Weight-Loss and Cellulite Control

Book Description

Over 65% of Americans now use some form of alternative health care, from vitamins to massage therapy to herbal supplements. These succint, inexpensive Healthy Healing Library booklets by Linda Rector-Page, N.D., Ph.D. help people make informed choices.

Weight Loss and Cellulite Control

Book Description

Over 65% of Americans now use some form of alternative health care, from vitamins to massage therapy to herbal supplements. These succint, inexpensive Healthy Healing Library booklets by Linda Rector-Page, N.D., Ph.D. help people make informed choices.

Revealing the Secrets of Anti-Aging

Book Description

Are you ageing faster than you want to? Learn which lifestyle factors affect ageing the most. Start a new anti-ageing life-style approach and take control of the ageing process with information and action! Diets and healing programmes that include herbs, superfoods, supplements, and body work.

Menopause and Osteoporosis

Book Description

Linda Page has been saying it for years: Good food is good medicine. Now, in her new revolutionary cookbook set, she presents the latest information about the problems with today's food supply and shows how to use food as medicine, for healing, and for wellness.

Renewing Female Balance

Book Description

Women can have a great deal of confidence that herbal therapy will work for them. Topics in this book include: PMS, yeast infections, water retention, fatigue, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Ovarian cysts, Vaginal yeast infections, and STDs.

Fatigue Syndromes

Book Description

What are Fatigue Syndromes and what causes them? Learn more about how the immune system works. Learn about Candidiasis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Mononucleosis, Lupus, Environmental Illness and Chemical sensitivity in this fact-filled helpful booklet. There are even diets and healing programmes!


Book Description

In this edition of Dr. Linda Page's Healthy Healing Guide To Sexuality, Dr. Page brings forth the very latest information about alternative treatments and natural therapies. This book is a must for every natural healing library.


Book Description

The very latest information about cancers, alternative treatments, and natural therapies. A must for every natural healing library. From a Certified Doctor of Naturopathy and PhD. who has been working in nutrition and herbal medicine since the earlier seventies. Contents include New Facts About Cancer Causes, Is Cancer Preventable, Can Herbal Medicines Fight Cancer, and Programs for Specific Types of Cancer.

Colds, Flu and You

Book Description

Colds and flu respond to different treatments. This book includes a symptom chart, natural therapies and a section devoted to information about building your immune response. Diets and healing programmes for Colds, Flu, Bronchitis, Bacterial Pneumonia, Viral Pneumonia, Sinusitis.