Sputnik to Smartphones

Book Description

This book describes the profound changes that occurred in the teaching of chemistry in western countries in the years immediately following the Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik, the first artificial Earth satellite, in 1957. With substantial government and private funding, chemistry educators introduced new curricula, developed programs to enhance the knowledge and skills of chemistry teachers, conceived of new models for managing chemistry education, and experimented with a plethora of materials for visualization of concepts and delivery of content. They also began to seriously study and apply findings from the behavioral sciences to the teaching and learning of chemistry. Now, many chemistry educators are contributing original research in the cognitive sciences that relates to chemistry education. While Sputnik seemed to signal the dawn of far-reaching effects that would take place in political, diplomatic, and strategic, as well as in educational spheres, the seeds of these changes were sown decades before, mainly through the insight and actions of one individual, Neil Gordon, who, virtually singlehandedly, launched the ACS Division of Chemical Education and the Journal of Chemical Education. These two institutions provided the impetus for the United States to eventually become the undisputed leader in chemistry education worldwide.

On Being Well-coordinated: A Half-century Of Research On Transition Metal Complexes

Book Description

This invaluable book distils the research accomplishments of Professor Fred Basolo during the five decades when he served as a world leader in the modern renaissance of inorganic chemistry. Its primary focus is on the very important area of chemistry known as coordination chemistry.Most of the elements in the periodic table are metals, and most of the chemistry of metals involves coordination chemistry. This is the case in the currently significant areas of research, including organometallic homogenous catalysis, biological reactions of metalloproteins, and even the solid state extended structures of new materials. In these systems, the metals are of primary importance because they are the sites of ligand substitution or redox reactions. In the solid materials, the coordination number of the metal and its stereochemistry are of major importance.Some fifty years of research on transition metal complexes carried out in the laboratory of Professor Basolo at Northwestern University is recorded here as selected scientific publications. The book is divided into three different major research areas, each dealing with some aspect of coordination chemistry. In each case, introductory remarks are presented which indicate what prompted the research projects and what the major accomplishments were. Although the research was of the academic, curiosity-driven type, some aspects have proven to be useful to others involved in projects that were much more applied in nature.

Chemistry in America 1876–1976

Book Description

This study is an outgrowth of our interest in the history of modern chemistry. The paucity of reliable, quantitative knowledge about past science was brought home forcibly to us when we undertook a research seminar in the comparative history of modern chemistry in Britain, Germany, and the United States. That seminar, which took place at the University of Pennsylvania in the spring of 1975, was paralleled by one devoted to the work of the "Annales School". The two seminars together catalyzed the attempt to construct historical measures of change in aspects of one science, or "chem ical indicators". The present volume displays our results. Perhaps our labors may be most usefully compared with the work of those students of medieval science who devote their best efforts to the establish ment of texts. Only when acceptable texts have been constructed from fragmentary and corrupt sources can scholars move on to the more satisfying business of making history. So too in the modern period, a necessary pre liminary to the full history of any scientific profession is the establishing of reliable quantitative information in the form of statistical series. This volume does not offer history. Instead it provides certain element- indicators -- that may be useful to individuals interested in the history of American chemistry and chemical industry, and suggestive for policy.