A Guide to the NHS

Book Description

To maximise the effectiveness of their work, NHS employees need a clear understanding of the structures and systems of the organisation in which they work. However, this information can be widely spread, hard to access and difficult to gain a working overview of, and the pace of changes and initiatives can seem almost dizzying. This book draws together a clear picture of the modern NHS, from funding and governance to reports, inquiries and overarching legislation. The book is clear and easy to understand and crucially includes full references to provide a one-stop point of access to the most detailed and up-to-date information available. This book is essential reading for workers in the NHS at all levels, including managers, administrators and clinical professionals. It is vital reading for managers and staff at commercial companies working with the NHS. It will also be of interest to campaigners, patient interest groups, researchers and journalists with an interest in the NHS. Specialty registrars and consultants can also find the information from the book, and much more, in The Doctor's Handbook Parts 1 & 2, by the same author. 'Rather than long narrative histories or complex explanations, the author signposts readers to sources of further information, making this book the quick guide so many of us need' - from the Foreword by Sir Ian Carruthers

NHS Please Don't Kill Me!

Book Description

When you need the NHS, how can you make sure you get the best possible care? Have you ever thought about what you could do to influence and improve the quality of care you receive when using the NHS? Or do you just turn up hoping that the healthcare professional in front of you diagnoses and treats you accurately and in your best interests? Have you ever walked away from an appointment none the wiser, disappointed, confused or angry? Or worse – have you been mis-diagnosed or had unnecessary treatment? The NHS is something we all rely on. We hope that it will deliver the best possible service when we or our loved ones fall ill. It is regarded as a shining example and world leader in healthcare provision, but, in recent years, its reputation has been severely tarnished. Successive scandals have revealed shocking levels of care, harm, neglect, cover-ups and unnecessary deaths. If these multiple revelations have taught us anything it is that we have to be prepared - and able - to take personal responsibility to influence the quality of care we receive. Either we enable ourselves to rise to this challenge or risk becoming another unfortunate statistic. NHS Please Don't Kill Me! is a guide to help you receive the best possible care. By outlining the prevalent cultural and behavioural issues, it provides readers with essential skills and ideas that could reduce error and potentially save lives. It is an honest, transparent and factual book that reflects the real experiences of many people, including the authors.

The NHS Experience

Book Description

The NHS Experience is an accessible and engaging guide for all those journeying through the NHS, whether as patients, carers or professionals. It draws on the experience of staff and families at Great Ormond Street Hospital to provide good practice guidance for both users and providers of health care. Based on the successful Snakes and Ladders drama programme developed at Great Ormond Street Hospital, this unique book uses the story of Daniel, a fictional child with the life-limiting disease cystic fibrosis, to provide insight into the enormous challenges faced by patients, their families and the professionals involved in their care. Asking difficult questions about how we can improve the NHS experience for everyone at the front line, Daniel’s story builds on information from a wealth of sources to highlight: the practical, ethical, resource and financial dilemmas integral to the NHS the vital issues around communication, trust, management of clinical errors, consent, shared decision-making and bereavement the realities of fragmented care, bed shortages, uncertain diagnoses, and complex and difficult treatment choices. This is a book that should be read by all healthcare professionals and everyone who uses the NHS.

The New NHS

Book Description


Book Description

An analysis of the transition from universal, publicly funded health care to New Labour s application of market principles: a national institution reaching crisis point and a key lesson for those concerned with health care everywhere.

Equity and excellence:

Book Description

Equity and Excellence : Liberating the NHS: Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Health by Command of Her Majesty

High Quality Care for All

Book Description

This review incorporates the views and visions of 2,000 clinicians and other health and social care professionals from every NHS region in England, and has been developed in discussion with patients, carers and the general public. The changes proposed are locally-led, patient-centred and clinically driven. Chapter 2 identifies the challenges facing the NHS in the 21st century: ever higher expectations; demand driven by demographics as people live longer; health in an age of information and connectivity; the changing nature of disease; advances in treatment; a changing health workplace. Chapter 3 outlines the proposals to deliver high quality care for patients and the public, with an emphasis on helping people to stay healthy, empowering patients, providing the most effective treatments, and keeping patients as safe as possible in healthcare environments. The importance of quality in all aspects of the NHS is reinforced in chapter 4, and must be understood from the perspective of the patient's safety, experience in care received and the effectiveness of that care. Best practice will be widely promoted, with a central role for the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in expanding national standards. This will bring clarity to the high standards expected and quality performance will be measured and published. The review outlines the need to put frontline staff in control of this drive for quality (chapter 5), with greater freedom to use their expertise and skill and decision-making to find innovative ways to improve care for patients. Clinical and managerial leadership skills at the local level need further development, and all levels of staff will receive support through education and training (chapter 6). The review recommends the introduction of an NHS Constitution (chapter 7). The final chapter sets out the means of implementation.