants, and pulp, waferboard and plywood mills are grouped by industry type, size of operation, and forest region.

Saskatchewan's Forest Industry, 1985

Book Description

Directory of Primary Wood-using Industries in Saskatchewan 1999

Book Description

Primary wood-using industries in Saskatchewan were surveyed by telephone in 1999. This directory gives a summary for each operation. Information is provided on mill production, products, wood supply, species utilized, employment generated, and markets. Sawmills, wood treating plants, log home builders, commercial fuel-wood producers and the pulp, paper, oriented strandboard, and plywood mills are grouped by industry type, size of operation, and ecoregion.

Information Report

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