A Grammar of Epic Sanskrit

Book Description

Die beiden großen Epen des (alten) Indiens, das Mahabharata und das Ramayana, sind in einer Sprache verfasst, die sich in vielen Einzelheiten von der Hochsprache des sog. klassischen Sanskrit unterscheidet. Bei der immensen Bedeutung, die beide Texte bis zum heutigen Tag in Indien und darüber hinaus besitzen, wurde das Fehlen einer Grammatik, in der möglichst alle Eigenarten des epischen Sanskrit beschrieben sind, immer schmerzlich beklagt. Die Grammar of Epic Sanskrit soll nun diese Lücke schließen.

A Grammar of Epic Sanskrit

Book Description

The two great epics of (old) India, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, are written in a language, which differs from so-called classical Sanskrit in many details. Both texts still are of an enormous importance in India and other countries. Because of this, a grammar describing all the different characteristics of epic Sanskrit has been missed until now. The Grammar of Epic Sanskrit will now close this gap.

A Sanskrit Grammar for Students

Book Description

This paperback edition of the 1927 text supplies a complete account of classical sanskrit, the literary language of ancient India. After a brief history of sanskrit grammar and a chart of the Devanagari letters, Macdonell, former Boden Professor of Sanskrit at Oxford University provides chapters on alphabet, declension, conjugation, indeclinable words, nominal stem formation, and syntax.

Sanskrit Grammar

Book Description

Sanskrit Grammar - Including both the Classical Language, and the Older Dialects, of Veda and Brahmana, 2nd ed By The late William Dwight Whitney was Professor of Sanskrit at Yale University, Knight of the Prussian Orden Pour le Mérite, Corresponding Member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres of the Institute of France, etc., and Editor-in-Chief of The Century Dictionary: An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language.

Sanskrit Grammar

Book Description

This Sanskrit Grammar is on a somewhat different plan from those already in use. It presents the facts of the language primarily as they show themselves in use in literature and only secondarily as they are laid down by the native grammarians. It also includes in the presentation the forms and constructions of the older language as exhibited in the Vedas the Brahmanas the Epics and the Puranas. The author has cast all statements classifications, etc; into a form consistent with the teachings of linguistic science. With the practical needs of the students of the language in mind different sizes of type have been used to make the work very useful to the reader whose object is to acquire a knowledge of classical Sanskrit. Historical treatment of the facts of the language has also been made.