A Handbook for Wiccan Clergy

Book Description

This is THE handbook for Clergy of the Wiccan faith. Additionally, this work would also prove to be a great aid to all other Pagan paths. There is currently no other book of this sort on the market. With Handfasting, and funeral services, guided meditations and spiritual messages this book will be used again and again. A Handbook For Wiccan Clergy" is a valuable tool for all High Priests and High Priestesses of whatever tradition to have and utilize. Far from being a Wiccan 101, or "spell" book, this work is only intended for advanced practitioners. "A Handbook For Wiccan Clergy," continues to pull in rave reviews, HealingWolf of FaDraSha has said; "This is a "must have" book for more advanced witches. If you ever counsel others or act as high priest(ess), you'll want this great reference book." Edain McCoy has also read this work and has proclaimed it as "Wonderful" and It is well past time that a book of this type should be available. Serpent Stone said; "This book is a wonderful guide for both new and experienced Priests and Priestesses, and covers areas as varied as Rites of Passage, mythology (including techniques and rituals for connecting with the ideas, teaching and energies of the myth), meditations, personal growth and awareness, and pastoral counseling. All of these are areas that have been sadly lacking in any comprehensive volume before this, but which are essential to working effectively as clergy." And most recently from Marlevane's Book Reviews This book gets right down to business. Kevin (Temple of Ishtar) writes this book geared towards rituals for performing all rites of passages. No Wiccan Priest or Priestess should be without this book in their collections! This book is a real gem to the Pagan world and to all magickal practitioners."

The Wiccan Minister's Manual, a Guide for Priests and Priestesses

Book Description

"The Wiccan Minister's Manual, A Guide For Priests and Priestesses, " was inspired as a training aid for those who would like to become Wiccan Ministers, as well as an aid for Wiccan/Pagan Priests and Priestesses. The Craft is evolving, becoming more and more accepted by society, and there is beginning to be a definite distinction between Wiccan Laity and Wiccan Clergy. Part One - Guidance - Making the spiritual connection to personal deity through love, prayer, meditation, ritual, and myth and how to guide others to create their own personal connections. Part Two - Wiccan religious philosophy and guidance - How to live a spiritual life in the modern world. Part Three - various methods of healing mind, body and spirit - Including some legal pit-falls to avoid, plus chapter eleven presents an extensive discourse on Pastoral Counseling. Part Four deals with psychic self-defense and rituals of protection. Including House Clearings, Banishings, and Exorcism. Additionally, the author explains what to look for and what to look out for while determining if an exorcism is really needed or if the client is suffering from psychosis and is in need of a professional therapist. Part Five focuses upon the spiritual support roles. It covers, dealing with death and dying, Funerals, Prison Ministry, Legal requirements of doing Handfastings in all 50 states, plus a discourse on whether or not to incorporate. This work begins to fill yet another gap in this area of the Wiccan religious structure as it brings back much of the older knowledge and philosophy that seems to be waning from the collective Wiccan memory. Reviewed by Edain McCoy; "Kevin, I received my copy of "Wiccan Minister's Manual Its terrific! You cover everything... Personally, I think you did a great job at making your book useful to all trads."

The Pagan Clergy's Guide for Counseling, Crisis Intervention and Otherworld Transitions

