
Book Description

Abstract: "TreadMarks is a distributed shared memory (DSM) system for standard Unix systems such as SunOS and Ultrix. This paper presents a performance evaluation of TreadMarks running on Ultrix using DECstation- 5000/240's that are connected by a 100-Mbps switch-based ATM LAN and a 10- Mbps Ethernet. Our objective is to determine the efficiency of a user- level DSM implementation on commercially available workstations and operating systems. We achieved good speedups on the 8-processor ATM network for Jacobi (7.4), TSP (7.2), Quicksort (6.3), and ILINK (5.7). For a slightly modified version of Water from the SPLASH benchmark suite, we achieved only moderate speedups (4.0) due to the high communication and synchronization rate. Speedups decline on the 10-Mbps Ethernet (5.5 for Jacobi, 6.5 for TSP, 4.2 for Quicksort, 5.1 for ILINK, and 2.1 for Water), reflecting the bandwidth limitations of the Ethernet. These results support the contention that, with suitable networking technology, DSM is a viable technique for parallel computation on clusters of workstations. To achieve these speedups, TreadMarks goes to great lengths to reduce the amount of communication performed to maintain memory consistency. It uses a lazy implementation of release consistency, and it allows multiple concurrent writers to modify a page, reducing the impact of false sharing. Great care was taken to minimize communication overhead. In particular, on the ATM network, we used a standard low-level protocol, AAL3/4, bypassing the TCP/IP protocol stack. Unix communication overhead, however, remains the main obstacle in the way of better performance for programs like Water. Compared to the Unix communication overhead, memory management cost (both kernel and user level) is small and wire time is negligible."

Distributed Shared Memory

Book Description

The papers present in this text survey both distributed shared memory (DSM) efforts and commercial DSM systems. The book discusses relevant issues that make the concept of DSM one of the most attractive approaches for building large-scale, high-performance multiprocessor systems. The authors provide a general introduction to the DSM field as well as a broad survey of the basic DSM concepts, mechanisms, design issues, and systems. The book concentrates on basic DSM algorithms, their enhancements, and their performance evaluation. In addition, it details implementations that employ DSM solutions at the software and the hardware level. This guide is a research and development reference that provides state-of-the art information that will be useful to architects, designers, and programmers of DSM systems.

Consistent Distributed Storage

Book Description

Providing a shared memory abstraction in distributed systems is a powerful tool that can simplify the design and implementation of software systems for networked platforms. This enables the system designers to work with abstract readable and writable objects without the need to deal with the complexity and dynamism of the underlying platform. The key property of shared memory implementations is the consistency guarantee that it provides under concurrent access to the shared objects. The most intuitive memory consistency model is atomicity because of its equivalence with a memory system where accesses occur serially, one at a time. Emulations of shared atomic memory in distributed systems is an active area of research and development. The problem proves to be challenging, and especially so in distributed message passing settings with unreliable components, as is often the case in networked systems. We present several approaches to implementing shared memory services with the help of replication on top of message-passing distributed platforms subject to a variety of perturbations in the computing medium.

Implementing Fine-grain Distributed Shared Memory on Commodity SMP Workstations

Book Description

Abstract: "This paper reports our experience implementing the Blizzard fine-grain distributed shared memory system on a network of unmodified dual-processor workstations running a commercial operating system. The paper describes and measures: three fine-grain access control mechanisms (optimized software, commodity hardware, and custom hardware); a low-latency, user-level communication layer; kernel support in a commercial operating system; and techniques to exploit multiprocessor (SMP) nodes. The results show that a network of workstations can effectively support fine-grain shared memory, but that high performance requires either custom network hardware or custom coherence protocols."

Shared Memory on Distributed Architectures (SODA).

Book Description

Aims to develop a distributed virtual shared memory (DVSM) environment for a network of UNIX-based workstations and the CS-2. Reveals that the Shared Memory on Distributed Architectures (SODA) project is led by Meiko Scientific together with Telmat, SICS, GMD and ONERA. The shared memory programming model can be used for direct application porting and as a target for parallelizing compilers.

Distributed Computing

Book Description

This book is designed and written for under graduate and post graduate students. It can equally be used for self-study. We take a top-down approach, addressing the issues to be resolved in the design of distributed systems and describing successful approaches in the form of abstract models, algorithms and detailed case studies of widely used systems. We cover the field in sufficient depth and breadth to enable readers to go on to study most research papers in the literature on distributed computing. The book aims to provide an understanding of the principles on which the distributed computing are based; their architecture, algorithms and design; and how it meets the demands of contemporary distributed applications. We begin with a set of nine chapters that together cover the building blocks for a study of distributed systems. The first two chapters provide a conceptual overview of the subject, outlining the characteristics of distributed systems and the challenges that must be addressed in their design: scalability, heterogeneity, security and failure handling being the most significant. These chapters also develop abstract models for understanding process interaction, failure and security. They are followed by other foundational chapters devoted to the study of networking, interprocess communication, remote invocation, indirect communication and operating system support.