A Educação Física e o Esporte no Contexto Escolar

Book Description

Na obra discute-se questões presentes nas relações entre a Educação Física e o esporte no contexto escolar, considerando os aspectos educacionais, focando o esporte enquanto fenômeno social e multicultural, bem como sua repercussão na sociedade e na escola. Aborda-se sobre a crise da Educação Física identificando-a com um contexto maior; discute-se sobre as possibilidades de educação, evidenciando a escola como principal instituição formal. Destaca-se o esporte como elemento de educação em algumas instituições não formais, apontando-se as limitações para seu desenvolvimento. Buscam-se subsídios para discutir e relacionar Educação Física e esporte, apontam-se fatos históricos que indicam diferenças na sua escolarização. Destaca-se o esporte como conteúdo predominante da Educação Física escolar, evidenciando-se as formas "pedagógicas" opostas efetivadas pelo professor. Apontam-se os pressupostos, avanços e retrocessos, da legislação e dos documentos oficiais que permeiam a Educação Física escolar. Destacam-se aspectos da legislação esportiva sobre o esporte no contexto escolar; evidenciam-se aspectos dos documentos oficiais, em nível nacional e no estado do Paraná, sobre a Educação Física escolar. Aborda-se o esporte como fenômeno social e multicultural, a partir do âmbito escolar, considerando suas manifestações, relacionando-as com a Educação Física escolar. Evidenciam-se questões, controvérsias e possibilidades que delineiam as interfaces do esporte na escola. Aborda-se sobre as concepções e possibilidades para o desenvolvimento da Educação Física escolar, a partir das relações entre esporte e mídia. Considera-se o cotidiano, questões e possibilidades da Educação Física escolar, a partir da necessidade do repensar do corpo e da democratização no ensino do esporte na escola. Evidencia-se a escola pública como o espaço democrático para a prática e a vivência do esporte nas aulas de Educação Física e treinamentos esportivos. Destaca-se a necessidade de uma abordagem pedagógica do esporte que inclua todos os alunos. Evidencia-se a necessidade de desenvolver o esporte na escola de forma ampla, significativa, democrática e prazerosa, considerando suas finalidades educativas e possibilidades de contribuir para a formação integral dos escolares. A obra destina-se, principalmente, aos profissionais e acadêmicos de Educação Física, e aos educadores, que visam ampliar o entendimento sobre a Educação Física e o esporte no contexto escolar e de formação de professores.

Book Description

A Political Sociology of Educational Knowledge

Book Description

Bringing together the sociology of knowledge, cultural studies, and post-foundational and historical approaches, this book asks what schooling does, and what are its limits and dangers. The focus is on how the systems of reason that govern schooling embody historically generated rules and standards about what is talked about, thought, and acted on; about the "nature" of children; about the practices and paradoxes of educational reform. These systems of reason are examined to consider issues of power, the political, and social exclusion. The transnational perspectives interrelate historical and ethnographic studies of the modern school to explore how curriculum is translated through social and cognitive psychologies that make up the subjects of schooling, and how educational sciences "act" to order and divide what is deemed possible to think and do. The central argument is that taken-for-granted notions of educational change and research paradoxically produce differences that simultaneously include and exclude.

Routledge Handbook of Sport, Leisure, and Social Justice

Book Description

This is the first book to explore in breadth and in depth the complex intersections between sport, leisure, and social justice. This book examines the relations of power that produce social inequalities and considers how sport and leisure spaces can perpetuate those relations, or act as sites of resistance, and makes a powerful call for an activist scholarship in sport and leisure studies. Presenting original theoretical and empirical work by leading international researchers and practitioners in sport and leisure, this book addresses the central social issues that lie at the heart of critical social science – including racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, religious persecution, socio-economic deprivation, and the climate crisis – and asks how these issues are expressed or mediated in the context of sport and leisure practices. Covering an incredibly diverse range of topics and cases – including sex testing in sport; sport for refugees; pedagogical practices in physical education; community sport development; events and human rights; and athlete activism – this book also surveys the history of sport and social justice research, as well as outlining theoretical and methodological foundations for this field of enquiry. The Routledge Handbook of Sport, Leisure and Social Justice is an indispensable resource for any advanced student, researcher, policymaker, practitioner, or activist with an interest in the sociology, culture, politics, history, development, governance, media and marketing, and business and management of sport and leisure.

Sport, Identity and Community

Book Description

This volume was first published by Inter-Disciplinary Press in 2016. Sport is multi-billion dollar business. Sport is a kick around in the park. Sport is high (and low) politics. Sport is said to shape admirable personal qualities. Sport is said to embed the worst of white male heterosexual able-bodied privilege. Sport is said to break down social barriers. Sport is said to entrench a narrow nationalism. The list of what sport is said to be can be extended almost ad infinitum. This e-book attempts to make sense of some of the multiplicity of the ‘things’ that sport can be, mean and do. The papers in this volume explore the diversity of sport, providing insights from a wealth of perspectives into this ubiquitous cultural practice. The e-book will appeal to students, practitioners and readers who want to gain a fuller understanding of the games we watch and play.

Routledge Handbook of the Global South in Sport for Development and Peace

Book Description

This book explores the field of Sport for Development and Peace (SDP), putting Global South voices and perspectives at the centre of the analysis. Covering a wide range of thematic and methodological areas that inform existing and emerging discourses in SDP, it represents an unparalleled resource for researchers and practitioners working in this area. Arranged into geographical sections covering Africa, Asia, South America, North America and Oceania, the book presents original research in Global South countries or by Global South researchers and practitioners, sometimes in collaboration with colleagues from the Global North. It highlights practices and theories created, developed, interpreted and reinterpreted by people who belong to the communities where these sporting experiences have been taking place, and whose critical reflections and experiences have yet to gain attention in international academic and practitioner communities in the English language. The book presents the views of diverse stakeholders, programme participants, promoters, coaching staff, volunteers, researchers, teachers, lecturers and other actors that have been difficult to access for researchers who do not usually speak languages other than English. A landmark publication in the field of SDP, this book is essential reading for any advanced student, research, practitioner or policy-maker with an interest in the value of sport in international development.

eSports Yearbook 2015/16

Book Description

This year's issue contains several articles about eSports. This time there are more research articles included. The topics range from research about eSports spectatorship, the informal roles in Counter-Strike Teams, a potential reverse gamification effect, the chances of eSports being an Olympic discipline, the connection between League of Legend teams and the owning corporations, the ergonomics in eSports and the health perception of gamers, to the potential shift in FPS games. The book is a statement: eSports is not only booming in the business context but increasingly gains attention in research as well.

Book Description

Handbook of Research on Using Motor Games in Teaching and Learning Strategy

Book Description

Motor games are incredibly useful in enhancing education and developing critical skills; they can entertain, produce pleasant emotions, improve moods, and increase the level of relationships. Motor games allow social, emotional, and cognitive development as well as the acquisition of motor skills such as knowledge and mastery of body, postural control and adjustment, and improvement of coordination. However, it is essential to select the appropriate game for each context to achieve the desired learning in all students. Further research on the opportunities, challenges, and future directions of motor games in education is necessary to successfully implement them. The Handbook of Research on Using Motor Games in Teaching and Learning Strategy presents significant advances in motor game education and collects research evidence that uncovers the certainties and testifies to the educational power of motor games in various situations and specific contexts that promote the learning of participants. Covering topics such as emotional physical education and educational mediation, this major reference work is ideal for researchers, academicians, educators, practitioners, and students.