Book Description

'Every new religious movement reaches a point where it matures into a true spiritual path. Occasionally a book comes along which marks that evolution from such a movement being inward looking to looking outwards to understand it's true purpose. The Pagan Clergys Guide... is one of those books. It marks the transition of Wicca into a Priesthood of service to the community and the divine. We can't speak more highly of this book. It is well written, well sourced and has gems of wisdom that only come from experience. We would recommend it to any practicing wiccan priestess/priest as an essential book for their shelf'. Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone RN. Authors: A Witches Bible, A Witches Goddess, Spells and How they Work, The Healing Craft and Progressive Witchcraft. "This well researched book is an easy read and an excellent reference for Pagan's involved in chaplaincy work." Kerr Cuhulain Author: Wiccan Warrior, Full Contact Magick and Magickal Self Defense This guide is indispensible for Pagan clergy, and will be referred to again and again and again for the wealth of counseling wisdom that is difficult to find anywhere else. From basic counseling skills through crisis intervention, marital and family counseling, grief and other transitional issues, Kevin is there to hold your hand, provide insights into behaviors and motivations, and guide you around the pitfalls and problems inherent in any counseling relationship. The unique aspects of counseling those with developing psychic or magickal abilities are handled with common sense and caution, helping the counselor to discriminate between psychic and psychotic, and to handle the effects of magickal workings. Long awaited and desperately needed, this little volume may well prove to be THE guide for Priests and Priestesses in any counseling role. Rhiannon, Wiccan Priestess, Co-founder of SerpentStone, Psychiatric Nurse, BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing), Master of Science in Counseling.

A Practical Guide to Pagan Priesthood

Book Description

Develop Your Skills and Talents for Effective Pagan Leadership Join Reverend Lora O'Brien as she explores the duties, responsibilities, challenges, and benefits of becoming a priestess or priest. Whether you are currently in a leadership position, are considering taking on such a role, or would like to be more informed about the Pagan priesthood, this book helps you learn about the practical skills required and provides ideas on how you can improve yours. There's a pressing need in the Pagan community for strong, aware, responsible, and accountable leaders. A Practical Guide to Pagan Priesthood provides a skill assessment so you can get a sense of your strengths and areas to work on. You will also discover the two primary categories of priestly duties—pastoral and sacerdotal—as well as insights into group leadership, teaching, crisis counseling, communicating with deity, devotion, healing, life rites, and community celebration. As Paganism continues to grow and new generations become leaders, this guide shares a practical picture of what the Pagan priesthood can be.

A Teaching Handbook for Wiccans and Pagans

Book Description

As the Pagan and Wiccan communities grow, so does the need for teachers, mentors, and role models. For those who want to share their knowledge, teaching can be a very empowering and spiritual experience. But practicing the Craft and teaching it are two very different things. In this timely guide, popular Wiccan author and teacher Thea Sabin presents clear techniques for creating a curriculum, including sample syllabi. She also provides instruction and guidance on crucial aspects of becoming an effective and inspiring teacher of Wicca and Paganism. Develop teaching methods for adult learners Manage group dynamics Give great presentations Find and screen students Set up online classes Cultivate patience and humility You will also find interviews and advice from several respected Pagan teachers, such as Patrick McCollum, Holli Emore of Cherry Hill Seminary, Christopher Penczak, and T. Thorn Coyle.

Awakening Spirit

Book Description

Finally making these long-awaited, transformational classes available to all, Awakening Spirit combines a deeply empowering, personalized experience with a formal curriculum that is balanced, comprehensive and challenging.

