A Doctor's Memoir of the Romanian Holocaust

Book Description

"Based on detailed notes taken during a doctor's incarceration in the concentration camps and ghettos of Romanian-ruled Transnistria during the Holocaust, this memoir tells a gripping story of calculated murder, resistance, and survival. In the aftermath of the Romanian Holocaust, Transnistria, a little-known region north of Odessa, between the Dniester and Bug rivers, came to be known as "the forgotten cemetery." Between 1941 and 1944, an estimated 300,000 Jews were killed or died there from starvation and disease. This memoir by Dr. Arthur Kessler, based on daily notes he kept as a physician during his two-year imprisonment in Transnistria's Vapniarka concentration camp and Olgopol ghetto, provides a unique perspective of a Jewish medical doctor who witnessed murderous death as well as brave acts of resistance and survival. Introduced and annotated by historian Leo Spitzer and translated from German by the late Margaret Robinson, Dr. Kessler's memoir provides an engrossing account of his infamous discovery that Vapniarka's Romanian authorities routinely, and it seems knowingly, fed camp inmates a daily soup containing toxic chickling peas (Lathyrus sativus) that induced paralysis, kidney failure, and oftentimes death. It reveals the daring by which he, together with fellow inmate medical associates, saved hundreds of lives by organizing a hunger strike that resulted in the camp's dissolution and the prisoners' relocation to ghettos throughout Transnistria. Kessler's narrative continues with an account of privileges attainable by deportees with useful skills and provides illuminating details about informal systems and practices that enabled many to survive and to provide care to fellow victims of genocidal persecution. The memoir is illustrated with moving drawings produced by prisoners in the Vapniarka concentration camp and presented to Dr. Kessler in recognition of his brave work of healing"--

Jagendorf's Foundry

Book Description

"Let us take advantage of this historic moment and cleanse the soil of Romania ..." These words began the Romanian Holocaust in 1941. Deported Jews were expected to perish. So it might have been for the thousands sent to the German-occupied Soviet territory of Moghilev, were it not for the intervention of a Jewish engineer, 56-year-old Siegfried Jagendorf, who was among the deportees. This book tells the incredible story, left untold for fifty years, of a sabotaged and abandoned ironworks that became the instrument of salvation for 15,000 Romanian Jews. - Jacket flap.

I was a Doctor in Auschwitz

Book Description

Gisella Perl's memoir is an extraordinarily candid account of women's extreme efforts to survive Auschwitz. It was the first memoir by a woman survivor and established the model for understanding the gendered Nazi policies and practices targeting Jewish women as racially poisonous.

A Physician Under the Nazis

Book Description

This memoir focuses on Henry Glenwick's experiences as a physician in Russian-occupied Ukraine after the outbreak of World War II, his return to the Warsaw ghetto, and his subsequent journey through labor and concentration camps in Poland and Germany, providing rarely-heard perspective on the Holocaust.

Resisting the Storm

Book Description

The memoirs of the former Chief Rabbi of Rumanian Jewry during his community's most tragic years.

No One Awaiting Me

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Once a Doctor, Always a Doctor

Book Description

Heinz Hartmann, a young, ambitious medical student, had fulfilled all the requirements for his degree in medicine except one - Aryan descent. As a Jew in the Germany of the 1930's, Hartmann saw his professors flee the country or be shipped off to concentration camps, Jewish-owned stores and homes looted and vandalized, and musicians forbidden to play music by Jewish composers. Because Hartmann was not allowed to graduate from a German medical school, he earned his M.D. degree at the University of Berne in Switzerland. But he later returned to Germany to marry Herta, a young nurse. Two weeks after the wedding, Hartmann and scores of other Jewish men were rounded up, loaded on to trains, and sent to Buchenwald. Hartmann was one of the more fortunate prisoners of the Nazis. In 1939, he was released from the camp and undertook the complicated, expensive, and dangerous procedures necessary to free his wife and himself from Germany to go to the United States. He then began his long and distinguished career as a general practitioner and his unending search for the meaning of Judaism. In Once A Doctor, Always a Doctor, the author tells of the struggles, tragedies, and joys of his life with a spirit of innocence and good heartedness. His narrative is filled with poignant, sometimes simple, often warm and funny stories about his early medical practice, his family life, the similarities and differences he has discovered between various religions, and the "missionaries" who have tried to convert him. Once A Doctor, Always a Doctor enlightens, delights, and inspires. It is the story of a sensitive, compassionate man - a doctor who has spent his life caring for the sick and healing the scars left by the Nazis.

The Doctor and the Damned

Book Description

A doctor practicing in France during World War II describes his work with the French Resistance, his capture by the Nazis, his experiences in the concentration camps, and the attempts to save his fellow prisoners.

I Am the Storm

Book Description

Morrell Avram, born in Bucharest, could have easily become one of the 200,000 Romanian Jews killed by the German Nazis or their Romanian allies. I AM THE STORM is the riveting true story of how he survived—and later triumphed as a pioneering doctor—through a combination of grit and persistence. At age 11, Avram was separated from his mother and baby sister because the US Embassy would only allow them to immigrate on the condition that they leave Morrell and his father behind. What the family hoped would be a brief separation became six terrifying years. Amid the horrors of the war, Morrell had to fend mostly for himself, shuttling from relative to relative, hiding place to hiding place. Among his close calls: He longed to buy a ticket on the Struma, a ship taking Jewish refugees from Romania to Palestine, that was torpedoed and sank along with many of his friends. He walked into his bar mitzvah ceremony with dozens of Nazi soldiers stationed outside the synagogue. He was strafed and nearly killed by an American warplane. Upon finally escaping Romania and reuniting with his mother and sister, Avram faced a host of new challenges in New York. After getting through high school with minimal English, he was thrilled to get into college but found it impossible to juggle classes while working to help support his family. By age 21, it looked as if his dream of becoming a doctor was doomed. But relief came from an unlikely source—a draft notice from the US Army, which transformed him from an anxious “subway rat” into a focused soldier, driven by the words of his drill sergeant: “You are the storm! You are invincible!” Avram’s unlikely journey continued as a med student in Brussels and Geneva, as a young doctor in Brooklyn, and as one of the leaders of the new field of nephrology. He became a pathbreaking specialist in dialysis and kidney transplants, saving tens of thousands of patients personally and millions more through treatments he helped devise.

Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account

Book Description

When the Nazis invaded Hungary in 1944, they sent virtually the entire Jewish population to Auschwitz. A Hungarian Jew and a medical doctor, Dr. Miklos Nyiszli was spared from death for a grimmer fate: to perform "scientific research" on his fellow inmates under the supervision of the infamous "Angel of Death": Dr. Josef Mengele. Nyiszli was named Mengele's personal research pathologist. Miraculously, he survived to give this terrifying and sobering account of the terror of Auschwitz. This new Penguin Modern Classics edition contains an introduction by Richard Evans.