The Tangled Web of Wicca

Book Description

I am a Traditionalist. A Traditional Wiccan High Priestess Witch. I am not a person with an Ivy League education. Nor am I a scholar with 6 or 7 degrees! I do not speak any language other than English, a few choice Spanish words and some pig latin. I don't use big fancy words where you have to have a dictionary to read the book and I don't use long, complicated sentences that you have to read 16 times to understand what I'm saying. I'm not a professional writer and even if I were, I felt this book needed to be written where anyone could read it without any difficulty no matter the level of reading one does or how long they've been on the path of Wicca. Most people will agree there have been many books written on the subject of Wicca. So many of them it can become confusing and frustrating for the Novice because most books are simply bits and pieces of Wicca thrown together coupled with a person's personal opinion and experience. There are many important details left out. Details that are inclusive in most Traditional Wiccan training. Keep in mind there's only one way to receive full training and it does not come from a book or from the internet. This book is different than your average how to book on Wicca. There are no spells. It is not about magic. There are no instructions on how to cast a Circle or how to call the quarters. There's plenty of books out there on all of those subjects. If that is the kind of book you were expecting, I am happy to inform you that it is not. This is a book that explains a (seemingly) fast disappearing perspective regarding important protocol and important elements that are missing in today's practices within the religion of Wicca in our American Wiccan communities today. A perspective (believed by many) that should return. The book also points out some of our problems and issues in the Wiccan community that are going on here today in the United States. Problems and issues that have arose since the occurrence of Wicca's massive growth spurt and the booming book and internet industry that surrounds it! This book is written based on my training, experiences, knowledge and information that I have personally gained over the years from walking and living the life of a Wiccan Witch. There is information contained within this book that you normally would not hear or know about Wicca unless you had (or have) a teacher. Teacher meaning a Traditional Wiccan High Priestess or Priest Witch to help you along, to guide, direct and train you. The sole purpose of this book is to give you some of that information that you would not receive without training, without an experienced High Priestess or Priest to give it to you. Much of it is information that you will not find in books and is vital to Traditional Wiccan practice. Some which is basic Wiccan protocol that has been passed down orally and/or verbally through the generations, some since the beginning of Wicca and its oral Traditions in the United States. Oral and verbal protocol that was (and still is) being given to Novices in their beginner level training in some of the working Traditional Covensteads. My hope is that it will provide the reader/s with a fresh (yet certainly not new) look at Wicca and hopefully help guide them in the direction that's most beneficial for them. If you find it to be controversial for, remember this is a perspective coming from a Traditional Wiccan Witch who has been formally trained in a Tradition of Wicca in a Traditional Wiccan Coven. Either way, I hope anyone who reads it will get something from it even if its just a small something and that it will help in some way as you step onto the path of Wicca or onto the next crossroads of your journey in Wicca. Before you begin to read this book, please understand that I am not staking any claims that I am the Wiccan Guru or the Grand Poohbah of Wicca! I have never claimed such nor will I ever claim such ! So please do not take my words out of context or twist them in any way! I ask that you understand and know that my words are in no way conveying that a person is not legitimately Wiccan or not legitimately practicing Wicca if they don't do things the way I explain in this book or if they do not practice the way I do! It is not a book that says do it this way and no other or that my way is the only way or the best way. Not at all. The book was written for the reader/s to understand Wicca from a Traditional perspective and to come to their own conclusions about what to do (if anything) after reading it. Again, this is a book written from my own training and experiences and from the knowledge I have gathered over the years of walking this path. If you have questions about something that is stated in the book, please refer to the Facebook page that is set up for discussion of the book. I am sure some folks will go on with their usual way of doing things, regardless of what I have to say. And I wouldn't expect anything more or anything less. I do not wish to complicate things for anyone. I am in hopes it will answer some questions or rid the reader of any preconceived ideas or confusion she/he might have, maybe even eliminate some of the incorrect information you have come across during your seeking and/or walk in the path of Wicca thus far. If nothing else, maybe it will provoke thought on some new (yet not new) ideas. Not following any protocol, not having any criteria, not having or abiding by any rules of any kind is leaving a door wide open for Occult mayhem. In my own personal opinion I feel we're not far from it, if not already in mayhem. I feel it is time we make bigger changes. Changes that will help Wicca grow and prosper in a more positive way. It is a vision of mine to see changes taking place in the Wiccan community, changes that will bring the Traditional practices of Wicca back where they use to be and as a result bring a successful religion to the lands we live and to the path and religion that I care so much about. Wicca is not the be all or end all of Occult paths. Wicca is just one Occult path out of many that a person may learn or take. Learning as much as you can about as many of them as you can is always encouraged. But if you are interested in Wicca (in particular) and you live in the United States, it is wise to heed the advice of the older, trained and more experienced long term members of the Wiccan community who have practiced (paritcularly here) in the United States. Due to the the love and passion I have for Wicca, I have been called to write this book. I would like to thank every person who has been with me through this journey because all of you have contributed in my writing it. Both directly and indirectly. A thank you goes out to those of you who have purchased the book. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. **NOTE** ; If you do not agree with something I have stated in this book and wish to debate it, please be an adult about it and show your level of spiritual maturity by writing your own book in rebuttle to it. If you have something to say in defense or do not agree with something and do not wish to write a book in rebuttle, please refer to the discussion page on Facebook that has been set up so we can talk about it. The one thing that I ask is that you have enough respect for me to not stoop to personal verbal attacks, my training or my own personal experiences and perspectives just because you don't agree with me! I would be most grateful for that! Thanks! Happy Reading! Rain Dove

Dedicant, Devotee, Priest

Book Description

Build a Relationship with the Gods at Every Level of Devotion On any spiritual path, we seek a strong connection with the gods. But do you know how to truly develop a relationship with them? This book guides you in serving the divine on three meaningful levels that go beyond just petitioning the gods for magical or personal support. Dedicant, Devotee, Priest provides down-to-earth explanations of what it means to venerate a deity, how to know when one is trying to get your attention, and more. Stephanie Woodfield expertly guides you through three distinct paths: devotion (fostering a relationship), dedication (formalized agreement to serve a particular deity), and priesthood (facilitating others’ bond with the deity in addition to tending your own). This book serves as a road map for your own unique journey and even includes full rituals to help enrich your spirit and set the tone for the divine relationships that you desire.

The Wiccan Handbook

Book Description

Hidden within all of us is a special set of powers. Learning the tools of wicca and witchcraft unlocks those powers and opens the door on to a new world. This essential handbook is filled with everything you need to know in order to live in harmony with yourself and the natural world. It features detailed information on the most important elements of a modern-day wiccan way of life, including how to celebrate all the sabbats of the year, casting a sacred circle, writing and casting spells, essential everyday tools, and interpreting and understanding the four elements and their correspondences. You will also find advice on using the healing properties of herbs, trees, crystals, colours, numbers and astrological energies to empower and enhance your work. The Wiccan Handbook is an indispensable guide to embracing wicca and witchcraft in our modern world, bringing more meaning and significance to your everyday life. Contents Introduction Part 1: The Story of Witchcraft The Early Times Modern Witchcraft Part 2: Getting Started The Tools of the Trade Part 3: Practicing Witchcraft Magical Charms and Symbols The Witch's Calendar Casting a Sacred Circle The Witch's Way to Draw in Love Creating Abundance Creating Miracles

The Pagan Clergy Book of Rituals and Ceremonies

Book Description

This book has been created specifically for Pagan Clergy. It is in no way a beginner book. The rituals and ceremonies within these pages are intended to be used by trained and experienced, initiated Pagan Clergy only. Being Pagan Clergy is a life changing experience. To be responsible for the spiritual growth and development of the individuals within and without the sacred circle is a large and sometimes complicated responsibility. There are three main parts to being Pagan Clergy. Teaching others the knowledge they need to fully explore their own paths is only a third of the responsibility of Pagan Clergy. The spiritual counseling of others through the mundane problems of their lives that hinder their spiritual evolvement is another third of the responsibility. Although this is the main part of being Pagan Clergy, it is not all there is to the position. The "third" that will be addressed in this book is the leading of sacred rituals and ceremonies through the celebrations and sorrows life brings. There are many different types of rituals and ceremonies that Pagan Clergy would have a need to perform. From birth rites to death rites, Pagan Clergy needs to be available to handle any situation that the Lord and Lady bring to them at any time, often without much notice. Not all, but some Pagan Clergy are either not handy with the creation of these types of rituals, or there isn't time in their busy schedule to create them. There are not too many books on the market at this time, that simply address all of these needs for rituals and ceremonies. For that very reason, this book was created. The rituals and ceremonies in this book have been used with ease and success, when needed. These rituals and ceremonies are basic, and can be easily adapted to make them more specific in the event that the need arises. Most of these rituals and ceremonies are written for use with a coven, but it is not mandatory to have a coven, as all the rituals and ceremonies can be easily adapted. I hope you enjoy the collection of Pagan Clergy rituals and ceremonies put together in this book. May the Lord and Lady always shine their wisdom upon you! May our Pagan traditions continue to live through our children!